With the French election set for this Sunday, the two candidates–the Non-Leftist (therefore the conservative, dangerous right-winger) Nicolas Sarkozy and Socialist Ségolène Royal squared-off in the only debate. The general consensus was that Royal would need to demolish Sarkozy for this debate to make a difference. Either that, or Sarkozy would have to morph into a small man with wild eyes and a tiny mustache, shouting something about Aryan superiority in order for him to lose.

While that certainly did not happen, the left has repeatedly tried to cast Sarkozy as dangerous and out-of-control. Interestingly, Sarkozy was the cool one, while Royal seemed to be oddly aggressive and out of her element. This is good news, not only for the French, but for the rest of the world. We have all lost as France isolated herself and decided that being the Angriest Dog in the World That hates America was effective foreign policy. It wasn’t. A Sarkozy win means France has a chance at reversing the disastrous domestic course it has been on for two decades, and can return as a helpful, influential world leader.

Perhaps we can even move beyond simply coveting that bottle of French wine, and actually buy it if the French do the right thing, for themselves and everyone else, and elect Sarkozy.

[Paris Blues] The one and only French Presidential Debate

In anticipation of the Royal-Sarkozy debate, commentators speculated on the unexpected: what might happen to surprise us; will one of the candidates lose his or her composure or, on the contrary, say something so memorable that it could change the course of events…

Tonight the two candidates engaged in face to face debate for over two hours. Nicolas Sarkozy was calm, cool, and collected. Relaxed and comfortable, he had perfect control of himself and his language. He addressed every question intelligently, replied clearly and coherently.

Ségolène Royal was nervous and aggressive from the get-go. She attacked, jabbed, taunted. She stared at him with narrowed angry eyes. Her voice was harsh. She spoke through clenched teeth. And, as I expected, before the debate was over, an issue hit her panic button, she lost control and turned spitfire.

Related Posts:

List of previous Tammy Blog posts on France and Sarkozy

Additional Coverage:

AP via Houston Chronicle: French presidential rivals debate

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2 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. Tink says:

    Good for Sarkozy! Surely not even the French would elect someone like Royal.

    Could this be a foreshadowing of a future Fred Thompson/Hillary Clinton debate? I can see the wheels coming off of Hillary’s little wagon in a debate—if they aren’t given the questions beforehand. People who are fakes get very nervous around others who are comfortable with themselves and what they believe.

  2. javi says:

    It’s curious to see how this debate has been considered from abroad (I’m french by the way): obviously, it does not matter if M.Sarkozy desires to cut down investment in sciences research, universities, schools, health and other public facilities (that happen, in France, to be partially state-funded or state-run companies) without supporting any invetment from private companies in these areas, provided that he is not labelled “socialist”.

    True, the state should instead, according to M.Sarkozy, be funding the building of mosques throughout our country, for use by the muslim minority. Nonetheless, M.Sarkozy also said that muslims should adapt themselves to french culture and traditional ways of life, which are, still according to him, deeply rooted in christian values.

    He promises to cut down taxes twice as quickly as Ms Thatcher in 1980, and to restore moral and family values. I personnaly am wondering how this will happen if services for kids and families are under funded in the few next years: surely some gold will be delivered from heaven for that.

    He also wants to join to the US led crusade against muslims, which is meeting an astounding success in both Irak and Afghanistan at the time, according to the news. His foreign policy also implies a full-on war against black immigration, african people genetically not beeing able to adapt themselves to western way of life.

    I really do hope that you will still be apreciating that bottle of french wine w(buying it or not) for the next few years, although I personnally prefer australian wine.


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