That’s right, they plan on avoiding “social issues” that are controversial in an effort to not remind you of their actual agenda. Issues such as abortion, stomping on the 2nd Amendment, and gay rights will be quietly pushed to the side for some time while they hope the American people will perhaps forget what they really stand for.

And their Lefty Footsoldier groups completely understand. After all, what matters is getting the White House in ’08, and they certainly won’t be able to do that if they’re honest with the American people.

Advocates expect Democrats to avoid culture wars; Say issues will be put on back burner

•Abortion rights. Although she picked up 22 allies in the House and three in the Senate, Nancy Keenan of NARAL Pro-Choice America says federal efforts to reduce unintended pregnancies by promoting sex education and making contraceptives more available must wait. “We have some bigger issues to be dealt with early on,” she says.

•Gun control: Paul Helmke, president of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, says he has seen a list of the top 100 Democratic priorities; reinstating the now-expired ban on military-style assault weapons is “in the 90s.” At least, he says, conservatives can’t weaken gun-control laws.

•Gay rights. David Smith of the Human Rights Campaign, a gay advocacy group, expects Democrats to push legislation to bar workplace discrimination against gays and amend the federal hate crimes law to include sexual orientation. Still, he says, those changes won’t come until “much later” in the session.

A normal person might decide that if your positions on the issues was something you had to hide in order to get elected, perhaps running for office wasn’t a good thing. A decent person would want to actually represent their constituency, but that’s not the case for today’s Dem Elite. This is a mob that thinks their agenda is just fine, it’s the average person who is an empty-headed, idiotic, bigoted rube. So how could you understand the importance of their agenda. You, they believe, need to be controlled for your own good. So lying to you by omission is a noble act, one that will remove the silly traditional whims of the citizen from the equation.

How do I know this? Because I heard this discussion over and over and over again while in the pit of the Left. The contempt for you was overwhelming over ten years ago, and it has only grown. My warning to you is this–be aware you are being lied to by the left, directly and by omission. And Republicans, if they have any vision and courage (ha!), should work for the next two years to force the Dems out of their ideological closet.

After all, we can’t always wait and hope for John Kerry to blurt out the truth.

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6 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. Rich says:

    Bill Clinton has said that the reason the Dems lost the Congress in 1994 was because of gun control. He’s right. I remember the 94 campaign in rural Texas. You could barely walk into a hardware or sporting goods store without someone asking you to join the NRA. Guys that may have never voted in their lives showed up at the polls, and brought friends. I got calls from friends and relatives saying “Vote or they’ll take all of our guns”. I never heard anyone complaining about Hillarycare, which is the way the media spins the 94 election. But I knew lots of guys who were mad about the assault weapons ban and the Brady law. They voted that year.

  2. Talkin Horse says:

    This is just peachy. First the Republicans tell us they’re conservatives and then they go do liberal things; then the Democrats tell us they’re moderates, but since we know they’re liberals, they refrain from doing liberal things for a while to confuse us. Hey, if they keep it up, then maybe we’ll have the last laugh after all, getting more satisfaction from the Democrats than we did from the Republicans.

    Don’t you just love politics?

  3. Bachbone says:

    I’m not a hunter and don’t fish, but own two shotguns for home protection. I joined the NRA when it became clear that the Clintonoids would start us down the slippery slope to banning all firearms. Evidence on exactly how that is accomplished is present in Canada, UK and Australia. The NRA is every American’s friend, not just hunters’.

    I learned long ago not to pay much attention to what politicians say. Pay attention to what they do. Fortunately, the MSM no longer controls news. Anyone who wants to know what is happening behind the scenes need only read a few blogs like this one.

    Thanks, Tammy!

  4. jeebie says:

    O.K., I’m a your averge rube. Still waiting to hear what that important agenda is that I won’t understand. With the exception of the border, inaction by my government also increases my sense of security. Would like to see a much longer list of things they will be to busy to bother with.

  5. St. Thor says:

    Could it be that the Democrats, with their newly won control of Congress have suddenly realized that they have to be serious, and not just snarky little ankle biters giving their freakish leftist supporters some mental masturbation, because now their actions affect all Americans?

  6. Craig C says:

    There is one group of voters who came out in droves for the Dems that may not in the next go-round. Charlie Rangel has announced his plans to reinstitute the draft. With all the young voters who were fooled into voting for the Dems this time, that was a direct slap in the face.
    Hopefully Howard Dean and others will let the cat out of the bag enough times to screw things up even more.

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