And he took along his boyfriends Joe Lieberman and Lindsay Grahamnesty. Gee, maybe it’s been so long since he’s seen a Conservative when he heard it’s a weird minority in Europe, he’s gone looking for us there.

A little suggestion for Senator McCain–the people you need to impress and persuade are over here. We’re called Independent Conservatives and we’re not in London or Paris.

McCain heads to Israel, Europe

Fresh from sealing the Republican White House nomination, Senator John McCain will burnish his foreign policy credentials with a trip next week to Israel and Europe, his office said Monday. Joined by two close Senate colleagues, Joe Lieberman and Lindsey Graham, McCain will visit Jerusalem on March 18, London the next two days, and Paris on March 21, according to a statement.

Well, no rush I guess to do anything here at home. The Clinton/Obama ticket raised $90 million last month alone. In February McCain raised $12 million. Maybe McCain is looking for foreign money? Or maybe he thinks we’re writing such big checks to him it’s taking a very long time and he might as well take a vacation. You know, with all those zeroes we’re adding in. Not.

Oh, and a little aside here–Lindsay Grahamnesty is always at McCain’s side these days. I said including Huckabee on the ticket would be the one deal breaker for me. Make choosing Grahamnesty as the Veep a dealbreaker as well.

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8 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. pat_s says:

    Churchill. Roosevelt. Maybe he sees himself as King Solomon too.

  2. ConnecticutBruce says:

    While I have no real feelings for or against Graham, I happen to be a Lieberman guy. If McCain is elected and appoints Lieberman as Secretary of State, I would feel pretty good about that.

    The State Dept is a putrid cesspool and I’d like to see Lieberman dump a load of “ideological disinfectant” into that place. Having our only “Independent Democrat” in that job could be a very good thing.

  3. Ripper says:

    For those of you who have no opinions about Lindsey Graham you should watch this

    I like Lieberman though.
    Watching McCain “campaign” is like watching a senior citizen sleep walk.

  4. Ripper says:

    I’ll bet that McCain to his credit does not go anywhere near Ramallah and Mahmoud Abbas (Jorge Wahabi Bush and Condi Clueless Rice’s favorite corrupt, Arab/Palestinian tyrant terrorist).

  5. jdb says:

    Any chance they might be attending Mrs. Henry Whittaker’s presentation “Fun With Hydrangeas”?

  6. john Ryan says:

    It is not Independent Conservatives that he needs the support of, it is Main Street America and that is going to be MUCH more difficult for him to receive.

  7. Hadsil says:

    Going to Israel is for the Jewish vote.

    Going to France is for the “I’ll move to Paris if Bush wins” vote and the “I love Sarkozy, hooray for new France” vote.

    Going to England is for the “Thank you Tony Blair” vote.

  8. john Ryan says:

    In 2006 87% of the jewish vote went to the Democrats. American Jews are one of the solid bases of the modern Democratic party.
    CNN Exit polls 2006

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