
The truth of the matter is, answering planted questions is much better than having to answer, say, a question about how to get a stain out of a dress or whether or not her sexually compulsive husband is a risk to national security.

The campaign process is supposed to be about one thing–allowing us to vet the candidates under a variety of circumstances, including how they react to pressure, tough questions and unpredictable circumstances.

Hillary has proven one thing with this absurd situation–even in a friendly environment with her own supporters she is too afraid to face the unknown. How, really, can we expect that person to competently handle the Real World which has never been predictable, and is replete with enemies who are not controllable or friendly?

Hillary Clinton is a ridiculous woman and the events surrounding her have always reflected that, this being no exception.

The segment will probably be on at about 10:20am ET, but there’s a chance it may be 10:30 or :40. I hope you can tune in 🙂

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8 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. Kelly says:

    Methinks that any potential reference to the Tide pen will render Beckel just as speechless as “The Lewinsky Position” did.

    Go get ’em, Tammy. 🙂

  2. PeteRFNY says:

    Watching you own (or what do the kids call it nowadays? “pwn”?) Beckel AGAIN for the second straight week made my Monday suck a little be less…

    Let’s see if I can remember his words as the election gets closer: “Honesty and Elections are an oxymoron”. Well, his party invented that particular oxymoron and it sounds like they’re PROUD of it.

    The ownage gets more and more cutting every week. A couple for week’s of this and poor old Bob’s head may explode in what might be the first live telecast of spontaneous human combustion on record!

  3. Sean H. says:

    Just caught the end of the segment. I always find it interesting how Dem. Operatives like Bob want to beg the question rather than answering. Far be it for any Dem. to criticize any candidate, especially one named Clinton. I am also impressed with the “constant talking” technique, that is so prevalent form their party’s spokesmen.
    I guess the theory is if you keep saying things eventually something will make sense. In their case it rarely if ever does.
    That is why you are so appealing Tammy. You do not hesitate to callout any politico regardless of party affiliation.
    You Go Girl!!!!!!

  4. KatieSilverSpring says:

    I shouldn’t be eating breakfast when you come on against Bob Beckel, Tammy; I could choke to death! He was so prepared to deal with you and once again you knocked him off. His response, that you are a big spin artist, was obviously planned in case you said the EXACT same thing as last week. That poor man. I wonder if he records this to watch later? that he would say he did the same thing in prior campaigns?!? well, well, that ensures confidence in the Democrat Party, now doesn’t it?

    But the best part was to watch again Hillary’s face as it changes during the question. Every time someone slips in a question she clearly doesn’t like, the whole face tightens up, you can almost see the camera flashing in her head, “I will remember you and get you back later … big time”. Which really is exactly what she does with her enemies. I think someone needs to tell her that holding grudges and revenge seeking like that causes hemorrhoids.

  5. hey gary says:

    Earlier this year, Hollywood mogul David Geffen laid it out, and was quoted by Ms. Dowd.. “Everybody in politics lies, but they [the Clinton’s] do it with such ease, it’s troubling.”

    One should remember, that Geffen’s switch to the Obama camp was major news, that week. It was on all the cable shows, and the Sunday morning talk shows — Almost everything that Geffen said was repeated and debated over and over – everything, except the important part about the Clinton’s lying, which was carefully kept out of the spotlight. The voters should be reminded from time to time – today is a good moment.

    For goodness sakes, if one of Rudy’s old supporters came out and called him a liar, we understand that within hours, 40 million voters would be well informed – and it would be talked about right up to the election — perhaps we’d see it later in the negative campaign ads.

    Note: if as was discussed in the debate, “everyone knows it and does it,” then one can assume that Hillary must be aware of the planted folks and planted questions. Perhaps Bill O’Reilly can have his “body language” expert check out Hillary’s mannerisms, as she denied knowledge of the common practice.

    Now, who asked the question, which put President Bush’s name in the spotlight? That was at a minimum from a biased reporter, trying to deflect attention away from Hillary’s problem — or was the question with the journalist planned with Hillary’s staff beforehand (planted)?

  6. TLindaman says:

    I’m going to catch heck (or some other non-offensive synonym for Hades) for this, but I really don’t have a problem with Hillary planting questions. Candidates do this more frequently than we realize, and it’s designed to make them look like they’re on the ball when it comes to certain issues. It’s pure modern politics.

    But there’s a larger point that’s being missed in this “controversy.” Hillary has done this and other actions like this during her 2000 and 2004 Senate campaigns. Hillary has micromanaged her campaign events to the point where just about everything is scripted. Makes you wonder what the most qualified candidate for President in the 2008 race has to hide, doesn’t it?

    Oh, and for the record, my tongue was planted firmly in cheek with the “most qualified candidate for President” line. 🙂

  7. skipmebden says:

    I live in NY. I like Hillary….but, I had the following problem with her and her staffers when she ran here for US Senator. She was so obviously over-managed. She was told not to answer any questions completely or take a stand on anything lest she make a fatal political mistake. That is to say, offend someone. When you try to not offend everyone, you actually offend everyone. It’s what politics is these days, defensive to an absurdity.

    Scott from Baldwinsville, NY

  8. mrfixit says:

    Oh. C’mon. I’m sure at least three people in the country were thinking about how desperately they wanted those very same (planted) questions answered. I see shades of Al Gore paying a woman to drive a winnebago to a caucus, so he could highlight what a hardship it was that she drove a winnebago all the way to see him at the caucus. Don’t trip over your carbon footprints.

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