So horrible that when I heard McCain had won the Virginia and Maryland primaries I thought, “Thank God!”
Let me just say, for that phrase to enter my head re a McCain win is only a reflection of how much I don’t want liberal/bigoted/close-minded Huckabee to continue to be an issue.

Obama, McCain Sweep Potomac Primaries

Barack Obama and John McCain swept the Potomac Primaries Tuesday, FOX News projects, giving the candidates a vital injection of delegates in the race to become the nominee of their respective parties.

McCain beat Mike Huckabee in Maryland and the District of Columbia, after squeaking out a surprisingly close win in Virginia earlier. And for Obama, the victories in those three contests mean he’s won eight consecutive races over Hillary Clinton since Saturday.

We are at a point where we need to focus on making sure McCain understands he still needs to win our vote. He needs to repudiate his open borders position. He needs to accept the physical fence. He needs to guarantee he won;t use the boogeyman of ‘Global Warming’ to make government bigger. He needs to reverse himself on the closing of Gitmo, acceptance of the International Court having jurisdiction over our troops, and his opposition to harsh interrogation techniques used against terrorists.

There is a lot he needs to do to win our vote. Let him know what you expect from him.

(703) 418-2008

John McCain 2008
P.O. Box 16118
Arlington, VA 22215

Or send him a message via his website.

This section is for comments from's community of registered readers. Please don't assume that Tammy agrees with or endorses any particular comment just because she lets it stand.
11 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. Trinity says:

    Agreed. McCain is the nominee. I never ever ever liked Huckabee. So here we are Reaganites, what say you? We don’t have time to let this sink in..Have you seen an Obama rally lately? Amazing. I almost envy them.

  2. RandyGrHa says:

    Sound ideas, Tammy. McCain is beginning to define himself, and now is the time for conservatives to press their agenda. One point he might start with is to remind Hillary and Obama that the “evil” oil companies belong to the shareholders, not their fellow comrades at the DNC. Randy.

  3. Tink says:

    Tammy I just saw that bit of Obama’s speech as well. Just before that bit about Exxon profits he was going on about the war and what we could spend the money on instead, and he rounds off the list with ” … roads and bridges!!” Followed by roaring applause! I literally laughed out loud. While those are legitimate in their own way, when we consider the historical scope of what we’re up against, the stuff he’s rattling on about seems hysterically insane.

    And to see him speak and the crowd’s reaction to him really gives me the deep down creeps. All he’s doing is promising the same things that politicians have promised forever. Check Biblical, Greek and Roman history… appeasing the bellies (emotions) of the masses is the oldest story in the book.

    Trinity, please don’t envy them. I would rather remain in the Freedom-loving minority with our dignity and integrity intact.

  4. Paladin says:

    As a conservative I cannot allow the Republican Party to shove McCain down my throat without gagging and putting up a fight.

    Holding my nose while taking the last 7 years of the medicine prescribed by compassionate conservatism didn’t make anything go down any easier.

    If McCain gets the nomination, get ready for more veterans to start speaking up. McCain’s military record has had a pass for all these years, going national, he makes himself accountable for his actions.

    It is one thing to be a senator of a state, he can only be a nuisance to the rest of the country, but being Commander in Chief requires one to be mentally stable at all times.

    For me to support McCain I want him to release his military psychiatry records, along with the sealed Vietnam records of his captivity.

    Am I asking to much?

    Time for a little “Straight Talk” from Senator McCain about his post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

  5. Skeptic says:

    Senator McCain while not a conservative in just about any sense of the word, Huckabee is a far worse choice.
    I just listened to Huckabee being interviewed by Greta on Fox News he is slimy. Even in complimenting someone it is slap! He is the most insincere person I have ever heard.

    Apparently to rally for Obama you only need to suspend any cognitive ability, just “feel” then you can support the empty suit with ears!

    Paladin you would rather have a Baptist preacher who seems to believe that he should institute laws based on is interpretation of the Bible? Or laws based on his health ideas (nationwide smoking ban). Huckabee is a populist that is reveling this attention, the man loves the spotlight, he is probably living higher on the hog than he ever has in his life.

    There is something worse than McCain and his name is Mike Huckabee. Oh, Osama Obama is also worse than McCain.

  6. WHT says:

    I am an independent. I have been, and still strongly object to McCain beausse of his vitreolic, temperamental, and often patronizing approach to people and issues. He represents little of anything I would want in a leader of the GOP, or the country.

    Have any of you checked out Mona Charen’s comments?

    Excerpt from: Why They Can’t Vote for McCain,
    By Mona Charen, Friday, February 8, 2008,

    “…There is a strutting self-righteousness about McCain that goes hand in hand with a nitroglycerin temper. He flatters himself that his colleagues in the Senate dislike him because he stands up for principle whereas they sell their souls for pork. Not exactly. He is disliked because on many, many occasions, he has been disrespectful, belligerent and vulgar to those who differ with him.

    Bradley Smith, former commissioner of the Federal Election Commission and the leading legal scholar on campaign finance issues, experienced the McCain treatment firsthand. Because Smith opposed limits on political speech, he was denounced as “corrupt” by the senator (as was Commissioner Ellen Weintraub). Smith, who lives modestly, jokes that his wife has complained about the absence of jewels and furs.

