Well, I have to say I’m pleasantly surprised because I’ve pretty much scratched Romney off my list (the dog-on-the-roof debacle capped it for me). This has made me look up again. His assessment of how we’re feeling about Iraq and how we are, and are not, going to deal with it is refreshing as well.

Romney: Americans Angry With Iraq War

Campaigning in Iowa, the former Massachusetts governor also argued that despite the nation’s frustration over the war, voters aren’t ready to replace President Bush with a Democrat.

“I know the Democrats are getting all ready, they are measuring the drapes and getting the carpet all ready for how they are going to take over the White House, and I think they are going to get a big surprise,” Romney told a crowd gathered at a golf course. “America is not happy with how the war in Iraq is going, and is angry. But America is not about to take a sharp left turn and put somebody in the White House who would turn America into a European-type state.” […]

On immigration, Romney adopted a hardline stance.

“I … don’t think it makes sense to have an immigration policy that says that if an illegal couple—a couple that comes across the border illegally—has a child here, that child becomes a U.S. citizen, that then the whole family gets to come in, if you will, through ‘chain migration,'” he said.

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6 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. I agree, but I still don’t like Romney. Hopefully his putting this on the table will inspire a more palatable candidate to pick it up.

    That said, I’ve never understood why this policy is so difficult to change. Surely if we just stipulated that at least one of the parents must be legally resident that would solve the problem while still being compassionate, welcoming and humane. I don’t even insist that the parent be a citizen, just someone who has the legal right to live and work in the country.

  2. A B says:

    Just in case you didn’t see this (hat tip to Mickey Kaus)

  3. N_Campbell says:

    I actually had issues of concern with Gov. Romney during the first Republican debate as soon as he opened his mouth and uttered the words “Assault Weapons Ban”. I think he and Rudy are both very weak when it comes to the Second Amendment.

  4. Trinity says:

    Thanks for the info Tammy. I will take an additional look at Romney. I am a Fredhead I admit; however, until we know for sure the field, I will keep my powder dry. All I know is that the GOP better get their heads out from under the sand, start acting like a leadership party and darn soon. I refuse to say President H.Clinton. It gives me a sick stomach to even think about it. Have a great weekend..Rachel

  5. Floyd R. Turbo says:

    I admit to, also, being put off by his dog on the roof escapade. But. As he, himself, said of Hillary and Obama recently, just what have they managed lately? Have they even managed a corner convenience store? I strongly agree with the premise that for someone to step into a job/position of the magnatude of President of the US or any CEO job, they’d BETTER have managerial ability. Look at those who haven’t or have screwed up at it. Bill. Jimmah. And so on. From what I’ve read of Gov. Romney, he’s done rather well in the managerial realm with successes in the financial area. That speaks volumes to me. Yes, he has some areas of concern. But, I doubt, at least at this point, that we will find a “perfect” candidate. Don’t think that’s gonna happen. Not that we should take anyone that looks halfway competent and say he’s the best we can do. I just think that we need a person with a CEO track record with visible successes at managing people and large money matters. So, far, Mr. Romney is up there on the list. And, he MAY be electable…yes, time is ticking, but it’s still summer. Let’s not panic. Yet. It’s not gender, or ethnics or religion but what direction does the candidate want to take the country?

  6. Axe50 says:

    I worked for a company that Bain capitol (The business that Mr. Romney started). I can tell you that before he took over the reins, my business lost 20 million dollars. The very next year after he was at the helm, we made a profit of 17 million dollars. That folks is a 37 million dollar change in 1 year. I have personally seen the kind of business leadership he brings to the table. (I have never met him by the way) I just know the kind of leadership and sound principles he brings to the table. NO ONE in the democratic camp can bring this leadership to America!

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