As you may have noticed, our Snoopy Dance at the top of the left-hand column has been replaced by an Amnesty-related topic–the McCain Campaign Death Watch. Click on Sombrero Man each day and you’ll find a story which will address the McCain Campaign Disaster of the Day. As soon as he gets his punishment, Sombrero Man will turn to another Senate Monkey, like Lindsay Graham.

Click daily. You’ll be glad you did.


By popular demand, and a via comment by localmalcontent in Comments, I have added The Silky Pony Campaign Death Watch to our sidebar icon updates. Excellent idea! Click on the Silky Pony daily and find our why John Edwards is the sleaziest person in the race for the White House. Will he and McCain be the first to drop out of their respective party races? Losers.

This section is for comments from's community of registered readers. Please don't assume that Tammy agrees with or endorses any particular comment just because she lets it stand.
5 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. Keenan says:

    Tammy. I will click daily…just promise me that if I click on the little hat that it won’t activate a jumping bean that would facilitate a hat dance.

  2. Tammy- when you add the McCain Campaign deathwatch icon, why don’t you also add another for the death watch of the Silky Pony’s campaign too? With these two competing race-to-the-end icons, it could offer undecided voters a way to determine whether to go get a sexy haircut, or to go nutz against ones supporters!

    I emailed the Silky campaign headquarters today (Wouldn’t that make a great name for a hair salon…: ‘The Silky Head Quarters’!), to call him on the carpet for his wife’s rage against Ann Coulter, and his condescending remarks to us all.
    Wonder if he will email me back?

    [Ask and ye shall receive! Great idea. Thank goodness we found a Silky Pony icon worthy of the Edwards hair.–ed.]

  3. Mwalimu Daudi says:

    Should you grace the Barak Obama campaign with a similar campaign death-watch designation, may I suggest a picture of an empty suit?

    And if Hilly the Hun craters (I don’t expect her to) Paris Hilton’s mug shot would be ideal. After all, the Hotel Heirhead is a perfect example of what happens when a village raises a child.

  4. Keenan says:

    O.K. Now w/ the Silk Pony. God-willing we will not have to keep a flat out Death Watch on Fred Thompson. Your comments today about his lymphoma have me worried that he will never announce his candidacy. A close, young friend of mine lost her life last year to that dread disease.

  5. RagingBullmoose says:

    McCain’s got less campaign cash than that nut-bag Ron Paul.

    Via con dios, Senator McCain…

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