
Roy Orbison

I am now rushing to to gym and swear I will never cut my hair. Yep, just a little bit of a wake-up call. (HT Defamer) For some reason, I personally believe that being a gay woman does not mean one has to end up looking like Roy Orbison or Peter O’Toole. I hope, for my sake, there are many out there who agree with me.

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17 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. ltlme says:

    Tammy, I AGREE!!!!
    Frankly, unless I actually point out the fact that men are not what float my boat, I am perceived as being “straight”.

  2. XWL says:

    I hope, for my sake, there are many out there who agree with me.

    Or you can do the Jack Nicholson thing and not date anybody over the age of 30.

    (and I’d bet you’d have no problem attracting sub-30 cuties well into your 60s, if that’s what you were in to (finding the sub-30 cuties worth chatting with when not getting sweaty, would be the real challenge))

  3. brutepcm says:

    I disagree. When lesbians are as hot as you are, they drive red blooded American males out into the night sobbing “WHY!WHY!WHY?

  4. HutSutRaw says:

    I am with you on this one! When I came out to a friend of mine the first thing he asks me is if I am going to cut my hair short! I’m like NO! LOL. I couldn’t believe he asked me that!

  5. josai says:

    Why is it that once a woman comes out, she almost universally goes for the 3rd base on the softball team look? I’ve heard the term “lipstick lesbian” before and I must say they are some of the FINEST lookin’ womens’ I ever done seed befo’!!! Seriously, you can be a lesbian and still look pretty. If Ms. Bruce isn’t exhibit A then I don’t know WHO IS!!!! My friend Todd and I were out with the fellas a while back and he asked a gorgeous woman to dance and she very politely pointed to her girlfriend of 4 years sitting next to her. If we didn’t know she was gay my buddy would have probably proposed to her on the spot, she was that beautiful. Note to any pretty lesbians in the audience, next time your approached by a well meaning man don’t be offended in any way please, take it as a compliment, it was intended as such.

  6. ashleymatt says:

    Is there any other website where one minute the Commenters are engaging in ponderous, conflicted debate about our pick for the Republican nomination and the next we are discussing the follies of lesbian hair?

    Having said that, here is my very important opinion on this matter:
    Tammy, even if you cut off all your quite pretty hair, you would not look like a scary fat man. You might even look cute with short hair. I don’t know what’s wrong with some of these lesbians who ooh and aah over an actress on TV and when you look at them, you wonder if they own a mirror. How can they have such an appreciation for beauty when they have obviously let themselves go to pot?

  7. Kelly says:

    Great blog, Tammy. I’ve followed your work for awhile now and this is my first post.

    That link is definitely in the “scary but true” category. I have short hair but you can’t peg me as a lesbian from my appearance.

    As my mother often asks me, “If some lesbians hate men so much, why do they want to look like the ugliest ones they can find?!” I just shake my head and realize yet again that I don’t have an answer. I am not the Lesbian Oracle, no matter how hard I try.

  8. Nations Girl says:

    In the words of Roy him/herself:

    “Oh pretty woman she’s the rising sun
    Says all your cheap paint and powder
    ain’t gonna help you none
    She’s a pretty woman right down to the bone
    So you just might as well
    still leave your skin alone
    Pretty woman
    What’s the matter with you
    Can’t make you love me, no matter what I do
    Oh pretty woman what you trying to do
    You kept on foolin’ around till I got stuck on you
    So you just drop that mess
    and come down off your throne
    Stop using my poor heart as a stepping stone
    Pretty woman”

  9. ahwatukeejohn says:

    You keep making men looking for a beautifull intelligent woman, curse the fates.

  10. Tink says:

    Ah, one of the topics of the ages.
    Here’s a little diddy about one of the rarest of beauties from one of my favorite poets, Ben Johnson.

    Simplex Munditiis (Latin for “plain in thy elegance”)

    Still to be neat, still to be dressed,
    As you were going to a feast;
    Still to be powdered, still perfumed:
    Lady, it is to be presumed,
    Though art’s hid causes are not found,
    All is not sweet, all is not sound.

    Give me a look, give me a face,
    That makes simplicity a grace;
    Robes loosely flowing, hair as free:
    Such sweet neglect more taketh me
    Than all the adulteries of art;
    They strike mine eyes, but not my heart.

    ~1609~ Ben Johnson

    Tammy I feel like I’m out on one of your branches- from Roy Orbison to Ben Johnson.

  11. Dave J says:

    Tink, that reminds me that I saw Ben Jonson’s The Alchemist at the Barbican in London about twelve years ago, starring the ever-larger-than-life utterly scenery-chewing Josie Lawrence. It is still one of my fondest of many fond London memories.

  12. I dunno….I’m kinda goin’ for the John Madden look m’self.

  13. I’ve always thought Ward Churchill looked like a crunchy-granola separatist dyke.

  14. SlimFemme says:

    Hi Tammy,
    I’m a newbie to your site. I couldn’t agree more. I recently came out to my mother, she asked if I would start looking like a man. I asked do I look like a man now? Of course she said no. Personally, I like getting my manicures, pedicures and wearing heels on a regular basis. I value myself to take care of my whole person and not fall into silly stereotypes about what homosexual women should look like. Plus it’s totally unattractive, to me at least!!

  15. artgal says:

    Oh yes – I totally agree! There’s no reason lesbians should wind up looking like the guys on that site. Yikes!

    There’s a lot to be said for taking care of yourself, enjoying being a woman and most of all, just being who you are instead of falling into a stupid stereotype.

    I like being a woman and owning several shades of lipstick & eyeshadow. I like having long hair and looking my best whether it’s in a dress, sharp pantsuit or my torn CBGB tshirt & jeans. And I also do not ‘look’ the part. In fact, I was accused of being a ‘homophobe’ last year by a lesbian gang (yes, they do exist) in the high school where I work. Go figure.

    No lumberjack qualities here, though I can sure swing a baseball bat and kick ass in a dress if I have to.

  16. Bob says:

    Tammy, you are a beautiful, independent & intelligent woman, not to mention a great author. You will never look like an old lesbian even when you are one. 🙂

  17. azgal says:

    Hey Tammy,

    So while at a wedding this weekend I was talking to my girlfriends who are beautiful and lesbians. The general consensus was that the absolute worst is when the dyke’s idea of dressing up is wearing a tuxedo! Unfortunately, I’ve seen that all to often. It’s never pretty. I will however take a cowgirl in chaps anytime. 🙂

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