
Yes, it’s crude, but when President Bush announces that we’re willing to have bilateral talks with the primary sponsor of terrorism in the world, this is exactly what his problem is.

Thereby, once again, rewarding the terrorists among us. What a difference 6 years makes, going from “If you harbor terrorists you are the enemy” to outreach to a country that exports and sponsors terrorism, admittedly harbors bin Laden’s al-Qaida leadership one of whom shouts out “Hey dad!” when saying hello to the terror leader himself.

Bush says talks with Iran possible

NEW YORK -President Bush said Tuesday that Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice might have one-on-one talks with Iranian leaders at an international conference on Iraq next month, but that Tehran’s nuclear program would not be on the table.

In an interview, Bush initially appeared to rule out any contact with Iran, a member of his “axis of evil.”

“What I’m not willing to do is sit down bilaterally with the Iranians,” he told PBS’ “The Charlie Rose Show.”

Later, he said Rice and Iran’s foreign minister might have bilateral conversations at the conference. “They could. They could,” Bush said…

Bush said if a meeting occurs, Rice’s message to the Iranians would be: “Don’t send weapons in (to Iraq) that will end up hurting our troops, and help this young democracy survive.”

Yep, I’m sure that’ll do the trick. Bush is absolutely devoid of any clarity or leadership whatsoever. Whoever neutered that man must have used an ice-cream scooper because there’s one big giant crater where his manhood used to be.

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12 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. SLABBOTT says:

    His dad said the American people are tired of him…BINGO! And the election of Hillary Clinton get’s closer and closer…sigh

  2. St. Thor says:

    H.W. Bush says people are tired of W Bush. Maybe they are tired of limp wristed Yalies, and things might then not look so good for Billary, either.

  3. Stonemason says:

    This is getting frustrating. Neutered isn’t even strong enough for what has taken place. Bush has let us down, both conservatives and Classical Liberals; it seems that he stands for nothing anymore. You can almost see him thinking: “hmmm, Pelosi got good press for talking to a terrorist, maybe I should too.” What Bush fails to realize is that the media is going to spin this as weakness, run a bunch of ‘told-ya-so’ articles, and nothing good will come of it, unless you are a theocratic dictator.

  4. pat_s says:

    I reluctantly admitted to myself some time ago that Bush is a failure. I’m worried now that we are experiencing a far greater failure than one man, one Presidency.

    The ideal of individual freedom reflected in our Constitution and in Capitalism is not the norm in human history. Subjugation, and brutality—those are the norms. You’d think once having broken away from the wretched life of oppression, no one would ever give up freedom. So are we experiencing the classical demise of an empire where people become dissolute and are overrun by barbarians? That was the fate of historical, physical empires. The empire I worry is about to crumble is the empire of ideals embodied in Western Civilization, the most precious among them being freedom and individualism. This grandest empire of all is threatened not only by jihadis rattling the gates, but also the repressive neo-Stalinists well entrenched inside. Either way we have to fight or freedom is lost.

    I’m past the anguish that Bush failed. We are facing a greater failure, the lack of will to defend Western Civilization.

  5. Stonemason says:

    Well said, I have been hollaring about the ‘rise and fall’ for some time now, to mostly deaf ears. Actually, not deaf, but apathetic. As long as our bellies are full and there’s hundreds of channels to watch, Civilzation could crumble. The image-is-everything crowd has melded with the not-my job-crowd and those of us left to fight face dwindling numbers.

  6. Nanchi says:

    Sorry, the Bush you see today is still a strong President. He still has the guts to try and stay the course. We however, have abandoned him while he still tries to do everything to protect us. Without support, what else can he do but talk. Congress won’t let the US fight a war. The American people won’t support a war until they are here in our cities. Republicans are the worst. Everyone wants the President to step in line according to the hot topic of the day. You say you want him to stand up to everyone… but are you willing to stand up and support him. If so – where are you when he needs you.

    [Nanchi, just take a look at the postings from Ms. Bruce about the president since her blog started a year and a half ago. Priori to that she has been an ardent supporter of the president, having voted for him twice. We have all been there for him, when he was doing things worth supporting. We also support the war, and want it to be actually fought. The problem is, the president wants the Salvation Army in Iraq, when what we need are the Marines to be allowed to do their job. And it would also be nice for us to stop negotiating with/legitimizing terrorist nations. A relatively small request considering 9/11.–ed.]

  7. helpunderdog says:

    Rice’s message to the Iranians would be: “Don’t send weapons in (to Iraq) that will end up hurting our troops, and help this young democracy survive.”

    Awww, we all know that in his heart of hearts, Imanutjob wants democracy in Iraq. You know, freedom and equal rights on his border that will surely fuel freedom seekers in his own land. Yeah, he’ll go for that if we only ask.

  8. bnkpet says:

    Is there something in his gift bag that the British sailors didn’t get?

  9. Kevin says:

    I agree with Nanchi…have you people not witnessed the backstabbing from the GOP…the outright venom and vitriol that the Democrats have spewed at the President? He is one man who is in charge of ONE branch of the Government…the Democrat controlled Congress is doing everything they can do to secure defeat, so not only does President Bush have to fight the War on Terror, he has to fight his own party, the Democrats and the Dinosaur media. Just look at what Waxman, Pelosi and Reid are doing (not to mention CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, MSNBC and PBS), what have you done to voice your anger about them? You say you back President Bush…do you bombard the Congress with emails and phone calls telling them to support the war? Do you contact the media and their sponsors to condemn them for their lack of support for the war and for their lack of coverage on the successes and heroes in this war? What exactly is your way of showing your support? The apathy and finger pointing in this country is disgusting, is this how WW II was won? President Bush is not perfect, and he has made mistakes…just like FDR, Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush and Clinton…every President has made blunders, and if know anything about history, you know that…with the “show of support” that you “former Bush backers” are displaying, President Washington would have never succeeded in his effort to form this nation…think about it. And just for the record, Tammy’s opinion, while I appreciate it, is worth no more than yours or mine. There are talkers and doers, which one are you? Semper Fi!

