
No, this is not a post about Barry, Hillary or Juan. At least I don’t think it is.

Video Purportedly Showing Space Aliens Shown

A video purportedly showing aliens has been shown to the press, the Denver Post reports.

The approximately three-minute-long video, in grainy black and white, appears to show a creature with big eyes looking through a window into a house, the Post said. But it was unclear if it was a puppet or an alien. Jeff Peckman, who has proposed the city of Denver create an 18-member extraterrestrial affairs commission, screened the video for the media Friday at Metropolitan State College.

“This one looked very gentle and very innocent and youthful,” [Hahahaha!!] Peckman told FOX News on Friday. The video shows a white creature with a balloon-shaped head that pops up and down in a windowsill 8 feet above the ground, according to the Post.

The paper said the head popped up on the windowsill four times, the face white with large black eyes that appeared to blink.

So let’s see, if you’re a space alien who managed to travel from one galaxy to this one, I think you may have a better method of Secret Alien Peeping Tom Spying on the Humans than bobbing your head up down at a window. I’m just saying.

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4 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. Floyd R. Turbo says:

    To us Southern Coloradans, those folks up in Denver are, well, they’re just the “folks up in Denver”. That pretty much sums it up. If you looked closer, Mr. Peckman HAS to actually be from the “Peoples Republic of Boulder”, of the “Roswell, Area 51” mindset. Has to be…

    As a close friend puts it, having been there over extended periods at their college, “Boulder is 25 square miles surrounded by reality”. Yes, I know, there are some good, right-minded conservative folks there, but they’re outnumbered. This guy CAN’T be serious.

  2. TC says:

    I’m just interested in knowing why an alien from several million miles away would travel all this way just to peek into this guys bedroom. Are space aliens peeping Toms?

  3. mcharrison says:

    Oh dear God!!! The humanity! The humanity! What won’t Hillary do to get his vote!!!

  4. Ken Pellman says:

    What’s with the “grainy black and white”? Who doesn’t have a color video camera? If he was trying to catch perverts, why not use something that will capture as much information (clear, colorful) as possible?

    Or is it just easier to fake something if it is grainy and black & white? Nah, that couldn’t be it.

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