

He’s afraid of the old man apparently. He is willing to have one town hall-style debate–on the 4th of July when no one will be watching.

Obama on Friday rejected McCain’s proposal for 10 joint town-hall appearances, question-and-answer gatherings before small audiences that the Republican senator tends to favor. The Democrat has performed best at massive, emotional rallies drawing tens of thousands of people.

Obama has offered to meet McCain in five joint appearances between now and the Nov. 4 election, but only one of those would be town hall-style and it would be on the July 4th Independence Day holiday, when few Americans would be watching. McCain called the offer “a very disappointing response.”

Barry also seems to be so afraid of Cindy McCain’s husband that he’s threatening to bring a gun to to any debates he’s not too afraid to have. The McCain camp thinks this can mean a few things…

Obama Flip-Flop on Gun Control? Or New Politics? Or Both?

Barack Obama appeared at a fundraiser in Philadelphia last night where he delivered the following remark:

“If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun.”

A couple thoughts from McCain HQ on this. First, Barack Obama has a long track record as a proponent of stringent gun-control regulations–to the point that a questionnaire filled out by his staff, and with the candidate’s handwriting on it, stated that Obama favored a ban on the manufacture, sale, and distribution of handguns. Can we assume that Senator Obama now opposes efforts to ban the possession of handguns?

Second, would Obama be carrying a concealed weapon to this fight? Will he have a permit?

And finally, we’re having second thoughts about our proposed series of town halls.

Well, let’s look at it this way: I suppose threatening the other presidential candidate with gun violence is ‘change.’

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16 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. Kelly says:

    Why does this make me think of a Jets and Sharks “knife fight” from West Side Story…

    What a moron.

  2. Padre Steve says:

    Could the American people really fall for this guy? We are after all in a time of war! How could we choose an inexperienced leftist who will break our military like Jimmy Carter over a legit WAR HERO!? It boggles the mind! Let’s pray the American voter is wiser than the media make them out to be.

  3. GenRach says:

    What happened to the Love? OM Obama!!
    As someone that he referred to as a ‘gun clinger’ I think he best be careful! Politically that is, of course.
    Mr. Obama may I suggest you stick to the teleprompter from now on, your Obamaisms are getting thee in deep water. Then again, let ’em fly..just easy there Tex’..we fire back!

  4. akmitt says:

    i suppose in Obamination’s case it’s the one with no ideas whatsoever rather than just the one who runs out of ideas who is the first to resort to violence and violent imagery.

    i live in the mists of the sort of hideous self absorbed post modern hippies who swoon over this guy like over -heated school girls. they remind me of the Manson Girls- and look where that led. and the scary thing is that even squeaky fromme makes more sense and takes more concrete, better argued positions than the O word .

    the guy can’t conjure up an intellectual butter knife let alone a gun. but, then, it didn’t even take massive doses of lsd and mind games and group sex to turn the left into an army of demented hippie chicks for obama.

  5. Jack Bauer says:

    Michelle My Belle

    Happiness is a warm gun
    Happiness is a warm gun
    When I hold you in my arms
    And I feel my finger on your trigger
    I know no one can do me no harm
    Because happiness is a warm gun.
    Yes it is.

    McCain’s a pretty low level idiot, with very little grasp of the capitalist economy, the constitution and the unique American character that made the US the greatest country in the history of the world.

    But Obama… wow, I really think even McCain can beat him.

    Obama is a Quayle away from saying something so DUMB on LIVE TV, that even his MSM adoration society will not be able to hide it away.

  6. pat_s says:

    If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun.

    Wasn’t it only a few days ago the world was celebrating Bush’s apology for just this kind of rhetoric?

  7. crossroads_gunner says:

    “If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun.”

    Just couldn’t be original, could he? What he said was a slightly altered version of a line spoken by Sean Connery to Kevin Costner in Brian DePalma’s film “The Untouchables”, when explaining how to “get” Al Capone.

    I wonder if DePalma got the reference; I’m sure he’s pleased if he did.

  8. Jack,

    The difference being that Quayle was a stupid, idiotic, hick bumpkin while Obama is the Messiah.

