
Oh, it’s Pat Robertson endorsing Rudy Giuliani.

Pat Robertson Endorses Rudy Giuliani For President

Evangelical Christian leader Pat Robertson on Wednesday endorsed former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani, who has struggled to bridge with conservatives some of his socially moderate policy positions on abortion and gay rights.

The endorsement is a coup for the Giuliani campaign, especially after opponent Mitt Romney recently racked up two major endorsements from social conservatives.

Robertson on Wednesday said Giuliani is the best candidate to handle the War on Terror. He said Giuliani understands the need for a conservative judiciary, and that he is a “true fiscal conservative” who is tough on crime.

“The overriding issue before the American people, is the defense of our population against the bloodlust of Islamic terrorists,” Robertson told the National Press Club audience. “Our world faces deadly peril…and we need a leader with a bold vision who is not afraid to tackle the challenges ahead.”

Robertson’s right and I’ve been saying that for ages, but this is weird because right after 9/11 Robertson blamed the attacks on people like me–pro-choice lesbian feminists. And just a few years ago he suggested liberal judges were “probably more serious than a few bearded terrorists who fly into buildings.”

And does this mean Robertson thinks Giuliani deserved to get prostate cancer? And here he is endorsing the man who has the more liberal social views than any other Republican about people like me.

So, gee, do ya think Robertson is simply hitching his horse to the man who appears most likely to win the nomination? Robertson–a rank and cynical opportunist? If Robertson wants to endorse Giuliani, fine. I would be even more concerned if Rudy in some fashion endorsed Robertson and his God-Hates-and-Hurts-People rhetoric. Robertson is like a Fred Phelps Lite who condemns people on television instead of at funerals.

Yeah, I’m afraid that smell isn’t going away anytime soon.


Here’s the video of the announcement. Despite the focus of this event being on Robertson, I do like seeing Ted Olson who is with the Giuliani campaign. Another reason to support Rudy.

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16 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. KatieSilverSpring says:

    People forget, or don’t know, that Pat Robertson comes from an old Virginia political family; his father was a US Congressman and then US Senator – a Democrat, I might add. Pat Robertson is first and foremost a politician, not a religious person. His TV show, station, college and such are all a part of that political side. He has always endorsed candidates and been right in there with them. Time to take out the Oust!

  2. Kelly says:

    Okay, I feel like I’ve stepped into “Bizarro World” this morning. Maybe Pat really likes people like you and me, Tammy?!

    Now I feel like my head is going to explode like Beckel’s the other day.

  3. Trinity says:

    That smell is fear of Hillary Rodham Clinton!

  4. no9 says:

    re: “…he is endorsing the man who has the more liberal social views than any other Republican…”

    my dear, so disappointed in you. while i would scoff at the dreaded word “liberal” and all the socialist evils it burdens us with, have you not heard of the good doc paul‘s platform? or, are you succumbing to the mainstream media’s: not a republican/not electable/not first tier, banter? you are right to diss the current selection, but your follow-up is truly lacking.

    you and your fellow alternative lifestyle citizens should be yelling for equal time when it comes to the message of individual freedom espoused by dr. paul. to sum the “socially liberal” concept from the constitution: we are a nation of individuals, not groups. has anyone else proposed treating you as such with color/gender/nationality/sexual preference neutrality?

    mr. robertson’s endorsement is one more from corrupted zealots trading heroes for gold, …a walk-on part in the war, for a lead role in a cage. -pf

    best regards, my dear

  5. PlutosDad says:

    Isn’t Romney Mormon? I think that might be the deciding factor right there. (Remember the Mormon faith is not considered Christian by other Christians.) In that case it wouldn’t be hypocrisy but the lessor of two evils. (Evils in Robertson’s mind).

    This might be good for Giuliani. I was just remarking to someone that I was hoping he’d get the nomination but didn’t think he would, being too libertarian for most Republicans.

  6. Rugged Individual says:

    Whether it be a choice of the lesser of two or many evils and one he made holding his nose…, or an actual liking of and faith in Rudy…, Robertson is endorsing a candidate who stands a chance and would be a good president. My personal choice is a Fred / Newt ticket, but I’m willing, ready, and eager to vote for the Conservative-Republican who gets the nomination. I’ve liked the way Cheney has been free to participate without the distractions of press and public. I’d LOVE to see Newt in such a position. I served under Cheney, as Reagan’s Sec. of Def. and never had reason to doubt either of them.

