bolton smiles.jpg

I love him.

The only man worthy of being president in this age writing about the only man who absolutely isn’t worthy, and gives the squirt (and the rest of us) a history in the process.

Obama the naive

Barack Obama’s willingness to meet with the leaders of rogue states such as Iran and North Korea “without preconditions” is a naive and dangerous approach to dealing with the hard men who run pariah states. It will be an important and legitimate issue for policy debate during the remainder of the presidential campaign.

Consider his facile observations about President Kennedy’s first meeting with Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev, in Vienna in 1961. Obama saw it as a meeting that helped win the Cold War, when in fact it was an embarrassment for the American side. The inexperienced Kennedy performed so poorly that Khrushchev may well have been encouraged to position Soviet missiles in Cuba in 1962, thus precipitating one of the Cold War’s most dangerous crises.

Such realities should cause Obama to become more circumspect, minimizing his off-the-cuff observations about history, grand strategy and diplomacy. In fact, he has done exactly the opposite, exhibiting so many gaps in his knowledge and understanding of world affairs that they have not yet received the attention they deserve. He consistently reveals failings in foreign policy that are far more serious than even his critics had previously imagined…

Read, of course, the whole thing please. It’ll do you good.

Maynard’s comment

I don’t automatically accept the testimony of “experts”. But Bolton’s comments make sense. If nothing else, Obama is obviously inexperienced, and his words reflect a naïve outlook. See the text of Bolton’s article for examples.

We might expect Obama would acknowledge this obvious issue. He could counter criticism with a promise that his team’s experience would balance his neophyte status. But, against all evidence to the contrary, Obama declares that foreign policy is his strength and not his weakness. Wow!

“Foreign policy is the area where I am probably most confident that I know more and understand the world better than Senator Clinton or Senator McCain.”

Are you ready to gamble the fate of the free world on this man?

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8 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. Dave J says:

    Bolton for VP…please?!

  2. Young American says:

    How I would love a televised debate between John Bolton and B.Hussein Obama . It would be outstanding and entertaining watching Bolton expose this imbecile. Obama needs to be told that just because a country is ‘ tiny ‘ it does not mean it cannot pose a serious threat . He’s got the 1st grade mentality going on here. Naive statements such as this and his ignorance on Auschwitz and the fact that he believes there are 57 states should matter to the people who seem to think he’s got the goods to be president. I would prefer a Bolton/McCain ticket myself.

  3. Kelly says:

    God, I love John Bolton!

    Two reasons come to mind as to why Obama isn’t called on his idiotic and misinformed statements except by people like Ambassador Bolton, Tammy and Fox News.

    The first reason is the obvious bias of the mainstream media who are trying to do their best to protect him and get him elected.

    The second reason is the progressive dumbing down of America over the past 40 years or so. If you weren’t taught history, you can’t tell when someone gets it wrong or worse yet, intentionally distorts it.

    I was lucky to have escaped politically correct, multicultural “education” during my formative years in the 70s and 80s, thanks to a Catholic school education and an ever-inquisitive mind. Barack Obama should have been so lucky.

  4. Mahatlek says:

    I have no doubt that he sees himself as some sort of “Second-Coming” to help the masses. The naive, arrogant and condescending message that he alone can save us is too much. He and Michelle talk a lot about “they”. “They” did this, “They” did that..”They” changed the rules. I guess he will save us from “They”. He has as much experience in foreign policy as any cartoon chararter ever had.
    When the PM of Iran or the idiot in Venezuela walks all over him it will be “they” who didn’t play by his rules.

  5. Jack Bauer says:

    Here’s the REALLY scary thing about Obama’s bottomless ignorance on the subject of the Cuban Missile crisis and the K vs K meeting…

    His 1983 Columbia thesis was on this very subject… Makes you wonder what he wrote…

    But we don’t know because he won’t release it, and the press could care less

    From David Bossie’s Citizens United…

    In 1983 when President Reagan and then-Vice President Bush were standing toe-to-toe with the Communist threat from the Soviet Union, Barack Obama was, according to the New York Daily News, attending “socialist conferences” in New York City. Also in 1983, Barack Obama penned a thesis at Columbia University entitled “Soviet Nuclear Disarmament.” As of today, Obama has not released his thesis, and the media (even though they got copies of MICHELLE Obama’s thesis) has not bothered to ask him for it.

  6. Mahatlek says:

    We are dealing with someone who would claim that the there was no linkage at all between the Cuban Missile Crisis and the “Khrushchev vs Kennedy” meeting prior to the crisis. In fact, I doubt that he would even acknowledge the point that Khrushchev walked all over Kennedy. I would fully expect him to say something like the facts do not support this “interpretation”. He is convinced he can deal with the Chavez’s or the clown in Iran by making sure he does not offend them. You can expect this President to sell us out. He will make Carter look good.

  7. Mike says:

    Ambassador Bolton is, of course, absolutely correct. I disagree with him only in his restraint in describing Obama as merely naive. How would I characterize him? Catastrophically, perilously stupid, unschooled in history and utterly unwilling to learn any lesson that differs from liberal holy writ.

    A large part of the problem with Obama, and contemporary leftists, is that to the very limited degree that they recognize that evil exists, they believe that it is represented in the world solely by America (well, OK, WalMart is evil too), particularly when a Republican is in the White House. This fundamental and potentially deadly inability to recognize reality leads to a variety of related problems. Among them is the belief that diplomacy–merely talking–to those who would gladly obliterate you and your nation–is a major accomplishment in and of itself. Believing that, virtually any concession, any appeasement is an even greater triumph, because the evil Republicans won’t talk to genocidal madmen at all. When one adds the rampant narcissism that is the hallmark of the liberal messiah, we have soaring rhetoric about stopping the rise of the waters, healing the planet, giving jobs to those who don’t have them (despite having near full employment for years) and healing the sick. And of course, such messiahs are so extraordinary that the force of their superhuman personalities, their caring and goodness, can accomplish miracles unavailable to mere mortals. The individual is a drag on society, only collectively–led by the messiah, of course–can we do what must be done.

    A tragedy that such delusions have the very real potential to be obliterated in a nuclear fireball, along with all of those bitter, gun bearing, religion clinging rubes who the all caring liberal has been sent to help.

    But at least we know the Messiah is on the side of Israel. He said so the other day. But didn’t he say today that Jerusalem would have to be negotiated away…Oh well. At least there will be talk.

  8. Mahatlek says:

    Get ready FOR 4 years of APPEASEMENT ON ALL FOREIGN FRONTS. Get ready for massive cut backs in the Pentagon budget. I don’t put it past him to not only close Gitmo down but to free all the “political” prisoners we are “unlawfully” holding. The entire lot will be set free as a show of good faith to the world. There is no limit to the lunacy about to come with this message of “Change & Hope”.

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