Maybe this explains the previous post’s polling revelation.

From a day or so ago, but too priceless to let go. Mr. Obama apparently expects his supporters, and everyone else for that matter, to stop that pesky critical thinking about what he actually says and stands for and just be happy about the more vapid, esoteric ‘importance’ of his candidacy.

Some too ‘obsessed’ with what we say

PHILADELPHIA — You know a candidate is really feeling the heat when he starts complaining about the kitchen.

You know a candidate is having problems when he starts complaining about the process.

Wednesday night, in a debate here, Barack Obama complained a number of times about the presidential campaign process and how some people spend way too much time “obsessing” about some of the things he and others have actually said…

“I think what’s important is to make sure that we don’t get so obsessed with gaffes that we lose sight of the fact that this is a defining moment in our history,” Obama said.

He also said: “For us to be obsessed with this — these kinds of errors — I think is a mistake. And that’s not what our campaign has been about.”

That’s right–it’s been about empty, shallow rhetoric, unthinking emotionalism and reliance on mass hysteria.

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16 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. ashleymatt says:

    Instructions for reviewing articles on Obama with Microsoft Word: Find “campaign”, Replace with “cult”; Find “supporter”, Replace with “follower.”

    Hence, critical thinking would be as counterproductive as the Senator’s capital gains tax proposal. So just calm down, lie back with your joint, and get ready to groove to another Hope Homily.

  2. gman says:

    According to Obama, we shouldn’t get bogged down in trivialities like his relationship to Rev. Wright or the fact that he’s been by Hamas. All this and he wonders why he’s being called an elitist.

  3. Talkin Horse says:

    Anybody with open eyes suspects by now that the Obama we see is a façade. He’s got excellent words, for the most part, but a marginal track record. More importantly, we find he’s a long-term supporter of church that promotes paranoid hatemongering; an ugliness that would normally disqualify a candidate from high national office. His wife is upfront in her disgust with America and Americans, and he won’t even show the customary respect of placing his hand on his heart while the National Anthem plays; neither will her wear the flag on his lapel. (By the way, John McCain doesn’t wear a lapel flag either, but McCain says he simply doesn’t want to punch holes in his suit; Obama refuses to wear the flag as a matter of principle.)

    Anyway, in light of all we’ve learned, it’s very disturbing that Obama maintains his position in the polls. As much as Hillary isn’t exactly lovable, I’d expect the sane wing of the Democrat party to tilt to her, given the choice between the two. Where have the sane Democrats gone?

    The only good news I see is the people who were once hopeful about Obama but wanted some hard information before they could actively like him (and I was in that category myself) are now turned off. We’re still hearing the words “hope” and “change”, but people have stopped saying he’s going to unite the nation. It’s clear to all that the image of a national savior won’t wash, and in fact his following is looking something like a cult. With no further upside for Obama popularity, their only path forward is to go negative on John McCain. And that’s not an easy task, because McCain has a long reputation, and it’s hard to convince people to hate McCain tomorrow when they knew him and didn’t hate him yesterday.

    Anyway, back to the topic at hand…since words are the only thing Obama’s got going for him, he can’t reasonably expect us to selectively ignore his “misspoken” words. A candidate with a more comprehensive and less problematic record might manage to sweep a few missteps aside. But we don’t have much hard information about Obama, and now he expects us to disregard what little direct knowledge we do have. No, we need to know more about Obama, not less. We can’t afford to elect a fantasy president because we can’t live in a fantasy world.

  4. akmitt says:

    calling a major portion of the population, basically, backwards morons because they believe in a higher power and live their lives accordingly, believe in the Constitution of the United States and all it’s amendments, ARE ‘WHITE’ , are legal residents of the country who obey the law and think other’s should too and don’t live in the city is a wee little ‘ gaff’? sure , if you also think of decades of weekly ‘sermons’ seething with hatred of Jews, America and people of european descent ( who are over 100 years removed from actual slave owners) is just a mere slip of the tongue.

    even if it was a case of ‘ misspeaking’ , i have often found that in absent minded, unguarded, unscripted comments people often reveal a lot about their true feelings and beliefs. but i don’t think that’s the case here. he was surrounded by like minds who think they’re superior to all the rest of us. in truth, they’re every bit as intolerant, judgmental and biased as is their tedious stereotype of the red necked, bible thumping cracker / white trash/KKK bogeyman they so love to whip out and demean in front of those who more likely then not (and certainly more likely than’ average folks’) could be the offspring of the patrician, upper classes who were the actual slave owners.( or like al gore’s dad still trying into the 20th century with all the other democrats of the south to deprive african americans of the rights and protections of the Constitution).

  5. usaguys says:

    What OBAMA Calls “campaign distractions” I call Learning about the Truth of Obama curve.

  6. pat_s says:

    Obama decries distractions but he himself is a distraction. People fall in love with him. They are infatuated by his charm, his sleekness, his gracefulness, his voice. Once beguiled by his charisma, his lofty platitudes find their way to the soft center of the religious impulse and induce a sense of epic change. As a bonus he is a redeemer for our racial sins.

