
David Huckabee. Just don’t let him near your pet.

This horrific event occurred supposedly because the dog had mange and was emaciated. Two things which can be cured by medical treatment and that thing called “food.” Instead, Mike Huckabee’s son decided it would be a good idea to torture the dog to death instead.

A Son’s Past Deeds Come Back To Bite Huckabee

As Mike Huckabee gains in the polls, the former Arkansas governor is finding that his record in office is getting more scrutiny. One issue likely to get attention is his handling of a sensitive family matter: allegations that one of his sons was involved in the hanging of a stray dog at a Boy Scout camp in 1998. The incident led to the dismissal of David Huckabee, then 17, from his job as a counselor at Camp Pioneer in Hatfield, Ark. It also prompted the local prosecuting attorney— bombarded with complaints generated by a national animal-rights group—to write a letter to the Arkansas state police seeking help investigating whether David and another teenager had violated state animal-cruelty laws. The state police never granted the request, and no charges were ever filed. But John Bailey, then the director of Arkansas’s state police, tells NEWSWEEK that Governor Huckabee’s chief of staff and personal lawyer both leaned on him to write a letter officially denying the local prosecutor’s request. […]

The details of the incident remain murky. The Animal Legal Defense Fund got an anonymous fax that summer alleging that David Huckabee and another youth had been involved in the hanging of a stray dog at the camp on July 11. A local animal-rights activist, Joyce Hillard, later contacted the camp director. Notes of Hillard’s report to the defense fund read, “Boys confessed & were fired. Dir. is making excuses, saying dog was sic & boys were putting him out of his misery.” (The director told NEWSWEEK only that a stray dog was “put down” and that the counselors were fired for violating the Scout credo to be “kind.”) The father of the other counselor was quoted by the Arkansas Democrat Gazette in August 1998 as saying that his son found the dog “hung over a limb and choking.” David Huckabee did not respond to requests for comment. (In April of this year, he was arrested—and paid a fine—when he forgot to remove a loaded gun from his carry-on luggage at Little Rock airport.) His father told NEWSWEEK that his son did not engage in “intentional torture.” “There was a dog that apparently had mange and was absolutely, I guess, emaciated.” …

Yeah, let’s put these freaks in the White House.


A Photographic Reality Check from Wonkette (HT Ashley in Comments). The Huckabee Christmas photo from his days as governor of Arkansas. Really, is this what we want as the First Family? At least Bill and Hill never wore matching suits. I will make no comment about what may be happening to the dog.


My friend Johnny does have one question–why did Louis Anderson crash the Huckabee Christmas card photo session?

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41 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. Kelly says:

    He has the look of someone who would torture a dog, doesn’t he? (A few other crimes come to mind as well, but I won’t go there.)

    David Huckabee is a disgusting excuse of a human being for doing this and his father is no better.

    I’m sure the born-again Gov. Huckabee has asked himself on numerous occasions the question, “What would Jesus do?”. I don’t think the answer is, “Torture animals!”

    I’m not a Biblical scholar, but I think I got this right.

  2. Skeptic says:

    The supposed pressure on the chief of the state police includes his later firing. The chief stands by his story of being pressured, Huckabee and his supporters claim that they talked to him about it, but didn’t pressure him.
    Newsweek covered this in the last few days. This issue was always there (I read about it over a year ago) Newsweek story

    Huckabee sees himself as above all others.

  3. ashleymatt says:

    Hotair.com linked to you in their “Headlines” section because of this story.

    Included in the comments is a link to a picture of the Huckabee family during the Governership days.

    The wife and daughter look ok, but the 3 men of the family look like they might try to take a bite out of you if you get too close.

  4. winemkr says:

    Another nugget gleaned from the internet, which also happens to back up my gut feeling about this god owning nitwit who believes that we should negotiate with those who want us to “submit”.

    Semper fi

    I always enjoy seeing you on Fox.

  5. getosama says:

    wonder what would be worse than torturing a dog? abusing your authority, and trying to squash the incident, is.

  6. Dave J says:

    Huckabee’s a corrupt authoritarian sleazeball wrapped in self-righteous self-important piety. Aside from abortion, he’s also a lefty (what the Europeans would accurately label a “Christian Socialist”). Let’s pass on putting another Arkansas governor in the White House, shall we?

  7. MacoMan says:

    She’s choking the dog!! She’s choking the dog!!

  8. Ripper says:

    You are right – they are freaks! The son looks rather moronic. What on Earth is the matter with these yahoos? They act as if they are trying to reenact the Council of Trent.

