
Don’t ever forget how close this horse’s ass got to the White House

Yes, and Slavery is Freedom and Ignorance is Bliss. Remember, in an Obama administration it is very likely this raging moron will be either Secretary of State or Secretary of Defense. Now doesn’t that make you feel all warm inside?

Kerry: On Sept. 11 We Were at Peace

Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.) believes that on September 11 “we were basically at peace.”

Asked to clarify his remarks, specifically asking about the attacks on the U.S.S. Cole during Barack Obama campaign conference call, Kerry said, “well, we hadn’t declared war,” The Hill’s Sam Youngman reports.

Asked if al Qaeda was a threat at the time, the 2004 Democratic presidential nominee said, “well yes, obviously they were a threat. But, fundamentally we were not at war at that point in time.”

There are about 3,000 dead people who would very much disagree with that assessment. Keep in mind, in the Orwellian Liberal world, slavery is freedom and war is peace.

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4 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. marleed says:

    1979 Iran takes American hostages
    1983 American Barracks in Beruit bombed
    1985 Achille Lauro (Abu Nidal)
    1993 Bombing of the World Trade Center
    1996 Khobar Towers bombed
    1998 Nairobi
    1999 East Timor
    2000 USS Cole
    Maybe John Kerry thought we were at peace on 9-11, but it appears as though *someone else* disagreed.

    “To kill the Americans and their allies — civilians and military — is an individual duty for every Muslim who can do it in any country in which it is possible to do it, in order to liberate the al-Aqsa Mosque [Jerusalem] and the holy mosque [Mecca] from their grip, and in order for their armies to move out of all the lands of Islam, defeated and unable to threaten any Muslim.”
    –Osama bin Laden
    In Fatwa entitled Jihad Against Jews and Crusaders World Islamic Front Statement, February 28, 1998

    Peace is not simply the absence of a declared war.

  2. I think John Kerry seriously believes that Peace is when we are attacked, and War is when we fight back. Given this outlook on things, then he is correct.

    As long as it is only Americans getting killed, then I would say that he is happy. Remember Vietnam.

  3. jerocat says:

    1968 Bobby Kennedy, presidential candidate, was murdered by Sirhan Sirhan at a June campaign event in a Los Angeles hotel.

    At that point was anybody in The West thinking about militant Islam? It was of course before al Quaeda. I was just too young at the time to remember. To shed some light on the motive for Kennedy’s murder I went to Wikopedia.

    It was so public, a national tragedy for all regardless of one’s voting preference, and yet so little is said these days about why Sirhan Sirhan did it. In those days the Democrats had not yet become the pusillanimous party. They had not yet hitched their wagon to defeat and surrender. John Kerry had not yet engaged in treason.

  4. bearone7777 says:

    Is anyone really taking anything that this “MORON” says for real. He is a fool, and an idiot. I do not see what the people in his state see in him, but then again that is Mass. for you. I think that the people in this country better WISE-UP real fast. If not we are going to have a puppet in the White House, and his name is going to be Barack Obama. All his handlers, and all the fools that are going head over heels in love with him are seeing in him somebody that they can control, and make do what they want. Although I personally do not care for either one of them I will say the main reason that they do not like Hil. is that she has her own mind, and is willing to GRAB the BULL-(OR IS THAT BILL)-by the horns, and beat the hell out of it. They do not like that very much, and they want somebody that they can control. They have that in Barack Obama. I am really excited to see this happen the way it has. We are seeing the Dems. go to war on each other, and the best way to see that they are VERY WRONG FOR AMERICA is to see the “IDIOT” know as John Kerry open his mouth, and insert his foot. May God help this great country if we are subjected to see Barack Obama in the White House.


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