    Recognizing the phenomenon without becoming enthralled is one thing. It’s quite another to combat it. I don’t think Obama is a charlatan. He fervently believes his radical leftist politics is the true path. That makes him all the more dangerous. A true believer socialist enchanting the masses is like a nuclear bomb against the bastions of individualism.

    Obama acts as though the “distractions” are nothing to him. (Barack Gets that Dirt Off His Shoulder) In fact, he can’t take it. He is thin-skinned. The way he ridicules and belittles his critics gives him away. He knows charm works for him and that’s his device. It is amazing how in responding to a particular instance of criticism he extrapolates that to immunize himself against all probing of his vulnerabilities. He calls that a distraction. The old ways. An impediment to the glorious changes to come. As expected those under his spell protect him. They are enjoying the high too much.

    Maybe because Obama is thin-skinned and has many vulnerabilities, the spell can be broken. The destroyer of an illusion has to be careful. Does John McCain have the deftness to accomplish this? Does anyone? Can we, dare I say, hope that people sober up on their own?

  7. St. Thor says:

    Unfortunately Obama is all hat and no boots.

  8. Ripper says:

    The man will be a disastrous President – economically, internationally and socially. I shudder to think who would be in his cabinet.

  9. Pathman says:

    Maybe because Obama is thin-skinned and has many vulnerabilities, the spell can be broken. The destroyer of an illusion has to be careful. Does John McCain have the deftness to accomplish this? Does anyone? Can we, dare I say, hope that people sober up on their own?

    Posted by: pat_s

    Obama is the “myspace” candidate. The Dems are registering people like crazy and they are turning out big for primaries. The Dems are beating the pants off of the GOP. ICON’s are homeless, but have talk radio, the new internet media and have proven influence in the case of the immigration reform. The Soros radical left has the same new internet media. It seems clear where the battle will be waged. Don’t forget this is also through Soros, probably being funded from foreign sources. Read for an eye-opener: The world is infatuated with Obama, too.

    Obama’s “words that matter” are waking up mainstream US. It then becomes a battle for the minds of the young idealists that are supporting Obama in droves. McCain has had some appeal to college age people, and has done college townhall’s for years.

    I believe the ICONs should start with the American Solutions Platform,, chain Big Dog to it and get on the Internet and Talk Radio. Traditional America must turn out big time and the Big Dog needs some training between now and then.

    I believe the quote on Tammy’s Blog is also a very useful tool for Obama. 😀

    “If your opponent is quick to anger, seek to irritate him”–Sun Tzu

    Live today I hope!

  10. infidel says:

    Divide and conquer……it just won’t fail considering the inability of Obama zombies to properly vet their man. Hillary’s followers hate Barry’s as do his hate hers.

    John Ridley gave a reasoned warning to Dems about the William Aires problem (at huffpost)and the denial of the zombies is encouraging to me.

  11. WildPointer says:

    Don’t tell me words don’t matter – Obama

  12. norm says:

    Whenever Obama or one of his cohorts are caught in one of these “gaffes”…his first response is “let’s get past this”. In other words, if the gaffe is his…you must ignore it because in his omnipotence, one should never look at who he has relationsips with or what he has said in the past. The most important thing is that, in his glory we should breathlessly walk to the polls in November and with glazed and starry eyes, punch the Barack Obama ticket…..ignoring his middle name, of course……

    This is what I get out of this fiasco; the most shallow Presidential campaign in the history of the Republic.

  13. Who knew B. Hussein Obomba would make Hillary look good?!

  14. Paul From Hamburg says:

    “I am the great and mighy Obama. Pay no attention to the America-hating leftists behind the curtain.”

  15. Miss Kathy says:

    Obama reminds me of a story arc during the last season of the TV show Angel. There was a character who came to Los Angeles, a beautiful, messianic character, who preached the love one another, love our enemies, peace, “we are the ones we’ve been waiting for” kind of message. People loved her. People bowed at her feet. People pledged eternal devotion to this messiah and her message of love and peace for everyone. Come to find out, she was a blood sucking, flesh eating demon.

    Truly, I do know the difference between fact and fiction, TV show and reality. Or I thought I did, but this Obama thing is giving me a Twilight Zone kind of feeling.

  16. ladykrystyna says:


    I nearly choked on my morning tea when I read your post! ROTFLMAO! I remember that story arc (I watched ANGEL, too) and you are right. That’s exactly what it feels like.

    And remember OBAMA lovers – if it’s too good to be true, it probably isn’t true. Since I’m neither a Democrat or a Republican, I try to be open to candidates. I’m more of a moderate, so that means I’m usually ready to give either candidate a fair shake if they run down the middle a bit more than one extreme or the other. Although, since 2001, I’ve been identifying “conservative” a la Tammy Bruce.

    I was almost ready to give Obama a shot, since I hate the Clintons. But then I remembered why I hated them – they did the same thing. Pretty words lured me in during my college days and what did we get? Well, I won’t let that happen again. McCain has his problems, but I trust him more than either Obama or Clinton.

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