Now the Amnesty Bill is in a coma, it’s time to start organizing the punishment of those who decided to sell out this nation and stomp on the Rule of Law to get a few votes. Here’s just a starter list of those who need to be on our radar. McCain is already being punished somewhat as his presidential campaign continues to slip. In a recent poll, he is now in fourth place. Graham, of course, must be sent packing, into the Corn Field. His attitude and behavior were insulting, demeaning, patronizing and out of touch. There is already a movement afoot with Dump Lindsay Graham, a blog devoted to, well, dumping Lindsay Graham.

You peeps in Arizona have your work cut out for you as well. Isn;t it time to have senators who truly repreent your views? I understand Kyl was just reelected and sees anopther 6 years in front of him, but we in California enjoyed a thing called a “recall” when one of our politicians lost sight of what mattered. Yes, it’s hard work, but exciting, and when it works, it’s beautiful.

In the meantime, every time is a good time to chime in with these Amnesty Republicans, reminding them you’re watching and waiting. The president is scheduled to go to the Hill on Tuesday in an effort to use his 29% approval rating to resurrect this monster, so maintaining communication with these freaks can’t hurt.

John McCain:
Washinton, D.C.: 202-224-2235
Phoenix, AZ: 602-952-2410
Tempe, AZ: Phone: 480-897-6289
Email Forum
[email protected]

Arlen Spector:
Washington, D.C.: 202-224-4254
Philadelphia: 215-597-7200
Pittsburgh, PA: 412-644-3400
Email Forum
[email protected]

Lindsey Graham:
Washington, D.C.: 202-224-5972
Greenville, SC: 864-250-1417
Columbia, SC: 803-933-0112
Email Forum

Jon Kyl:
Washinton, D.C.: 202-224-4521
Phonix, AZ: 602-840-1891
Tucson, AZ: 520-575-8633
Email Forum

Mel Martinez:
Washington, D.C.: 202-224-3041
Orlando, FL: 407-254-5548
Toll free: 866-630-7106
Email Forum

Jeff Flake:
Washinton, D.C.: 202-225-2635
Mesa, AZ: 480-833-0092
Email Forum
[email protected]

This section is for comments from's community of registered readers. Please don't assume that Tammy agrees with or endorses any particular comment just because she lets it stand.
12 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. Dave J says:

    “…we in California enjoyed a thing called a “recall” when one of our politicians lost sight of what mattered.”

    Recall is part of California’s state constitution. Federal officeholders, like Senators, are not (currently) subject to recall, though putting that option into the US Constitution might not be a bad idea.

  2. Sparky says:

    Dave J,

    You in Cali have it great with recall. In the People’s Republic of Connecticut we get the short end of the stick constantly. Four words:

    Nation Wide Term Limits!

  3. whitney says:

    From a Mark Levin fan forum, person; he said that Goober Lindsey is favored for election in 2008; seems to me our Dear Tammy peeps, can make a dent in his “unstoppable” march to re-election.

    Didn’t that jerk call me a “bigot”? Aren’t we capable of unseating this little munchkin? Where does he get the gizmachies to start calling fellow Tammy peeps Bigots?

  4. whitney says:

    I’ve been waiting for someone from South Carolina’s constituent network who wants some help in unseating “Goober” Lindsey; Please post some suggestions and contacts whereby the Tammy peeps who congregate here regularly can be the most effective to get some healthy conservative change in your state; your dynamic state really could be a healthy harbinger and encouragement to others of us who would like to do the same in, for example, California; the state that brought you Nancy Pelosi…God, we need some help!

  5. St. Thor says:

    Remember Lindsey Graham is also the one who torpedoed the privatization of social security. As we learned to our sorrow with Aldrich Ames, we should never trust, or vote for, anybody with two last names.

  6. pat_s says:

    This is the kind of thing I’m worried about now that we’ve shown we’re not going to be suckers for immigration “reform”–executive orders or “temporary” amnesty which, as in this case, is perpetually renewed. The reasoning behind continuing this “temporary” amnesty could easily be applied to all 12 million illegals–the money they send home helps that economy and sending them back will put a further economic burden on their home country.

    The next move for both Democrats and Republicans is to take the American people right out of the equation on this issue and the EM won’t even report it.

    Central Americans get ‘temporary’ amnesty

    As the U.S. Congress mulls the fate of illegal immigrants, the Bush administration is granting temporary protection for 312,00 Central Americans. Temporary amnesty has been granted for the last decade to illegal immigrants from Honduras, Nicaragua and El Salvador because of devastating earthquakes and hurricanes there, the Washington Post reported Sunday.

    Last month, the Department of Homeland Security said it would extend the amnesty because conditions in those countries have not improved enough for the immigrants to return home.

    Collapsed bridges have been rebuilt and flattened crops replanted, but the economies of the three largely impoverished countries rely heavily on the nearly $10 billion sent from relatives working in the United States, the Post reported.That loss of income combined with the return of several hundred thousand jobless and homeless immigrants would further devastate the countries, their diplomats told the Post.

  7. Dave J says:

    Sparky, I live in Florida, not California (and grew up in the People’s Republic of Taxachusetts, which as I’m sure you know makes Connecticut look like a libertarian paradise). Moreover, having worked for the term-limited state legislature here, I do not believe term limits are the answer to anything: they undermine institutional memory, make lobbyists and staffers the real power, and just cause career politicians to try to jump from one job to the next.

  8. Hangfire says:

    Time to Punish Amnesty Republicans

    What a great idea, we cannot forget how fast these guys were willing to sell this country out for a few votes. Just as bad as “Pay to play Gray Davis”. Let’s not forget them, if we cannot recall them, vote them out on the next election cycle!

    Good call TB!

  9. ashleymatt says:

    Martinez is another one who feels he’s safe because he is not up for re-election until 2010, so let’s make sure he continues to see headlines like the following:

    Immigrant bill hurts Martinez in polls: The Florida Republican senator’s approval ratings are at an all-time low.

  10. Stonemason says:

    Just thought y’all might want to see what happened when I tried to email Arlen Specter:

    Your message did not reach some or all of the intended recipients.

    Subject: Amnesty Bill
    Sent: 6/10/2007 6:40 PM

    The following recipient(s) could not be reached:

    Specter, Arlen (Specter) on 6/10/2007 6:40 PM
    The message could not be delivered because the recipient’s mailbox is full.

    Gotta love a full mailbox!!!!

  11. whitney says:

    Bush, allies hope to revive immigration bill
    President to lunch on Capitol Hill Tuesday, new vote possible Friday…

    By Friday? They want to try this all over again? By Friday? Bush has got to leave; Look George, I don’t want to join the Cindy Sheehan crowd and ball for your impeachment to get you off the stage.

    Be a good boy and go home!

  12. DennyinOC says:

    The TOOL BOX is getting larger and larger.

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