Which is why, Mitt Romney explains, he strapped the dog’s cage, with the dog inside, to the top of the family car for a 12-hour roadtrip. Time recounts:

The incident: dog excrement found on the roof and windows of the Romney station wagon. How it got there: Romney strapped a dog carrier — with the family dog Seamus, an Irish Setter, in it — to the roof of the family station wagon for a twelve hour drive from Boston to Ontario, which the family apparently completed, despite Seamus’s rather visceral protest.

And all Romney can come up with is that his dog “likes fresh air.” So much so it apparently scares the s*** out of him. Talk about patronizing and stupid. Yeah, let’s install this guy in the White House.

Many in the blogosphere argue this is a silly non-story. I disagree. Personally, I think how people treat their animals, now or in the past, says a lot about them. I’ve never liked Romney; the same red flags go up about him that did for me with Bill Clinton. The difference is I now don’t ignore those flags.

The fact that PETA complained first mucks up the situation, but even a broken clock is right twice a day. Bottom line: Strapping your dog in a cage to the roof of your car is bizarre and cruel. For me, it’s just one more reason to look at the guy funny, and to cross him off the list.

Related Link:

Mitt Romney Defends His Actions, Says Dog Liked The Car Roof

Itchmo Editorial: Why Mitt Romney Is Not Fit To Take Care Of Your Dog, Let Alone Run For The Presidency

This section is for comments from tammybruce.com's community of registered readers. Please don't assume that Tammy agrees with or endorses any particular comment just because she lets it stand.
9 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. Tirian says:

    Tammy, I’ve learned/am learning to not ignore those flags too. Anyone who treats a dog like that, can’t treat a nation, or more precisely , the people of that nation justly. He’s a man of faith? Yeah, sure, in name.

  2. Perhaps Romney will be the first recipient of the Howard Dean “AAAAAArrrgh!” award for being an early leader that gets the boot from the race.

    Edwards seems to be shooting for that honor on the democrat side.

    What a bizarre campaign season this is starting off to be. It’s nowhere near time for the conventions and already on both sides “None of the Above” (Gore and Thompson) have the best numbers.

    I think the American public isn’t as dumb as I thought!

    Now I’m going outside to the real fresh air and give my Pekes a cookie.

  3. djd11 says:

    Exactly right.
    Last thing we need is 4 more years of Bush.

  4. NavajoSierra says:

    How people treat animals reflects the deepest aspects of personality. No question. The treatment of this dog was narcissistic and, obviously incredibly abusive. I mean, really, who would think that treatment is okay? Not sure why he even owns a dog! I agree that PETA complaining first about this is problematic. They are totally nuts and bad news, fronting their animal killing (better dead than not free)enterprise behind what they call the Community Animal Project. [By the way, I have some doubts about the Taking Action for Animals conference advertised above; speakers seem to rep more the animal “rights” groups like PETA and HSUS, not so much from the animal “welfare” groups, which has become an unfortunate divide in the animal care world.] But, back to Romney, I hope this story stays very visible. It is very telling re: his personality, which has a tendency to morph a bit through various disguises.

  5. gina says:

    I’ll tell you what Mitt, why don’t I put you in a cage for 12 hours and while I’m at it let’s tie your privates up and let you dog ride you and then you can tell me how funny it is.

  6. Mwalimu Daudi says:

    I have an idea! Let’s strap a cage with John & Elizabeth Edwards inside to the top of Mitt Romney’s station wagon and have him drive around the country for the next 12 years or so.

  7. Floyd R. Turbo says:

    Yes, you’re right. Also, wasn’t one of his cadre dismissed or took temp leave last week for some infraction in his past or present activities? Doesn’t bode well for The Mitt. This dog story, if accurate, is very disturbing. We are pet lovers from way back. From a dear, spoiled-rotten dog (who was #1 “son” for a couple years), to now, two spoiled-rotten cats. His treatment of his family pet is beyond disgusting. It’s hard to believe he actually did that! No, I think The Mitt has caused some serious re-consideration on the part of many of us. NAVAJOSIERRA is very right, how we treat our pets reflects very deep feelings and deep programing, right and wrong. The Mitt…well…something’s cock-eyed there. His luster is has dimmed.

  8. F-Islam says:

    OK, I’ll be the bad guy. What is the differance between having a dog in a carrier on top of the car and having a dog in the back of a pick-up truck? The confinement? What is the difference between having a dog in a carrier, exposed to fresh air, than having him in the back of the car, with a gate blocking access to the passenger section of the car? Maybe it’s me, but I’ve seen many dogs hanging their heads out windows to get the fresh air. Seems to me a carrier is a paradise for all parties, especially Mutt Romney.

  9. FrankieHere says:

    I completely agree, Tammy. I’ve always thought Romney had zero chance at the nomination, but this incident with his dog seals it for me. How could anyone be so uncaring to a helpless animal?

    I agree with everything ‘NavajoSierra’ said, too.

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