Speaking of Homeland Security, President Bush’s drive to eliminate our borders and sovereignty continues unabated. In the last posting, we had a story about how various people were concerned about the safety of the roads and whether or not the TSA was doing its job when it comes to making sure trusted individuals are behind the wheels of trucks roaming through our great country.

All of that is a joke considering we are now fully opening the borders into this country to Mexican long haul freight truckers. That’s right–now hundreds of Mexican trucking companies can have their drivers just come on through the border. Mexico, of course, has no real mechanical standards for their trucks, we have no idea who is behind the wheel, and considering the propensity for illegal aliens to drink and drive (and consequently kill), isn’t it comforting to know that thousands more Mexicans will be driving around the U.S. And not even in little cars–but big freight trucks.

Yeah, I’m impressed. Thanks President Bush. What a boon this will be for the enemy during a time of war, but on more strike at the sovereignty of this nation.

Mexico sees full U.S. access for truckers in 2008

MEXICO CITY (Reuters) – Mexican and U.S. cargo trucks will likely have unlimited access to highways in both countries from July 2008, ending a 25-year restriction on cross-border trade, the Mexican government said on Tuesday.

Mexican officials said 100 trucking companies chosen from each country would be able to roam freely from July 15 this year in a year-long program that should precede a full opening of the borders to freight haulers.

“We expect trucks to be able to travel freely throughout North America by the summer of 2008,” said Beatriz Leycegui, Mexico’s deputy minister for international trade negotiations…

The ministry said that a binational panel assigned to oversee the year-long program would ensure that the countries gave each others’ trucks equal access, and would adopt a “zero tolerance” policy toward discrimination against trucking companies and their drivers based on their country of origin.

You know what that means–no border patrol agent will be allowed to ask the national origin of the driver of a truck headed into the United States. What are the odds there will be an agent or two who will not be able to tell the difference between an Iranian, a Saudi Arabian and a Mexican? And even if he thinks there’s an issue, he will not be allowed to inquire.

The timing here is also perfect–thousands and thousands of Mexican trucks roaming freely throughout the United States by the summer of 2008–just before our presidential election. What could go wrong there? Not that we’ve seen terrorist attacks implemented in countries just prior to national presidential elections. Actually, we should check with Spain and Indonesia and Russia about that issue.

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4 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. helpunderdog says:

    Apparently some of our legislators and elected officials have stock in Mexican trucking companies. Nice to know they’re looking out for America’s interests over their own.

    Trucking will be another blue collar profession handed over to Mexicans – along with landscaping, housing construction, any kind of home repair or maintenance, etc.

    Will Mexican truckers properly observe the rules of our roads? Will they be able to read our english road signs, or expected to?

    I drove down to Florida a few years ago and was aghast at how bad the drivers were on the highway between Ft. Lauderdale and Miami – all around me were cars greatly exceeding the speed limit while others limped along at 40mph. An unhealthy percentage of these speeding/limping vehicles haphazardly veered in and out of lanes w/o the use of turn signals, oblivious to all around them. I felt like I was in a third world country.

  2. David Jerome says:

    I am at a loss for words. I voted for Bush both times and it is sad what his administration has come to. I can just picture it…a rinky dink truck blowing smoke all over the beautiful Smoky Mountains.The driver stops in some town full of other ‘immigrants’ and abandons his rolling junk pile and makes his home in whatever town he’s passing through. Mexico doesn’t want him or his truck back….in fact,they’re happy to be rid of them…and our government welcomes him. Amnesty by any other name is still amnesty.Oh and there’s no telling how many other ‘immigrants’ will fit in the back of that truck.This is just ridiculous.

  3. pat_s says:

    There’s an interesting and pertinent discussion going on over at The Great Gates of Vienna. These are rather lengthy posts, but I highly recommend a full reading.

    First a report by blogger Fjordman The End of the American Dream . This is a blog post by a European who sees things developing in North America much like they did in Europe with the EU.

    The Bush administration has moved ahead, despite congressional opposition, with the creation of a massive superhighway running from Canada to Mexican ports, with Mexican trucks driving across the US in vast numbers and a Mexican customs office in Kansas City. There has been relatively sparse coverage of this in US media. As Dymphna of the Gates of Vienna blog says: ‘We’re headed there the same way Europe went – by stealth, by bureaucratic fiat, and by citizen inattention. They didn’t know what the elites had in mind for them, but with their current plight, we do have the horrible adumbration of what is to come.’

    There are indeed some parallels between the USA and Europe. Mass immigration to the US is aided by an unholy alliance of corrupt political elites, Big Business supporters and anti-Western Leftists. There is little doubt in my mind that some members of the political elites in North America are envious of how their counterparts in Europe through administrative decisions have managed to fool their electorates and quietly bypassed the democratic process, gradually abandoning border controls in favor of a regional block.

    Then see a post by a British blogger who says his country no longer exits, literally—England doesn’t appear as such on an EU map. This one starts out with a discussion about Bismark, but hang in there. He paints a very chilling picture of what life is like in a supranational suffocating bureaucracy no one voted for. It just gradually takes over until your country is gone, your culture is gone and your freedom is gone.

    …I am no longer represented in the government that runs my country. All of this from an organisation that was sold to us on a lie. The EEC was put across as a free trade zone. I never voted for the creation of a supranational, unaccountable government that does not submit to the will of the people via an election. In fact, I did not vote at all. I have never had a say on whether I want my country – which no longer exists – to be a part of this. The EU has no mandate and never has. It has inveigled itself so deeply in to the lives of its ‘citizens’, so deeply embedded itself into every aspect of life, that everything a person does is regulated in some way by the EU.

    …thousands [of laws and regulations imposed] each year, each one limiting the freedom of people just that little bit more. Sooner or later the sheer volume of regulations will start to affect people culturally. Our culture is slowly being eroded and destroyed by this vile institution, our national identities removed…

    This isn’t Kafka, or something from the Sci-Fi Channel. Europe is well down the gullet of the Leftist, elitist bureaucratic monster. We’re next.

  4. fernandog1 says:

    This is so ridiculous. I am not talking about the program, but of your post. You guys talk about all the pollution Mexican trucks will give. It is not like American trucks don’t pollute. They all come from the same companies. Secondly, don’t talk about blue collar jobs being lost in America, that is a good thing that promotes the standard of living. People who come to America, and I include ancestors came to improve themselves, so i think those truckers and trucker sons should go to college, rather than complain about how they loose menial jobs that they want to make $25 an hour for driving a truck. Also don’t say that American drivers are better than Mexican drivers. Did you guys ever of the “Bribes for Licenses” scandal in Illinois? probably not.

    Now about the possibility of terrorism…

    Have you people heard of the foiled terrorist attack on Britain? all of the terrorists were doctors and medicine students. Terrorism is just something that is going to happen if people want it to happen, no matter what security measures we take. There probably would not be as much terrorism to this country if it wasn’t for the racism and exploitation that the US has of other countries.

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