    :rolls eyes:

  9. Mike says:

    A large part of the reason that this kind of comment is so absurd, so jarring, so utterly silly is that no one possessed of any common sense can imagine Barack Obama actually engaging in any manly pursuit, let alone fighting with a knife or gun. A man for whom a bowling ball is a foreign, unfathomable object engaging in single combat?

    Thus do we gain insight into the character of one who would defend America by running away and by talking to those who would gladly murder us all. Thus do we see, yet again, the depth of honor in one who claims to support the Second Amendment, yet who has supported and/or voted for virtually every anti-gun, anti-freedom idiotic idea the anti-gun left has ever invented.

    Take him on Senator McCain. He’ll probably stab himself or shoot himself in the foot. Better him than the nation.

  10. usaguys says:

    Hey Tammy, I went to Speilbergs office today to ask him if I can be CEO of DreamWorks. I told him I had no experience in the business, I had no accomplishments out side of Community organizing for the Writers Strike. I did tell him I would talk really slick on how a bang up job I will do and promise stuff I cant do. I will bring in further past Movie Business failures into the Company along with people of questionable past with really hate Hollywood agenda’s.

    I didnt get the job. Opps, I should have run for the Democratic Nomination instead. He couldnt explain why he didnt want me to run his company but will take a chance on CEO of the USA with his Pal.

    (not really)

  11. robbybonfire says:

    OK, Hillary is gone from the campaign trail, so now begins the Marxist-Atheist fringe lunatic wing massive exodus to the political center. It started on Friday with Obama now saying he wants to CUT TAXES (!) on middle-income people – this coming just one month after announcing his intention to RAISE capital gains taxes, as though no one who is middle class has a stake in the stock market. “It’s just a club for the wealthy,” as we all know.

    Then today, Sunday, on the NBC Tim Russert tribute program, Maria Shriver comes out and talks about Russert’s “faith in God.” Right, uncle Jack may have been a real american who believed in God and working class people – a real Democrat, but with uncle Teddy being the poster boy for Marxist-America for 44-odd years now, it seems strange that the Far Left Marxist-Atheist fringe would bolt so suddenly to the center, except in an election year.

    Phony is the middle name for these cockroaches, where demagogic won’t suffice. Damn, they are sickeningly hypocritical.

  12. Jack Bauer says:

    The difference being that Quayle was a stupid, idiotic, hick bumpkin while Obama is the Messiah.:rolls eyes:

    Oh sorry John, I blasphemed there for a second. Jack Lord forgive me.

    By the way, any Obama supporters who try to laugh off this dumb gun remark is a “joke”…

    Try wandering up to an Obama rally and start threatening in public to “bring a gun”

    Heck, just make the threat in public a few days before … and see how fast you end up being “interviewed” by the authorities, starting with the Secret Service.

    Tell them it was just a joke. See how that works.

  13. RagingBullmoose says:

    “If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun.”

    Yeah, that right there doesn’t portray Obama as an angry, black millitant, throw back from the good old days of race riots and “Black Power”.

    What’s next, is he going to start wearing the berret, the leather jacket, and the turtleneck, and change his name to Barry X?

    What a knucklehead.

  14. St. Thor says:

    Like all totalitarian leftists, BO is a cringing coward unless the odds are stacked in his favor.

  15. infidel says:

    Baaaak Baaaak Obama

  16. maldain says:

    The sad fact is that Obama like most leftists believe the Bill of Rights applies only to the leftist elite…not the unwashed masses, you know, all those people who disagree with the leftist elite. After all, free speech doesn’t apply to those clinging little people. And we sure can’t trust those gun clingers we need to take those away from them right now. We of course can board our troops any place we want without paying rent or even allowing people cling to their own homes. And while it’s unconstitutional to search or seize papers or property of the elite left as we know from the Chicago searches warrants aren’t required if you’re going to check up on those poor people, after all they might be clinging to guns or hording bibles or worse smoking tobacco.

    Anyway, you get the drift the democrats are now and have always been hypocritical. In the 1800’s through the mid 1900’s their cause was the suppression of human rights on a minority of the population. In the later half of the 1900’s into the 21st century well it’s suppression of human rights for the whole population.

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