
More fresh!

Yes, that’s right. His advisers are preparing to “freshen up” his campaign message, because B. Hussein Obama is “bored” with the campaign against H. Rodham Clinton. Bored already. I guess that means he’s be even more bored when he has to go back to the Senate.

Obama: The Re-Launch?

The New York Times front-pages that Obama “is making subtle changes to his campaign style and message in an effort to strengthen his appeal to blue-collar voters and to avoid a defeat in Indiana that aides fear could give Democratic Party leaders further pause about his viability in a general election… Mr. Obama is seeking to absorb the lessons of his defeat in Pennsylvania. The changes reflect concern that he is being portrayed by Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton as distant and culturally out of touch with many working-class Democrats, a worry underlined by her lopsided victory among many of those voters in that state on Tuesday and last month in Ohio.”

More: “In interviews with several associates and aides, Mr. Obama was described as bored with the campaign against Mrs. Clinton and eager to move into the general election against Senator John McCain of Arizona, the presumptive Republican nominee. So the Obama campaign is undertaking modifications in his approach intended to inject an air of freshness into his style. In strategy sessions last week, advisers concluded that Mr. Obama, of Illinois, needed to do a better job reminding voters of his biography, including his modest upbringing by a single mother and one of his first jobs as a community organizer helping displaced steel mill workers. He also has to sharpen his economic message, they said, to improve his appeal and connection with voters in hope of capitalizing on the sensibilities that served him well in Midwestern states.”

Oh, yeah, those Marxist economic messages about taking profits away from companies and punishing those who create jobs always plays well with that clingy American Middle-Class.

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5 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. Ripper says:

    A socialist is still a socialist.

  2. Teresita says:

    Hillary Rodham Clinton shook up her campaign with more major overhauls than in Madonna’s whole career, including the “firing” of Mark Penn, loaning herself $5 million dollars from herself, and sticking a sock in Bill Clinton’s mouth. Now Obama mentions that he’s a little bored (twenty debates gets a little stale) and he wants to change course a little bit to concentrate less on HRC and more on John McCain. Okay, watch the cable infotainment media spin this into a total makeover for Obama. It seems to me it’s MSNBC who’s really bored.

  3. NavajoSierra says:

    “Modest upbringing by a single mother?” What seems more accurate from what I have read is exotic, unpredictable upbringing by narscissitic parents who either abandoned him, dragged him around internationally, or stuck him with the grandparents, thereby effectively implementing major “issues.” Barry seems to play this dynamic out most clearly through his choice of pals and associates, including Wright and Ayers. Why someone has not had a field day profiling Barry yet, I do not know, but eagerly await!

  4. Ann says:

    Speaking of boring, did anyone see BHO’s interview with Chris Wallace? That was one uneventful 36 minutes of television. He was a law professor? Yikes!! Congrats to all his students who managed to stay awake during his lectures. (I know, it was his graduate assistant who did the lecturing, but still he probably made rare appearances.)

  5. mrfixit says:

    Well you see? This confirms that reverend Wright is dead on. Appearantly all black people have a short attention span, ADHD and can’t understand anything unless it is presented in a story format.

    PLEASE, PLEASE, somebody sing Mr. Obama a song about Hillary before he forgets he still has to attend the Democrat convention!!!!

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