  9. Ripper says:

    Also Huckleberry’s idiotic comment about “arrogant bunker mentality” of U.S. foreign policy – a contradiction in terms by the way – further showed he is a moron.

    Huckleberry does look like Gomer Pyle.

  10. Myself a Scout leader – was a Scout for 10 years, and now my son is one – I am horrified at the *best* possible spin put on it, that the dog was ill so they put it out of its misery.

    Even if this is the truth, it is horrible to think that senior Scouts (17, not 12 years old) did such a cruel thing.

  11. gull says:

    hummmm …. the Huckster was sanctioned for using campaign money to purchase a dog house (but for whom?) and panty hose (but for whom?).

    I don’t even WANT to know those answers. I’ve heard enough about this man and his hoard already. More than enough.

  12. Tink says:

    Ripper, please, there’s no need to insult Gomer Pyle. Don’t you think Huckanut looks EXACTLY like the Campbell’s Soup chef by the seashore in those commercials?

    And besides the obvious evil of killing a helpless dog, I think this is another example of how Hucakbee “ruled” in Arkansas. He’s going to do whatever the hell he wants and let the chips fall where they may. Well, Governor–the chips are sure falling now.

    Finally–those shirts! What tha….??

  13. Kelly says:

    The dog is trying to break free before he or she is wearing ugly clothes too.

    I must confess that my mother and I did the matching outfit thing once. However, it was 1968 and I WAS THREE! This photo is creepy and right out of a “Twilight Zone” episode. Eww.

  14. Ripper says:

    Gull – no insult to Gomer Pyle (who was a patriotic American) intended

    I think that Huckleberry would be perfect in the Anglican Church. The Church of England is left wing (see lunatic Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams). In a way if Huckleberry is the nominee (God forbid) it will serve some of the yahoos right who think that they are king makers and the GOP cannot win without them. If Rudy is the nominee (hopefully) for every yahoo who does not vote for him (assuming they sit home or vote for a lunatic 3rd party candidate), Rudy will win over moderate Democrats, ethnic Reagan Democrats, and Independents. The Huckleberry acolytes are not much different from the Deaniacs of 2004.

  15. Ripper says:

    My mistake. My last post was for TINK, not Gull.

  16. Rich B says:

    Nice looking jammies the guys were all wearing. Did they just all make parole? I apologize for the abhominem attack but anyone who tortures animals deserves it.

  17. ConnecticutBruce says:

    How’s THIS for a nightmare scenario:

    Hillary vs Huckabee

    I’d have to hold my nose and vote for Hillary 🙁

    If there is a God, he/she cannot allow this to happen.

  18. Kimj7157 says:

    Deeply disturbed. You have to wonder… . Hopefully they got the guy psychiatric help and didn’t just try to cover it up. Huckabee is a deceitful loser.

    Don’t know whose idea it was, but the “longitudinal stripes” didn’t help…at all.

  19. Marie says:

    It’s the shape of his head that bugs me…he just looks like a typical back woods creep to me…is Huckleberry and his wife cousins?

    If it is Hillary vs Huckleberry, crap, I’d hafta vote for Hillary…I think he’s actually a Democrat plant…

  20. Ripper says:

    The son looks like he should have been in the movie Deliverance.

  21. PeteRFNY says:

    I’m starting to wonder what the Hell it is about being Governor of Arkansas that turns you into an arrogant, law-abusing autocrat?

    Or that just a pre-requisite for the job?

  22. eah says:

    Okay you win I won’t vote for him, now please take the pictures down, please!

  23. Ruth Anne says:

    [Thinking about Monty Python’s ‘She’s a Witch, Burn Her!’ scene]…

    Who kills dogs?
    Boy Scouts and serial-killers-in-training.
    Who grants clemency?
    Fathers and Governors.
    So if my son is a Boy Scout, I must grant clemency to serial murderers.

    Burn him!!

  24. joe m says:

    OK, I glanced over most comments and it looks like no one would go to the place where no one wants to go:
    How many serial killers started out life by torturing and killing animals, e.g., dogs, cats.

  25. bstndance says:

    Scary picture. Is it Halloween again?

  26. josai says:

    The Council of Trent!?! BRAVO RIPPER BRAVO!! I’m lovin’ it!

  27. jdb says:

    Do all the boys have attached earlobes? That’s going to be my new presidential criteria. At least that way they can’t lie.

