
The Barack/Hillary Constituency

Great editorial from today’s New York Sun. The title says it all about Obama, Clinton and the party itself.

The San Francisco Democrats

Senator Obama is fond of saying that his father is from Kenya and his mother is from Kansas, but in the remarks he reportedly made at a fundraiser in San Francisco, the Harvard-educated Democratic presidential candidate showed his true colors as a San Francisco Democrat. “You go into these small towns in Pennsylvania and, like a lot of small towns in the Midwest, the jobs have been gone now for 25 years,” Mr. Obama said. “It’s not surprising, then, they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.;

People will be parsing these words for weeks, perhaps months. Senator Clinton, Mr. Obama’s rival for the Democratic presidential nomination, was off to a pretty good start when she said, “Pennsylvanians don’t need a president who looks down on them.” But condescension is just one of the flaws of Mr. Obama’s statement.

To begin with is the idea that religion is, like anti-immigration sentiment, a kind of bigotry that appeals to bitter people who don’t know better. It’s the idea Karl Marx had in mind when he wrote that religion is “the opium of the people.” With all the attention paid to Mr. Obama’s attendance at the Reverend Jeremiah Wright’s Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago, we had been under the impression that he had a more positive view of the role of religion in American life…

Mr. Obama is a politician of high intelligence and formidable rhetorical gifts, but his efforts to dig himself out of this one have so far been unconvincing. To the extent that they resonate it is that they speak to a larger phenomenon of American politics. The Democrats, while claiming to be the party of the common man, have become a party of Volvo-driving college professors, of San Francisco and Greenwich Village and Cambridge and Georgetown, while the Republicans, who are caricatured as the party of the country club rich, are in fact more in touch with the church-going and gun-bearing American public than is Senator Obama and the other leaders of his party.

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10 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. Ripper says:

    My dislike for San Francisco is so great that I cannot even bring myself to root for any of their sports teams such as the Giants and 49ers.

  2. josai says:

    That picture is brilliant. That is where Frisco is eternally stuck, in 1967. When the shaker of the century hits, the Red Cross should just say no.

  3. Young American says:

    B. Hussein Obama need look no further than into a mirror to see a miserable , angry, pitiful out of touch person. That’s what the left does to a person and he is wallowing in it. He goes to his church and listens to the ‘anti ‘ Rev. Wright spew his hatred and anger and blame all his woes and shortcomings on the evil white man and our founding fathers . This pathetic man is no reflection of what a good Christian is and gives being a Christian a bad name . He preaches the opposite of what Jesus did and B.H.O. has taken it all in the last twenty years of his life.
    For a man who is truly a elitist and ‘ snobBama ‘ just what does he want from America , a country that has given him the opportunity to become so successful and wanting for nothing that he is within a step of becoming the most powerful man in the world . He could not have had it any better. Why does he have such malice for the American people and the country who gave him all the things that got him to where he is ?
    B.Hussein Obama is so out of touch with reality he can’t think straight . I’m no Hillary fan by any means but if her campaign does not use this opportunity to expose B.H.O for what he is and what harm he can inflict on America than she deserves to lose it all. And off subject , come on John McCain , don’t blow it with a lousy V.P. choice …

  4. Dave J says:

    Young American: tie the post and the off-tangent comment together. If John McCain made Chris Cox his running mate, he’d help himself on his economic weakness plus I seriously think he could put California into play.

  5. Young American says:

    Being the nations top financial cop Cox would bring strength to that McCain weakness . I want so very badly to put my support behind McCain , the thought of Hillary or B.H.O is gut wrenching
    but if McCain chooses the likes of a Graham or Huckabee I’m writing in Sydney Bruce !

  6. Kelly says:

    Being an independent conservative in the San Francisco Bay Area is a challenge. I admit that in my leftist past, I fell prey to the snobbery of the coasts against those in what has been demeaningly labeled “fly-over country”. I regret that attitude deeply.

    I’m flying out to Atlanta tomorrow morning for my first trip to the South and it will be interesting being away from the increasingly embarrassing “San Francisco Values”. I’ll sure miss Tammy Radio and reading the blog for a week. (I really need to get that laptop.)

  7. Dave J says:

    For the record, I don’t claim the Chris Cox idea as my own: the Wall Street Journal plugged him for the spot a couple of weeks ago and it just seemed like an excellent choice. Hispanic and Jewish voters in California, extremely important demographics for the Dems, simply will not come out in huge numbers for Obama. Put Cox on the ticket and the biggest electoral college prize of all is in reach.

  8. Rich B says:

    Now how did Chong get involved with San Francisco politics? I thought he was back on the road with Cheech.

    All kidding aside, is there anything more ridiculous looking than a fifty-year old man with a ponytail? Or tie-dye shirts, or fringe leather jackets, or sandals, or…. nevermind.

    And these are just the ab-hominem attacks. This old fart is the ultimate definiton of the word “cliche”.

  9. DarkStar says:

    “You go into some of these small towns in Pennsylvania, and like a lot of small
    towns in the Midwest, the jobs have been
    gone now for 25 years and nothing’s replaced

    -Senator Obama

    Not only is Sen. Obama out of touch with
    the American people, he’s also clueless
    about American geography. Pennsylvania
    is NOT in the “Midwest.”

    -Dark Star
    Clearwater, FL

  10. helpunderdog says:

    “You go into these small towns in Pennsylvania and, like a lot of small towns in the Midwest, the jobs have been gone now for 25 years,” Mr. Obama said. “It’s not surprising, then, they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.”

    Closer to reality:
    You go into these small elitist communities, and, like a lot of small elitist communities in New York, California, D.C., and in universities across the country, the jobs have been paying handsomely for 25 years. It’s not surprising, then, they get bitter (think Obama’s wife), they cling to anti-gun or anti-religious sentiments or have antipathy towards Americans who aren’t like them or are pro illegal immigrant as a way to explain their frustrations.

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