
Hamas gunmen at the desk of “Palestinian President” Mahmoud Abbas inside Abbas’ personal office after it was taken over by Hamas in fighting in Gaza City, Friday, June 15, 2007. (Photo: AP Photo/Hatem Moussa)

Just this past April, Condi and the geniuses in Congress thought it would be a grand idea to send $60 million dollars to terrorist group Fatah so the “president” of the so-called Palestinians could improve his security structure. That’s now got to be the joke of the year. How long did it take Hamas to destroy Fatah and take over the entire Gaza Strip? 48 hours? I noted my disgust at this insane act by Congress back in April, with the post, Congress Funds Terrorists But Not Our Own Troops.

So, the geniuses in Washington decided that pouring $60 mil down the terror hole would make some sort of a difference. Well, it will now. Hamas will be able to kill more Jews than ever before. This is also another glaring indication of the absolute failure of any reliable international intelligence we have on anything going on in the Middle East. We approved and sent this money just two months prior to the complete route of Arafat’s terrorist Fatah group by Iran’s terrorist Hamas group. We had no clue, 8 weeks prior, that such a violent and complete takeover was being planned and would be implemented.

We can pretty much guess that millions in cash went into the pockets of various Fatah “officials” (including top terrorist Abbas) and the rest, a cash and weapons treasure-trove, is now securely in the hands of one of the world’s most vicious terrorist death squads.

Great effing work Condi and Georgie! Great effing work.

Today, LGF also notes the weapons windfall for Hamas in their takeover of that strip if land so generously given to them by Israel. A strip of land used, since day one, for nothing more than terrorist operations not only against Israel, but against all of humanity.

Now, in their masks displaying automatic weapons and RPGs, these snakes sit next to Israel and await their next orders from Iran. Which will be funded and implemented with American tax dollars. And what is the Bush Admin response to the complete collapse of the Abbas/Fatah “government”? Throw more American tax dollars at it.

…Safe in the West Bank, Abbas moved quickly to cement his rule there after losing control of Gaza…The two Palestinian territories, on either side of Israel, are now separate entities with two governments — one run by Hamas and backed by radical Islamic states, and the other controlled by the Western-supported Fatah.

Abbas received immediate pledges of support from Israel, the U.S., Egypt, Jordan, the U.N. and Saudi Arabia. The Bush administration hinted Friday that it may resume some payments to the Palestinians now that a U.S.-backed moderate is in charge of a consolidated government in the West Bank.

I’m sure Hamas really appreciates that considering it will be their money sooner than later.

Bush’s actions in the last year, and the growing, monumental disaster of his global foreign policy, which has created chaos virtually everywhere, now eclipses any respect he had stored up with me for his actions in the immediate aftermath of 9/11. George W. Bush and his entire incompetent staff and administration can now officially be damned. I will support him on absolutely nothing. Nothing.


LGF now has cell-phone video of a lynching on Gaza by Hamas. Proceed at your own risk, but I think it’s important for you to see what an Iranian Death Squad does, and what American foreign policy has allowed to grow strong in the Middle East.

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8 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. Rod says:

    Tammy – – I’m with you. My bayonette is fixed and I am ready to charge the liberal liar.I voted wrong in 04!@#$%@!?

    an old exJarhead

  2. ltlme says:

    Well….that video was yummy. I am now going to add lynching to my list of ways that I do not want to die.

    As for giving big gobs to Hamas…how shall I put this? I swear I think I’ve typed it on here before, but this reminds me of a certain scenario when a certain country trained, armed, and financed a terrorist group in Afghanistan so that they could drive out the Soviets. Then, after a number of years, that same group targeted the very country that assisted them. Now if I could just remember who that country was…..

    Nice to see that we pay attention to history in an effort to not repeat the mistakes of the past.

  3. It’s really quite simple. STOP THE JIZYA! When will any American administration learn from history. Islam is at war with the world, not radical Islam, not a tiny minority, but Islam. Denial of the true enemy will defeat us. Rule #1 of war: KNOW YOUR ENEMY.

  4. artgal says:

    Yes, the betrayal & incompetence from this administration is staggering – to say the least. I don’t mind lumping Georgie-Boy alongside Carter at this point.

    This administration has displayed it’s utter contempt for the voice of the American people and has ignored the threats against our nation and that of Israel from Iran and it’s ‘affiliates’. I had confidence in this president to carry out the WoT forcefully and have seen it dwindle into a quivering, weak-kneed, spineless glob (like Trent Lott). It seems to be the president’s obsession to strong-arm the legal American citizen these days & sell-out Israel (& America for that matter) than to protect our interests or defend our Constitution.

    Had this president performed his job, there would not be the rise of Al-Quaida in Iraq right now nor the overthrow in Gaza; Iran would not be so confident/arrogant as to threaten us or Israel if Bush had ‘a pair’.

    Say a prayer for Israel – and for our nation. I fear we may soon experience cafe & bus bombings here soon.

  5. whitney says:

    It bears repeating, that this administration betrayed us and it’s so sad that it runs in the family: harken back to the Gulf War I and the Kurds in the north of Iraq, caused by a confused statement by a Bush; So a decade (longer than) I voted for another confused Bush.

    I’m now understanding how the looney lefties found this president so frustrating…for I’m sure different reasons than I have now. If GW Bush doesn’t watch it, there will be none of his “base” to defend him when the looney left really goes bonkers and tries to impeach him in the last days of his administration.

    We all apparently want the same thing; for a number of different reasons..George, just get off the stage, please.

  6. pat_s says:

    For those who enjoy irony.
    Looters raid Arafat’s home, steal his Nobel Peace Prize

    Enraged Fatah leaders on Saturday accused Hamas militiamen of looting the home of former Palestinian Authority chairman Yasser Arafat in Gaza City.

    “They stole almost everything inside the house, including Arafat’s Nobel Peace Prize medal,” said Ramallah-based Fatah spokesman Ahmed Abdel Rahman. “Hamas militiamen and gangsters blew up the main entrance to the house before storming it. They stole many of Arafat’s documents and files, gifts he had received from world leaders and even his military outfits.” “They stole all the widow’s clothes and shoes,” he added. “They also took Arafat’s pictures with his daughter.”

  7. F-Islam says:

    That is the result of kicking w/ open toed sandals, not jack boots. Wonder if the carnage was due to unkempt nails.

  8. Tirian says:

    I love my country and will always be proud of the nation itself. (I can’t descend into the depths of American self-hatred so many lost souls in Washington and Hollywood have). I can also respect the Presidential office, but I have lost all respect for the man himself and his administration. They are now trying to pull off the topmost thing (the opening of our borders to destruction, really) that kept me from voting for Gore in 2000. Our President has effectively broken his promise to undo the damage under Clinton of “dumbing down” our security at our coasts and has made plans to open our borders at Mexico and Canada. Are we to see signs soon: “All Terrorists Welcome here!”?

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