
Laura Bush’s friends explain why the 19-year-old rape victim deserves 200 lashes and 6 months in jail.

Saudis back sentence of 200 lashes for gang rape victim

SAUDI Arabia yesterday defended a court’s decision to sentence a woman who was gang-raped to 200 lashes. The 19-year-old Shiite woman and an unrelated male companion were abducted and raped by seven men in 2006.

Ruling according to Saudi Arabia’s strict reading of Islamic law, a court originally sentenced the woman to 90 lashes and the rapists to jail terms of between ten months and five years. It blamed the woman for being alone with an unrelated man.

But last week, the Supreme Judicial Council increased the sentence on the woman to 200 lashes and six months in prison…The ruling provoked rare criticism from the United States, which is trying to persuade Saudi Arabia to attend a Middle East peace conference in Maryland next week. A state department spokesman told reporters “most [people] would find it relatively astonishing that something like this happens”.

What will our punishment be for being so weak-willed, and completely supportive of a nation that does this to women? Shame on Laura Bush as well as the so-called American “feminist” establishment. May they all have nightmares at night.

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7 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. Ripper says:

    You are right. However it is sad that the alternatives to the House of Saud, Mubarak in Egypt, and Mushareff in Pakistan are worse.

  2. Kelly says:

    I wish that I could say that it’s “relatively astounding” to hear the State Department’s response to this horror, but unfortunately, it’s just about what I expected.

    I’m with you about the nightmares. May none of them sleep well.

  3. nohillary says:

    Look at the Stepford Wife with the s— eating grin on her face while this poor muslim woman sits there slumped over, garbed in something out of a horror film. Good old George Bush-style diplomacy in action: makes you proud to be an American, doesn’t it?

    Yeah, the “Religion of Peace” is on the same plane (no bad pun intended) as Christianity or Judaism. Obviously.

    Islam oppressive toward women? Nah! Don’t dare criticize Islam, you hypocritical leftist “feminist” scumbags; why that would be a verbal hate crime. Behold the face (what face?) of MAINSTREAM Islam. How would you b—–s like to dress this way everyday, just for starters?

    Then, imagine being the victim of a vicious sex crime and “Islamic justice” dictates that YOU, THE VICTIM, get 200 lashes and 6 months in jail? A woman gang raped by 7 muslim men and it’s her fault: yeah, that seems about right.

    Seems like there’s not a dime’s worth of difference between Bush-type Republicans and the liberal/leftist nihilists. Will Rudy be the one to turn it around? I sure hope so.

  4. jdb says:

    Once again religious dogma trumps justice, empathy, compassion and mercy.

  5. Erin Nemo says:

    Hillary Clinton just condemned this particular verdict and asked that George W. Bush publicly do so.

  6. jerocat says:

    Have a little heart and laugh a little too! Under her dignified visage Laura Bush is laughing directly in the faces those cave men who keep their women down with such brutality. Look at her! She is not bowing to these swine like that poor woman next to her must. Her very presence is a poke in the eye of the Saudi Religious Fascists. She is there for more than breast cancer awareness and, she knows it.

    Remember, we trade dollars for much needed oil and do so in a civilized manner. That’s mostly all we have in common. There is no need to start a war of words.

    Laura Bush has befriended this poor oppressed woman which is more than the feministas of the west have done. She has not bent an inch toward the Fascist antagonists and shows no signs of political correctness. This photo deeply shames the Saudi Kingdom without using any words. I salute her clever tactic.

  7. Laurel_Fred says:

    You know, it doesn’t seem like so many years ago that the drive-by media, supported by several feminist voices, were decrying, with many a horror story, the practice in places like (perhaps including?) Sudan, of female circumcision. In this barbaric procedure, young girls, with or without their consent, have their clitoris’s cut out. A few bleed to death or die of infection. The justification was that this would make women less likely to stray from their marriages by seeking gratification elsewhere. This (rightly) outraged some on the left. What ever happened to this practice and the outcry against it? Is this still being practiced? If so, why are the ‘feminists’ silent now, when they were once so vocal? Who threw the switch?

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