Hamas Loves Arafat

A Hamas interior decorator carefully adjusts pictures of Arafat and Abbas

A post by Maynard

Hamas militiamen today broke into the home of the deceased PA chairman Yasser Arafat and stole his peace prize.

For anyone who doubted that Hamas is run by thugs and morons, the argument is now ended. This violent criminal act is completely pointless. If Hamas had been willing to wait just a few months, the Nobel committee would have awarded them their own peace prize.

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6 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. Rod says:

    What about Yasar’s good buddy Jimma? Can someone send ’em Jimma’s; or will Jimma give it to them because he and they love peace?

    And to think the man I voted for in 04 has been sending $billions of my taxes to them the last 2.5 years!!!!!!!!! Am I p*ssed off I voted for another lefty named Bush? Yes I am!

  2. This could be disasterous; is there any word in the media, that Arafat’s uh, “toys” or his “training films” were also looted?
    (re: Gay Arafat Makes a Play For Terry McAuliffe)
    Tammy’s post of January 6, ’07

  3. botg says:

    For anyone who doubted that Hamas is run by thugs and morons,here’s your pointie hat, sit in the corner

  4. Bachbone says:

    To me, this is kinda the ultimate version of karma or “what goes around comes around.” Hamas doesn’t deserve the Nobel, but neither did Arafat.

  5. Talkin Horse says:

    Wow, that’s the most egregious trashing of a civic leader’s residence since Clinton’s staff trashed the White House in anticipation of George Bush moving in in 2001.

  6. Mwalimu Daudi says:

    Thugs – yes. Morons – well, not quite. I realize that one does not have to be a super-genius to get the MSM to worship the ground you walk on (example: the genocide-minded terrorists in Iraq the MSM lauds as “insurgents” and “rebels”) – only violently anti-American and willing to slaughter innocents by the thousands. But give Hamas and al Qaeda their due – they are certainly far smarter than most of our moral and intellectual betters on the Far Left. They have proven that over and over again.

    Of course, intellectual prowess is not exactly the Far Left’s hallmark…..

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