Which is amazing since a) they’re not Mexican, b) the job was tough, and c) it was in outer space, making it even more difficult!

I thought Americans weren’t willing to do tough jobs. Oh, we must have sent up extra coal miners. Yeah, that must be it.

Or, wait a minute, maybe it’s a lie that there are jobs Americans won’t do. But I guess we won’t find out until those jobs are available and offered to Americans. Like the job of “astronaut,” or, for that matter, “meatpacker.”

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2 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. brutepcm says:

    During the Carter years, when unemployment in Michigan was 20%, I worked 12 hour days 7 days a week harvesting Xmas trees for minimum wage. Illegals aren’t any more ambitious than the folks who were born here, just hungrier. As I always say: Necessity is a mother.

  2. sue says:

    More and more I’m noticing a pattern with the American vs. Mexican work issues. I keep seeing Americans being reminded that they shouldn’t do many of these jobs for low wages. It is inadequate to perform a service, even for a teen at minimum wage. It seems as if Americans are being raised with the mindset of “you should start out making X or its not worth working”. The Mexican population however is being credited with such a work ethic they will cross borders, beg and work endlessly to feed their family. Its lauded by many who want to give them all this countries liberties without question. The thing that bothers me is we are teaching our own children to back away from these jobs and handing them out to illegals? What ever happened to the theory that you start at point A (alot of work for nothing) and work hard to get to K (upper middle) and if you are blessed enough Z. Now it seems if 18 year olds don’t start on K its beneath them and the country is killing them. I remember my first “on the books” job at 3.35 an hour. I was so happy to have pocket money at 16 I didn’t care. Now kids look at 9 an hour at McDs as chump change. Crazy.

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