After all their glee about “hearing the American people” after the election, Dems seem to have a very short attention span. Or, just like your toddler, there is some significant ‘selective’ hearing going on.

In this instance, the demand by the American people for border/homeland security established by a border fence, may be completely scrapped.

Dem Congress may scrap border fence

The incoming U.S. Congress will review the law mandating 700 miles of fence along the U.S.-Mexico border, and may seek to scrap the plan altogether.

Rep. Bennie Thompson, D-Miss., told reporters this week that he expected to “re-visit” the issue when he becomes chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee in the 110th Congress, which has a Democratic Party majority…

“We might do away with it, or look at (integrating it into) SBI Net,” he said, “A virtual fence rather than a real one.”

This has some legs primarily because the president is on their side. This new Dem Congress and the president both need to be reminded that we are the ones they work for, not Mexico, not big business, or anyone else. Both parties have an interest in a new slave class–the Dems are starving for another perpetual victim group, and the Repubs want cheap labor. Both arguments degrade people and demean the American dream. We must never give up fighting for real, legitimate border security, the sort of which can only be brought by a physical wall.

In this day of terrorism, drug running, murder and increased chaos in Mexico, nothing less will do.

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7 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. robert108 says:

    “…and the Repubs want cheap labor.”
    Not true. Most Conservative are economically savvy enought to realize that “cheap labor”, in our economy, is not economically efficient. Our system works much better with upward mobility, so a permanent underclass is not in our best interest. It is necessary for socialist economies, though.

  2. Trinity says:

    Robert, while it is true that most Conservatives, want upward mobility, the elite Conservatives that are loudly promoting the ‘guest worker’ program, such as the Bill Kristol’s and the WSJ do want the cheap labor. So on that note I respectfully disagree with you. True Conservatives want the darned borders defended and now! What is happening is that the Dems know Bush is not fully in support of this fence, Bush will give in in his new compromsing bs and there you have it..the fence has fallen before it was built.
    I can tell you this right now. IF that fence is not built, and this President and the so called Conservatives in Congress stand by and shrug this off; there will be a loud voice from the true Conservatives of this country. We have had enough. This election told them that, let us hope they are not deaf to what the results truly showed them.
    We are a nation at war; not a trading partner to be abused for her freedoms.

  3. SLABBOTT says:

    The Dems will kill the fence and our President being the liberal Republican that he is will go along with them! Sign…

  4. CinderellaMan says:

    Well, that’s just great. Not only are we getting Murthilated, Durbanated, Rangelated, and Reidipated, now we can look forward to being Californicated. Hey, this is what the voters wanted, and it’s no surprise to me that it is happening.
    What, all those so-called “moderate” democratic voters thought that the dems would put immigration reform/border security at the top of their list? All those apathetic republicans who didn’t vote, or who jumped party lines, weren’t completely myopic if not blinded?
    What you are going to be looking at in 10 years are 19 million more illegal immigrants ( adding to the 11 million we already have), all tapping our social resources to the glee of the democratic party and the Bush Administration. All of this on the backs of the middle class, and that is nothing more than socialism. And just wait, the news gets worse- in 2 more years we may be Hillipated.

  5. Terry G says:

    All the ranting a raving … For me the worst part of this whole discussion over border security vs cheap labor is the lack of any common sense voices. All you hear are the cries of xenophobia from the left, and loss of American identity from the right. We need to reframe the debate in terms of the economic and legal impacts.

    The borders should be secured, and not just because it’s a time of war or terrorism, but simply because that’s how a sovereign government exercises its authority over its territory.

    When there is a shortage of labor the government can increase the amount of legal immigration to replenish the labor pool a relieve wage pressures. Conversely, during a recession or other times when there is a surplus of labor, legal immigration can be reduced to minimize its impact on the existing workforce. This is the way it should work.

    Of course this also implies that legal immigrants are paid in a manner similar to native workers (ie. same wages, benefits, taxes, etc.). I get the impression that this is not what either side wants, but instead a near slave labor force. Put this way, if the goal is cheap labor (by this I mean illegally low wages), then we should be talking about reducing or eliminating the minimum wage instead of increasing it because allowing the same amount of illegal immigration has the same effect.

    In my opinion, if the Republicans (the party of Lincoln) truly oppose illegal immigration this is how they should be approaching this subject. As protectors of American workers and as opponents of modern slavery!

  6. Carpediem says:

    There is no way the fence will be built especially now with what we just put in office. And Trinity, remember according to Pelosi we are not at war but simply in some type of situation that needs fixing. The more I read the more uneasy I become about Pelosi and her fellow lefties.
    Start with her voting record. She will be more than happy to turn America over to the U.N. This love in and claiming they want to work with Bush is all a sham. Pelosi is not what she appears to be and I’m not talking about the overdosing of the botox.
    Look at what has become of our beloved America is just the last 25 years or so. Our borders are wide open and illegals have flooded our country sucking us dry. Our language is becoming a second one for many and you don’t even need to speak English to live here because big daddy will translate for you.
    Your freedom of speech is being censored because you may offend someone, how dare you call a freedom fighter a terrorist. And thanks to the ACLU you may not talk about God or display anything religious on or in public (property). Finally, anyone is free to come here and spit on or burn our flag.
    If you don’t think that Pelosi and her gang can bring America to her knees , think again. Remember a few supreme court justices went against the will of the people and came up with Kelo. Just imagine if Hillary gets the job in 08. We are nearing the end of our rope. Do we let the enemies within hang America or do we take our country back. There is still time .

  7. piboulder says:

    This isn’t a surprise to me. I could see this coming from a mile away once the results were in. You know, protest votes, “to send a message”, have a way of creating buyer’s remorse. Voting in Democrats does NOT mean they’re going to become better Republicans. You would think this goes without saying. Voters should recognize each party’s agenda for what it is and vote accordingly. That’s in an ideal world.

    In reality I figure most people don’t have the time or the knowledge to really affect the kind of change they want in situations like this. The real way for conservative voters to have gotten the change they wanted was to support candidates that supported their issues before the primary elections in their states, and vote for the ones they wanted in the primaries. That would’ve been the best time to vote out the incumbents, if that’s what you wanted. Don’t wait until the general election. The only real choice you have then is to either vote for the Democratic candidate or not vote, which gets you what we have now.

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