Lettuce Head

With Iowa boosting McAmnesty considerably, here’s an article that may remind you who we’re really dealing with here. It shocks me, after everything we went through this past summer with the amnesty debacle, that Republicans would seriously consider a man worse than Bush on the issue of our sovereignty and respect for the American people in general. Just stunning.

Angry Old Man

As truly horrific as it would be for the liberal and unethical Mike Huckabee to win the Republican presidential nomination, many Republicans still believe it would be almost as difficult to stomach the nomination of John McCain.

Huckabee, of course, would utterly destroy the old Reagan coalition, as even his campaign chief Ed Rollins has acknowledged. Huckabee’s bizarre propensity for letting criminals return early to freedom, combined with his utter cluelessness about foreign policy, also means that he would get absolutely crushed by the Democrats in a general election contest.

But McCain’s problems are almost as great, which is why reports of a comeback by the Arizona senator have so many conservatives scratching their heads.

McCain is, and looks, more than two years older than Ronald Reagan was when Reagan was elected president, and a poll last year showed that 42 percent of respondents said they would not vote for somebody who is 72 years old. That is a far higher percentage than that of people who would not vote for a Mormon (24 percent), a woman (11 percent), or a black person (5 percent).

McCain is not a tax cutter in a party that has made tax cuts one of its most basic tenets for nearly 30 years. Not only did he vote against President George W. Bush’s tax cuts in 2001 and 2003 — cuts that clearly are responsible for the booming economy of the past four-plus years — but just last week he told National Review’s Rich Lowry that he was correct not to vote for those tax cuts.

Then, of course, there is the large and passionate segment of the Republican electorate that wants to get tough against illegal immigration, and they have good reason to consider John McAmnesty to be not just against them but a highly disagreeable archenemy.

Obviously, read the whole thing.

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3 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. Mwalimu Daudi says:

    I have mixed feelings tonight.

    It was fun watching Hilly the Hun get knee-capped by the Empty Suit. Even the moribund Breck Girl did better that Her Inevitableness. On the GOP side, the Ron Paul wackos got their heads handed to them.

    But that is being overshadowed by the twin dark clouds cast by the two winners tonight. The Republican victor is an ethically-challenged Southern governor who hails from the Christian Left (shades of Jimmy Carter). On the Democrat side there is the prospect of an empty-headed isolationist imbecile who cannot speak or even think except in meaningless sound bites (and short ones at that) winning the nomination. Osama bin Laden – if he is still alive and kicking – must be laughing his head off tonight. Things worked out quite well for al Qaeda tonight.

    It is an old saying that we get the government that we deserve. But let’s be honest – nobody deserves these two incompetent bozos. When I look at Huckabee and Obama I cannot help but wonder that perhaps the theory that God hates us might have some validity after all.

  2. PeteRFNY says:

    I mentioned this in some long-ago thread, but this is shaping up to be one of the most bizarre – and dirtiest – elections in many a moon. Last night just reinforces that belief.

  3. Ripper says:

    John McCain is a greater American then he is a Senator. He also wants to close down Gitmo to appease the unappeasable – the America/Israel hating Eurotrash.

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