One thing these people tend to forget is that we’re out here and we have a slightly different idea about what’s best for this country then they do. But then again, it’s not unusual for Democrats to expect their constituents to leave their individualism at the door, Pledge Allegiance to the Left and conform. God forbid should Democrats actually have a real race, with real competition and real choices.

Hillary the inevitable

Mark Penn, Clinton’s chief strategist, responded today with a memo that seemed designed to bludgeon all opposition into senselessness through the sheer power of numbers (links to 40 polls showing Hillary in the lead!)

Penn strongly implies another i-word is the best description of Hillary — not incumbent, but inevitable.

In recent election cycles, any time a candidate has had as much as 35 or 40 percent of the vote consistently across polls in a multi-candidate field, that candidate has gone on to win the nomination. In the last race, Joseph Lieberman was in the teens at this point while Walter Mondale’s numbers in the 1984 Democratic primary were comparable to Hillary’s now.

I’m not entirely sure of the wisdom of this line of argument. Does he want Hillary backers to think of her as the Mondale of 2008? Sure, Mondale got the nomination but….

Excellent point. let’s remember someone else just last year who won the Connecticut senate nomination–Ned Lamont. Who? Exactly. Hillary Rodham Clinton may be inevitable for the Dems, but not for this nation. The two, as we see more and more every day, are very different things.

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4 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. Trinity says:

    Sounds to me like the Clinton War Machine is in full guns ablazing. They are going to pull out all the tactics, lies, dirt, whatever they have to do to win this nomination. For one nanosecond I felt sorry for the other candidates in the Dem race, but quickly I came to my senses. I believe they are simply running for her VP. We shall see.

    I long for days of good candidates, principled, from either party. Then again, my daddy always says I was ‘born in the wrong era’, maybe so.

    As far as Her Hillary becoming President? No. NO. NO. I would rather gouge out my eyeballs with a toothpick. The GOP and reasoned Dems better get their heads out of their backsides and wake up, say what we might about Mrs. Bill Clinton; this woman plays to win, losing is not an option no matter what country she destroys in the process. I will not let her destroy mine. I better not have nightmares tonight, now. lol..

  2. I think the one thing that irks Hillary more than anything else is that she is not Bill.
    America seemed to love his smarmy charm.
    And Hillary has none at all, she just comes across as a vicious, vindictive, shrill old harpy that doesn’t do anything but complain.
    That said, it’s still way way way too early to make any predictions at all.
    Remember who was the frontrunner just 4 years ago, Howard Dean. And remember how that went.
    There’s plenty of time for Hillary to self destruct or say something that seems too far right to the piranha press and they shred her.
    Plus old tubby Gore hasn’t started losing weight, I mean announced his candidacy. That’s going to be a large torpedo broadside in the side of the old broad.
    Couldn’t resist that one.

  3. theendisnear says:


    You hit the proverbial nail on the head. Hills’ biggest problem, and I think it’s an insurmountable problem, is that she’s NOT Bill Clinton. No matter what you think of Bill (and IMHO he should be in jail right now), he had and still has that smarmy charm, apparently can still make folks think he’s talking directly to them, to the exclusion of all others, etc.

    Hillary, however, is so cold, so anti-personal, that she always comes across as arrogant and condescending, screeches her speeches (which is the primary, though not the only, reason she rarely makes a public appearance — after all, what she has to say is typically pure ultra-leftist garbage), and looks like she’s pissed-off at the world 24/7/365. Hard to get elected President when you’re this unlikeable, even with her “inevitability” as the Democrat nominee.

    Run her against Fred Thompson in the general election, and you’re looking at Mondale vs. Reagan redux as far as the ultimate results come November, 2008. If I’m wrong on that, and she is actually elected our next President, then I grieve for this country.

  4. Skylark says:

    I don’t get the Dems wanting Hillary. Who is she, anyway? A carpet bagger who found a job, who never did anything significant, who has no leadership skills, no consistency, no values, who is a blatant, confused socialist. All I can figure is, some idiots out there want Bill back so bad that they will embrace her in the hopes that he is who they will actually get! (I know people like this).

    I once took a psychological theory class. My book explained the theories, but first, it gave a bio on each psychologist who created that theory. Right down the line, every single one of them created a theory that reflected the background from which they came. One, from a warm and fuzzy family, had a warm and fuzzy theory. One, who was incredibly alienated from his famiy, created a confusing mess of a theory of alienation that I never did understand. I think Hillary’s background would probably reveal some very interesting clues as to who and what she is.

    Funny thing, though. As much as she covers up, lies, changes positions according to which way the wind is blowing, and mimics local colloquialisms, a very strange and twisted personality keeps emerging. I cannot imagine having THAT for a president. We’d be the laughing stock of the world!

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