Video from this morning’s appearance courtesy of HutSutRaw

Good riddance. This will be my segment topic this morning for my usual Fox appearance at 10:20am ET. While the attorney firings which preceded this were completely legal, the handling of the entire episode was inept. The Iraq situation is somewhat parallel to this scenario–going in was the right thing to do, but the aftermath has been handled with rank incompetence. What are the chances the president will take Gonzales lead and resign.

Yeah, I know.

With the president’s track record and open borders, and lack of respect for the Rule of Law, his dream replacement just might be:


That’s right! New leftist darling, Deportation Mom, who seems to have a pretty good grasp on the fact that our Justice Department isn’t enforcing our own laws, or perhaps even breaking them when it comes to the immigration debacle. Barring that, how about following int he footsteps of Harriet Miers and nominations the Dems would love: Janet Reno!


Hey, without Ann Coulter out there, Bush would be capable of just about anything. See Michelle Malkin for more possible (and realistic) replacements, including Skeletor, of whom many are predicting is a probable nominee.



That would make perfect sense–nominate the Amnesty Lobbyist who dismissed Americans as a bunch of bloodthirsty executioners when it came to immigration, to be our chief law enforcer. It’s exactly the sort of slap in the face we have come to expect from President Bush.

This section is for comments from's community of registered readers. Please don't assume that Tammy agrees with or endorses any particular comment just because she lets it stand.
5 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. St. Thor says:

    If Bush follows his usual course of doing his best to destroy the Republican Party, he will nominate Skeletor for Attorney General. When, o when is their going to be somebody in this administration who will actually enforce the laws rather than make a farce of them?

  2. Hambo says:

    When I heard that Gonzo is going, going, gone-o, I shuddered when I realized who his replacement might be.

    As bad as Chertoff would be as A.G., there’s another candidate who would be much, much worse.

    Given Vicente W Bush’s frame of mind, I’m unable to shake the notion that he’ll nominate his favorite, law-degreed hatchet man, U.S. Attorney Johnny “Rat Bastard” Sutton.

  3. robert108 says:

    Janet Reno slaughtered American citizens, some of whom were children. This proves the Dems are infinitely more corrupt than the Republicans. Whether you like Gonzales or not, he didn’t slaughter any American citizens.

  4. David Jerome says:

    When I first visited your site I remember thinking how amazed I was that I had so much in common with a Democrat.And a lesbian,at that! I agree with you strongly in the areas of gun rights,national/border security,war on terror,fiscal responsibility etc. We differ mainly on issues dealing with morality,such as abortion,seperation of church and state,gay marriage etc. You were a great supporter of President Bush and would defend him vigorously. I was solidly behind you. But when I visit your site now,I feel like I’ve logged into a liberal,Bush-bashing website that would be the envy of George Soros.

    I too am disillusioned with the President.I am angry at his disregard for our borders,his approval of Mexican trucks to roam our country and his attempts to sell our ports to the highest bidder(UAE port deal).His lack of support for falsely accused Marines and his inaction when Campeon and Ramos were thrown in jail,do not sit well with me.You’ve said several times that the President is not a true conservative. I must disagree with you.And this is also where you and I part ways. It’s true,his spending and lack of border control are at odds with the definition of a conservative.

    But in areas of morality,he is very much in step with my beliefs,and those of many other Republicans. Say what you will about George W. Bush,he has ALWAYS remained a strong,committed social Conservative. It is that aspect of his presidency that has always made you suspicious of his administration.His stance on gay right,stem cell research,religion in government etc. That’s why you and I will never see eye to eye completely. After all,it was W who gave us John Roberts and Samuel Alito…it was W who cut short his vacation to fly back to Washington,to sign Terri’s Bill into Terri’s Law at midnight…it was W who vetoed stem cell research and signed the Partial Birth Abortion Ban Act….it was W who gave religious groups funding to help the less fortunate…it was W who stood before Ronald Reagan’s coffin and reminded us that ‘he now sees his Saviour,face to face’….it was W who proved to the Taliban that Americans could fight hand to hand,and not just from the air.

    Yes,he’s made some bad decisions,some even dangerous,but I have never for one minute doubted his sincerity. You say that he should take Gonzales’ lead and quit. I say you’re wrong. President Bush needs to regroup and bring back the old Bush I used to applaud.I know he’s still in there,somewhere. But I’ll be honest,when you compare him to the current presidential candidates of both parties,he still stands out from the pack. If it wasn’t for his stance on immigration,I would gladly vote for him again,if it were possible. Thank you for allowing me to post my opinion.

  5. dmg333 says:

    David Jermone,
    In all due respect, I don’t think you fully understand all of Tammy’s views and ever listened to her counterpoints on a lot of those ‘social’ issues.
    She never said she is for gay marriage, she respects the tradition of the majority. Yet she doesn’t think discriminating against a minority via The Constitution constitutes keeping government out of people’s lives and using common sense.
    I don’t recall her siding with stem cell research either, unless done on a non live specimen/human. She has very high morals when it comes to right and wrong and faith based phenomena, but that has nothing to do with not separating church and
    state; unless you want to live like Saudi Arabia (not that we would ever be like that).
    She is not pro abortion as much as she is pro choice. Again, keeping government OUT of people’s lives IS a conservative stance.
    I can relate to her being different, and respect her more for that. She is truly an individual to the Nth degree.
    The majority of the people are NOT happy with Bush and that includes many a conservative talk show host. Tammy is no exception.
    Anyways, just felt like I needed to voice my opinion about that.

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