    Though he served on the commission for five years and made several attempts to meet with McCain to discuss the issues, Smith was rebuffed. The two did accidentally meet outside a hearing room in 2004 when they were both scheduled to testify before the Senate rules committee. At first, McCain grasped Smith’s outstretched hand (Smith was in a wheelchair, recovering from surgery), but when he recognized his campaign finance opponent, he snatched his hand back, snarling, “I’m not going to shake your hand. You’re a bully. You have no regard for the Constitution. You’re corrupt.”

    Smith, a soft-spoken scholar, ardent patriot and lifelong conservative Republican, cannot, as a matter of honor, pull the lever for McCain. He is far from alone, and that is the Republican Party’s heartbreak in 2008.”

    So for me, no McCain?, no Obama? no Clinton? Help!

  7. LtE126 says:

    I have a 9 year old daughter(8 year old boy too). Catholic school, great kid. They’re running a “election” at school. She comes home and says…”who are you going to vote for, for President, Dad?” “Rudy Guilani” (this was a couple of weeks ago). She says…”Im voting for Barak Obama”. So I said…”that’s great, one of the great things about this country is, you can vote for anyone you want”. Last week we voted here in Illinois. She asked me who I voted for and I told her I voted for John McCain. “I voted for Barak Obama”. She asked me if I always vote Republican, of can I change. “I have never voted for a Democrat, never will”. Then she started asking about the difference between the two, and being as diplomatic as I could be we went over a little… being pretty fair in my opinion. “What do you like about Barak Obama?” I asked, “he’s going to change the world” she shot back. Guess she’s as sharp as most college students. Her teacher still has the Kerry/Edwards bumper sticker on her Volvo/Fiat/Subaru or whatever the hell it is wagon. Tammy,I was a Rudy guy. I’m in your camp on lots of stuff. Lots. He endorsed St John, so did Bolton, looks like our Military does, Ted Olsen and one of my favs Steve Forbes. And if I was gonna put this country in Rudy’s hands… I hope McCain asks someone like Haley Barbour to run with him. Bolton would be great. Hope that would bring you guys into the fold, we need you. But hey, what do I know, I’m just a glorified laborer…

  8. pat_s says:

    PALADIN: Here’s a link for you. It’s about the author of your link. Muckraking is an equal opportunity sport.

    A few days ago a commenter linked to a story about McCain being a collaborator enjoying the company of prostitutes in Hanoi. Today we’re to worry about PTSD caused by the horrors he endured as a POW.

    My opposition to John McCain is based on his various political positions which I consider ruinous for the country. From what I’ve read, he had a temper all his life. That does concern me. I think he is a selfish, vain, obstinate man pushing himself on the Republican Party at the age of 72 following a disastrous Republican administration. There’s plenty to dislike about him. Nevertheless, the odds are he did suffer during his 5-1/2 years of captivity. That doesn’t mean he deserves the presidency. Nor does he deserve character assassination based on rumor and insinuation because he’s disliked politically. At the very least, I think a POW deserves the benefit of the doubt. It’s shameful to malign what he endured without substantive proof.

  9. Sean H. says:

    Thank You, Pat S..
    Your words about the maligning of a POW are right on the mark. Veterans like Paladin, while their service and sacrifice is honorable, should never question a fellow soldier who endured far worse than they.

  10. Paladin says:

    Response to Pat_S. & Sean H.

    As veteran, citizen, and Senator John McCain has received the benefit of the doubt and rightfully so, but as Commander In Chief there can be NO DOUBT!

    All I am asking for is Proof!!!!


    Am I asking to much?

    “What it all boils down to is this. I want the new closeness to continue. And it will, as long as we make it clear that we will continue to act in a certain way as long as they continue to act in a helpful manner. If and when they don’t, at first pull your punches. If they persist, pull the plug. It’s still trust but verify. It’s still play, but cut the cards. It’s still watch closely. And don’t be afraid to see what you see.” – R.R.

  11. daredevilaccordian says:

    I am leaning with WHT a little here… The Clintons – NEVER AGAIN, NO-bama – ABSOLUTELY NOT, McCain – YIKES. What’s a girl to do?

    I do wonder though, with McCain being so “unpredictable” – would that perhaps work in our favor when it comes to foreign policy and national security? Just a thought…

    I do agree with Tammy, for him to get my vote I need to be convinced that he has learned some lessons and changed his tune re: illegal immigration amnesty, Guantanamo, his misunderstanding of interrogation vs. torture, the global warming hoax, and tax cuts…

    Then there is the part of me who thinks, let’s just let this Presidential election go, give up the ghost for this go around, and concentrate on electing good, honorable, honest, true conservatives to Congress, and take back the majority there. Get some good work done in the coming 4 years, regroup and come out strong in 2012, with a real conservative candidate. The only scary thing about that approach is our national security, especially with the assasination today of Senior Hezbollah commander Imad Mughniyeh in Syria – they will be plotting revenge against Israel and the US – and we need to be on our toes.

    There are no easy answers. This is a scary year.

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