  28. Kelly says:

    I alluded to it in my initial post, Joe M, but didn’t come out and say it. Let’s put it this way: if I was casting a serial killer, rapist or all around villainous nut-job for a movie, the look in that photo would nail him the job.

  29. Barry in CO says:

    I was looking at that photo of the Huckleberrys in their Applebee’s shirts.

    If someone Photoshopped out the brick home and replaced it with the White House, we’d have an idea of how big a joke it would be if ol’ Huck got the Presidency.

    PLEASE, America! Don’t let this happen. We can do so much better that this.

  30. tinkerdad says:

    Looks like an evil John Candy to me.

    Huck is hot right now but I just don’t see his popularity continuing at current levels. The religious right have been buoying him up in Iowa but when he gets out into the “real” world he may find the going a bit tougher. He has said and done a lot of stupid things over the years that will probably come back to haunt him. (Having that kid may be one of them.) I don’t think his political instincts are all that great. His political TV ads with Chuck Norris were laughably awful!

  31. Mark Berry says:

    Let’s not be catty! Your comments about Huckabee smack of the intolerance you seem to eschew in others.

    Really, trashing his family about a family Christmas picture?

    It appears that a number of posters on this site have pretty strong prejudices regarding Christians – without taking time to learn about the person behind the label.

    Don’t I remember reading something about “…taking the log out of your own eye before you attempt to take the splinter out of someone else’s…”?

    [How about separating for one second ‘Christian’ from ‘Idiotic’ and ‘Manipulative.’ Commenters on this site, and our host, do have a strong prejudice–against slimy politicians, whether or not they call themselves ‘Christians.’–ed.]

  32. JD says:

    Do we need another huckster from Arkansas?

    I like Thompson and Hunter, but I hate to vote for lawyers. Romney’s not a lawyer, but seems to flip and flop.

    Bottom line is I’ll have to hold my nose and vote for whoever runs against the biyotch who couldn’t answer the one “tough” question she’s been asked.

  33. Ripper says:

    Don’t worry BARRY IN CO – Huckleberry will not be President (although he will set the GOP back to 1974 and guarantee 8 years of Hillary.

    Thanks JOSAI – it is a good line I like to throw at the one issue social yahoos (and I am not anti religious by the way) who would rather be ‘right’ then win, The type that you must agree with 100% of the time rather then 70% of the time.

  34. Kimj7157 says:


    You rock.

  35. Barry in CO says:

    >It appears that a number of posters on this site have pretty strong prejudices regarding Christians


    I like Christians as much as the next guy. I’m just tired of getting beaten over the head with the unending piety of Huckabee. I don’t want a mushy love thy neighbor President: I want a hardcase steely-eyed pragmatist. I want a President who deals with the world AS IT IS, not as we would all like it to be.

    Huck’s a marshmallow. We need a hammer.

  36. The Friendly Grizzly says:

    Listen. The kid may be a hanger of dogs, and could go on to far more dangerous things. But rest assured of this: I am sure Huckabee the Younger is straight, or he could never be a Scout leader. Your children are safe.

  37. W.C. Varones says:

    No wonder his son tortured a dog to death. You would too if your dad made you dress like that.

  38. PeteRFNY says:

    >>It appears that a number of posters on this site have pretty strong prejudices regarding Christians>>

    I guess the original topic was lost on you. The problem is with sick people that would hang a dog to death (and the loins from which they are borne). I could care less what his religion is.

  39. Rich B says:

    Mark Berry Quote: “It appears that a number of posters on this site have pretty strong prejudices regarding Christians”

    My original post: “Nice looking jammies the guys were all wearing. Did they just all make parole? I apologize for the abhominem attack but anyone who tortures animals deserves it.”

    I made no mention of “Christians”. I even apologized for my abhominem attack. However, I do confess to attacking the fasion sense of the Huckabee family and as far as prejudice against animal cruelty, I wear that badge with pride.

  40. akmitt says:

    if the dog was an adult human male who had raped and killed someone of course he would have been granted clemency.

    to the poster who comments on the negative feelings perceived toward christians-i believe it’s the hypocrisy of some who call themselves christians that is the the problem and what people find most objectionable. hanging dogs and using ones worldly power to escape paying for ones crimes is not what most people would view as good christian living.

    smearing other people for their religious beliefs as if you were pointing out witches to be burnt an the pyre of public opinion is also objectionable. the guy’s a slime ball. i see no resemblance to jesus .

  41. LizardAtSparks says:

    He looks like he needs to be fitted for an Orange Jumpsuit.

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