  7. artgal says:

    Robertson is endorsing Guiliani on the sole reason Guiliani can beat The Sea Hag at election time. When it comes to the issues, Robertson is not at all aligned w/ Guiliani with the exception of a few things. Perhaps this is one time Robertson actually had a moment of clarity and realized all debate in America would stop if we have Hillary (or any of the Dems) as president – or if we no longer have a country, period. I think I just gave Robertson entirely too much credit…

    If Robertson were truly sticking w/ his convictions, then he would follow James Dobson’s lead and endorse the candidate that espouses his ideology/theology. But then that puts Dobson at center stage in the evangelical movement this political season, and he can’t have that now, can he?

  8. jdb says:

    At the risk of offending, if Roberston has endorsed Guiliani and Guiliani has accepted the endorsement, they have both gone to the dark side. I would have chosen a different header for the news posting. It would have been “we won’t be fooled again” instead of “what’s that smell?”

  9. The smell is that from Reverand Robertson praying as he gives the “Hook em Horns” sign, above. And only that. Because he has become insignificant.

    Really… this man and his evangelical empire have become irrelevant since 1998. And to endorse Mayor Giuliani only tells me he wants to once again be on the ‘winning side’, not that he likes or agrees with Giuliani’s agenda. He must be unable to see past the media’s campaign to put the Mayor into the Republican nomination.

    For ratings? Maybe. A cut of that campaign donation-money pie? You bet.

    If Robertson were a true conservative, he would endorse Duncan Hunter for President in ’08.
    That he doesn’t, says volumes. And it’s all about numbers with commas and decimals.

  10. Stonemason says:

    What bothers me most is that the media thinks Robertson speaks for anyone but Robertson. I am a christian, he has never spoken for me, and never will.

  11. Rob Taylor says:

    I ran a Faith in Action program for a few months and worked with Mormons, who were very nice and well respected, but other Christian groups were fairly bigoted about them. That’s likely Pat’s reason to endorse Rudy. Mormonism also plays a big role in 90’s style NWO conspiracy theories. I assume many of his devout come from that late 90’s “Clinton’s selling us out to the U.N.” movement.

    My question is does Pat Robertson still really draw a crowd?

  12. Swen says:

    (Remember the Mormon faith is not considered Christian by other Christians.)

    Haven’t you ever wondered why Christian churches have crosses on top and Mormon churches have lightning rods?

  13. dmg333 says:

    I like Rudy, and sometimes I dont understand all the Rudy bashing on hotair, hence full of hotair for me. I think Rudy would make a good leader, and I like him as a person from what I can observe. He seems flexible in his ideas and in learning what’s important. Not someone with an ego in the way not unlike McCain and the Huckabee/Brownback’s of the world, who would sell us out.

    Personally, in my fantasy world, I’d give up my left nut…make that both nuts, (too graphic yet?)for a year just to have Tancredo or Hunter in office, but it’s not going to happen.

    I agree with Tammy and Robertson how this war is of first and foremost important for our countries future, and the other social issues that people worry about are not as devastating as it should seem. Our countries future is at hand here, and I wish he was more staunch on the illegal issue, but I think he is realizing how we feel about it.

    Why people make Rudy seem like the country is going to turn into an extreme liberal chaotic existence is beyond me.

  14. savvydude says:

    Your comments about Dr. Robertson were mean-spirited and judgmental – I expect much more from you. Pat and Rudy were on the same plane flying from Israel a few months back and developed a friendship. Rudy has said many times that he would nominate judges who are more like Alito, so that in itself makes him more palatable for Christian conservatives. BTW, Pat and CBN have done more to feed the poor and comfort those in need than anybody else here. Operation Blessing – check it out.

  15. Ken says:

    Robertson may be a douche bag, but his support is critical for Rudy to win.

    Just remember that to defeat the Fascists, we had to ally with the Communists first.

  16. FayeRaye says:

    Robertson knows full well that God does not punish. He doesn’t have to because we mess our own lives up without outside aid. I think what Robertson was saying was that due to America’s “debauchery”, as perceived by the Islamo-fascists, the terrorists kicked their attacks on the great satan up 50 notches. This of course, is still garbage because WE are not responsible for the extremist thinking of terrorists who believe in a 100% Islamic world order and if people will not convert to Islam – they must die. Although Robertson has said some self-righteous things – he is not the one to fear. I fear for the men and women fighting over there. If a soldier is captured, he/she is surely in for torture and death. And even more terrifying is the prospect of these maniacs getting hold of a gay soldier – they would have no mercy. Shutter.

    Robertson needs to stay out of politics. Christ said you cannot have one foot in the kingdom of heaven and one in the earth. Christ was not political even though some people took it that way. He came here to save each and every one of us, not from Rome, but from ourselves, and he had to die horribly to do it.

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