I think this speaks for itself, which is good because I’m speechless.

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16 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. Dave J says:

    Indeed: words fail completely.

  2. Kelly says:


    Can’t speak…need to stop drooling…must get up off the floor…

  3. josai says:

    I’m diggin’ it, she needs more hips and booty though. That said, I wouldn’t kick her off the couch for eating crackers!!

  4. Ripper says:

    A good looking woman who is a lefty with the IQ of an ashtray. Is aw her on CNN saying that there is as much oppression in the USA as there is in Cuba.

  5. ashleymatt says:

    Yes, Ms. Theron is much better at being a stripper than a conversationalist. This is the same beacon of brillance who when asked by Rick Sanchez of CNN about the ‘lack of freedom in Cuba’ (Euphemism of the Year) responded: “I would argue that there’s a lack of freedom in America.” and that she found the lack of freedoms in the two countries parallel.

    When pressed on the issue, Ms. Theron reverted to her forte and proclaimed to Mr. Sanchez: “I want to make out with you right now.”

    On another snarky note, I guess the Tammy Bruce who protested HOOters in the early 90’s is still in prison somewhere…

  6. Tammy says:

    Yes, Ashley, I’ve paid my dues, and women have come far enough to where we can enjoy their natural beauty without the sky falling, especially those of us who have worked to make sure women can live, and think, as they please. And yes, even make uninformed comments about international politics.

    Can’t everybody just relax and enjoy the scenery? Does everything have to be about politics all the time? I’m not asking you to write a term paper about her political positions for crying out loud. I just thought a little 30-seconds of beauty might be nice. I refuse to let anything she says ruin my ability to enjoy her appearance.

    With the year we have coming up, I would suggest we lighten up wherever possible. This is one of those times. LIGHTEN UP!

  7. Floyd R. Turbo says:

    Yes, Tammy, I agree. As I said on your bit about Valerie Plame Wilson, one can appreciate a woman’s beauty regardless of which direction her neurotransmitters fire, to the left or to the right. Lovely is lovely, enjoy the view. Thanks for the clip! Thought my monitor was going to melt when she dropped the dress…sheeeee doggies! Ain’t them shoes purty!?

  8. Tammy protested Hooters?

    Man…now I don’t feel so bad for goin’ to that horrid Sierra Womyn’s festival.

  9. Kimj7157 says:

    Was visiting with my folks tonight and this add came on while we were watching TV. Even my dear, 78 year old Mother was a bit awestruck. Very stunning ad, although what she was selling didn’t quite register the first time around. 🙂

  10. Kimj7157 says:

    Was visiting with my folks tonight and this came on while we were watching TV. Even my dear, 78 year old Mother was a bit awestruck. Very stunning ad, although what she was selling didn’t quite register the first time around. 🙂

  11. fiona says:

    I first saw this clip several weeks ago & I had 2 reactions:

    A) this seemed like a rip-off of that scene towards the end of the 1965 Julie Christie film, ‘Darling’;

    B) CT looked more like a young Brigitte Nielsen in this clip than herself.

  12. ashleymatt says:

    “Does everything have to be about politics all the time? “

    Politics? More like intelligence. Sorry, Tammy, a body without a brain is a statue to me, and naked statues don’t turn me on.

    I knew I was jumping in the ocean with a chum bathing suit with that comment, but sometimes I have to give you a hard time. I do it to everyone I like. It’s my way of “lightening up” 😉

  13. Call Screener says:

    Wowzer! That was steamy! If you look really close, you can almost see a little something, something when she is walking away!

  14. RobCon says:

    Too bad her politics stinks. She need all the Dior she can get.

  15. ERNIE says:

    Charlize Theron is indeed a very attractive woman, but Tammy the question is…when do we get to see YOU in a video like this? (That would be “smoking hot” IMHO.)

    Just be sure to wear the red Santa’s helper hat. Love that photo of you, and I really enjoy your appearances on Fox News!

  16. ladepla says:


    That video of Ms. Theron is HOT!!! I can compartmentalize very well, no politics from me. I can appreciate a work of art even if the viewing is only for a few seconds.

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