
Bush with Saudi ‘King’ Abdullah

President Bush just loves the ‘kingdom’ that sentenced a gang rape victim to six months in prison and 200 lashes. Loves ’em! Oh sure, the ‘King” ‘pardoned’ her, which only reinforces the idea that getting raped is a crime which requires a pardon.

Oh, and to say nothing of the fact that Saudi Arabia has refused to arrest any of the known al-Qaida financiers, still running around loose in Saudi Arabia.

We were in bed for quite some time with Saddan Hussein and look what that got us. Saudi Arabia is the primary tumor of radical Islam, and all the president wants is some bling and a big wet kiss. Oh yeah, holding up that sword machete, which is very similar to what is used to cut people’s hands, arms, and heads off in the Saudi Chopping Center, seems to have thrilled him as well.



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13 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. Ripper says:

    Absolutely disgusting! There is a square in Riyadh called “Chop-Chop Square”.


  2. Kelly says:

    While things can get lost in translation linguistically, images are universal. The pictures reveal a lot about George Bush and none of it is good.

  3. Kimj7157 says:

    From the looks of that first picture, we can be thankful there was no tongue involved. At least he showed good judgement there… .

  4. Trinity says:

    I honestly don’t know what to do anymore with this man. Out of the pod Bush, in the pod Bush. I am proud of him then I want to shake some sense into him. Tammy help me, I want to get off this Bush merry go round! UGH

  5. Ripper says:

    Tell me it is not possible that in 2012 the same Republican country club “pseudo conservative” establishment will not be pushing Jeb Buush for President.

  6. It’s been my observation that President Bush tends to go along with those he thinks are in power – whether they are in power or not. Even if they just act like they are in power, he will be nice to them and try to do what they want. It’s why he went along with the democrats on things like the Education Bill even though the Republicans held both majorities.

    The problem comes when they have a visceral hatred of them and are determined to destroy him – he will still try to be nice to them.

    At this point it’s too late to change him, we can only try to minimize the damage, and let him know that we are still in charge.

  7. jdb says:

    Probably looked into his eyes and saw his soul.

  8. Steve in Ohio says:

    Overheard as the top photo was being snapped:

    “I cain’t quit you, Abdullah!”

  9. Young American says:

    What happened to the tough talk about dealing with those countries that harbor terrorists ? I guess funding terrorists is acceptable. Our ‘ friends ‘ use their their profits to export their faith more than they do their oil. Our friends finance Islamic centers, mosques and schools in Bosnia, Nigeria, the U.K. and right here in America where they recruit young willing jihadists and the lessons taught in the schools are not reading or arithmetic but are in Wahhabi history, Islamic values and the superiority of jihad.
    Case in point , the Islamic Saudi Academy in Virginia. Funded by the Saudis, it ‘s on American soil but is subject to the government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia .
    Our friends also stink on basic human rights. In 2005 our pals beheaded six Somalis . Their crime ? Auto theft. Mr. Bush has sold us out . Only time will tell the damage that man has done to this country.

  10. Marie says:

    Young American, it’s the same tough talk that Clinton gave when he said he would go after and find the people responsible for the bombing of the USS Cole and the first Trade Center…it’s all a load of garbage and will continue with whomever is elected next…all of these politicians talk a good game, but cave when it comes down to the nitty gritty of a situation…what we need is a Independent person, NOT Ralph Nader, to take this country by storm and really have the American people in mind when making decisions…

    What is come down to is that Bush is just a Good ole Boy trying to make nice…I wish he would toughen back up and become the bad a** cowboy of yester year..

  11. St. Thor says:

    Bush should have his fat butt in the White House figuring out ways to start drilling in Anwar, off the Florida Coast, in the Gulf of Mexico, and off the California Coast; eliminating useless and toxic regulations against nuclear power plants, streamlining the permitting process for nuclear power plants,and generally working to bankrupt those useless, woman hating, Jew and Christian hating, lazy, slimy, pond scum. But neither he, nor Bill Clinton have the brains or cajones to do something serious about dependency on Arab oil. That’s what you get with a Yale education.

  12. Marie says:

    Oh my gosh St. Thor, well said….

  13. Kimj7157 says:

    ST. THOR–

    I second that emotion.

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