
Farrow in the 1968 classic “Rosemary’s Baby” at a time when filmmakers still made us rely on our imaginations.

Mia Farrow, actress and older and less attractive than Angelina Jolie Mega-Adopter, has offered herself in exchange for the freedom of a Darfur rebel leader. Please Sudan Islamist nutjob leaders, say yes.

Mia Farrow offers her freedom for Darfur rebel

Mia Farrow has offered her freedom in exchange for that of a respected Darfur rebel figure, virtually imprisoned for more than 13 months, in a letter to Sudanese President Omar Hassan al-Bashir…

“Before his seizure, Mr. Jamous played a crucial role in bringing the SLA to the negotiating table and in seeking reconciliation between its divided rival factions,” Farrow said in the letter dated August 5.

“I am therefore offering to take Mr. Jamous’s place, to exchange my freedom for his in the knowledge of his importance to the civilians of Darfur and in the conviction that he will apply his energies toward creating the just and lasting peace that the Sudanese people deserve and hope for.”

Well, I must admit, this is a bit more concrete than suggesting people wear pink or buy red things.

I do have a suggestion. I think we should send someone in and it’s not Mia Farrow. It’s called: “The United States Marines.”

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4 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. bnkpet says:

    Well, ok, but my first reaction to reading this is that we should have Sean Penn doing this but he seems to be on a totally different continent at the moment.

  2. Mike says:

    Oh good grief. While on the surface, this seems to be an altruistic gesture, the surface is awfully shallow. Could Ms. Farrow be so naive as to actually think that murderous terrorists a world away would say to themselves: “Say! What a good idea! Let’s send her a plane ticket! Why, this would buy all all kinds of positive and warm and fuzzy PR!” Or is she smart enough to know that the possibility of this actually happening is so small that it can’t be seen with an electron microscope? But golly, isn’t this just the kind of dramatic Hollywierd gesture that will garner many liberal pats on the back?

    I suppose this is what passes for action in Hollywood.

  3. Mwalimu Daudi says:

    Here is a list of twenty-one people that should volunteer (or, if they demur, be volunteered) instead of Mia Farrow:

    1. Chuck Hagel
    2. Mother Sheehan
    3. John Murtha
    4. Ned Lamont
    5, 6 & 7. The Dixie Chix
    8. Nancy Pelosi
    9. Jimmy Carter
    10. Howard Dean
    11. Rosie O’Donnell
    12. Harry Reid
    13. Ron Paul
    14. Barak Obama
    15. Hilly the Hun
    16. Hilly the Hun’s husband
    17. The Silky Pony
    18. John F. Kerry
    19. George Soros
    20. Michael Moore
    21. Barbara Boxer

    These twenty-one fine and upstanding folks have been elegantly (and with great fashion sense) licking the boots of poor, misunderstood Islamofascists everywhere. Please Sudan Islamist nutjob leaders, agree to this compromise proposal.

    Of course, if they refuse, we can always offer them for the twenty-one South Korean Christian hostages still being held by those “insurgents” in Afghanistan. As a bonus we can toss in the Reverends Sharpton and Jackson, and Pope Algore.

  4. PeteRFNY says:

    Somewhere, Woody Allen is thinking, “Oh God, please…PLEASE…”.

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