  10. artgal says:

    Kevin: I do know a great deal about history – so much so that I can tell you not everyone was on board w/ Washington either (how many of his men ran off in the midst of the battles?), but because Washington was a TRUE LEADER – which translates into not negotiating w/ our enemies, fighting a forceful and bloody battle w/ all he had, not striking deals or allowing others to sway his determination – we enjoy an America today. My fear is that we will not continue enjoying an America as we know it if Bush does not get some nads soon!

    It is President Bush’s own fault that he is in the position he is w/ the public. The rhetoric coming from the congressional left (and some on the right) is nothing new nor a major surprise – they’ve always been that way! And why shouldn’t they? It works, doesn’t it? With President Bush, they whine and have their media outlets and eventually, Bush caves and gives them what they want. A true leader does not compromise the good of the people to placate the few. Therefore, I have lost respect for President Bush and find it difficult to support a man who compromises our security with his open-border agenda, globalist wet dreams and issues such asinine statements to Iran as “Don’t send weapons in (to Iraq) that will end up hurting our troops, and help this young democracy survive.” All this while sending men and women to fight a politically-correct war.

    Would FDR or Truman have issued such a stupid statement to Hitler or Hirohito in the midst of a war for survival? HELL NO! We bombed the be-jesus out of the Nazis (even at a time when we were not a super power nor always winning!) and blew the Japanese into surrender. THAT is how you fight a war!

    As for mistakes, sure – they’ve been made all throughout history because we are all infallible creatures. But there is no excuse whatsoever for making a mistake and repeating it over and over and over again – as Bush has done! Instead of taking charge (LIKE A TRUE LEADER!) w/ his message to The People and allowing our troops to fight forcefully rather than tying their hands, he has capitulated to those who care for nothing more than holding office – and that goes for the GOP, too, who are no different than the Dems when it comes to their salivation for power just for the sake having it. Do you think Reagan had an easy time from the media? There was no talk radio throughout most of his presidency until Rush Limbaugh in 1988, no Fox News, no internet, no blogs, no real challenge to the media of that time. Yet, he stood firm on his ideas, communicated that to the people which motivated the public to hold their representatives accountable – and put congress in their place for the most part during that presidency. Reagan was not afraid of what he believed – HE KNEW WHAT HE BELIEVED AND WHY! I do not see that same confidence or quality in Bush. (God, do I miss Reagan!)

    The GOP proved they are no different than the Demos when they are in power. They abandoned US and grew government – with the leadership of Bush – to the largest it’s ever been. So much for true conservatism!

    So while it pains me greatly to criticize Bush so harshly, it would be dishonest not to. If this were Bill Clinton in charge of the war as it currently stands, there would be such outcry from the right – and rightly so!

    Frankly, it looks as though it’s about time for a new American revolution.

  11. Rod says:

    I agree with previous posters that the liberal in the White House is paving the way for a Democrat – whoever gets the nod – in 09!

    The left winger I voted for has lied to us about the war on terror for years. I first suspected this when he did nor fire Rummy and Meyers after the 04 election; when it was apparent (now obvious ) that we were not winning. But my liberal President made it absolutely clear 2/10/06 when he praised the terrorists and condemned the Danes over the cartoon murders and embassy burnings! Bush does not want to win the War on Terror any more than his dad meant it when he said ,”Read my lips…!” His lies put the Dems in control of *both* houses in 06 and they will put a Dem in the White House in 08!
    “Axis of Evil” is another lie like “Read My lips…!” American taxpayers are again sending $billions to Kim – the “evil” dictator!

  12. Kevin says:


    I agree with some of your points, and I love and miss President Reagan as much as most Conservatives do, but what did he do in Lebanon after our barracks were hit by what is now called a VBIED…he didn’t go after the people responsible for the attack, he pulled out (do you think that emboldened the terrorists, I do)…our invasion of Grenada was ridiculous…men were killed because of bad intelligence from his administration…the maps given to the military were regular street maps for tourists…and how about this gem delivered during a microphone check “My fellow Americans, I’m pleased to tell you today that I’ve signed legislation that will outlaw Russia forever. We begin bombing in five minutes.” I’m not saying this to bag on President Reagan, I’m saying it to remove the rose colored glasses of history. Do I even need to go into Jimmy Carter and President Ford’s gaffes, and boneheaded moves?

    You say that President Bush is responsible, and he is, but not solely…what about the pathetic performance by our “beloved” Republicans in the past election…not to mention all of the voters that stayed home because they wanted to send a message? Well, they sent the message…now the Congress is voting on the “Pull out of Iraq Bill”…thanks for the message everybody!

    FDR and Truman may have said stupid things, but we wouldn’t know, they had a choke hold on the press…not even allowing pictures of FDR being helped out of his wheelchair to be seen…do you think the press would go along with that today?

    I’m not saying that President Bush hasn’t made mistakes, because he has…but with the constant unanswered drum beat of the media, Democrats, and Hollywood, the American people are being deceived and duped…and it’s not by GWB. President Bush could have huge approval ratings if he had just gone along with the “mood of the people’…but he’s a leader (I know you disagree) so he is doing what he thinks is right.

    Your argument should be with Congress…the President needs the Congress to fund the war, and to at least not give aid to the enemy…let’s just say that the media of today was around (as well as the internet)during George Washington’s days…after all of his defeats and failures, do you honestly think he would have succeeded? I realize that people want to blame one person, but it is just not that simple…and that is what I was addressing.

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