Ruths Chris.png



Maybe that’s because McCain is getting only 60% of the conservative base. Gee, I betcha he’s hoping for all those Dems and liberals he’s been counting on to come running to the termite-eaten Repub Party woodwork to save him. Let’s just hope he’s not holding his breath.

Obama holds 12-point lead over McCain, poll finds

In a two-man race between the major party candidates, registered voters chose Obama over McCain by 49% to 37% in the national poll conducted last weekend…On a four-man ballot including independent candidate Ralph Nader and Libertarian Bob Barr, voters chose Obama over McCain by an even larger margin, 48% to 33%…

McCain suffers from a pronounced “enthusiasm gap,” especially among the conservatives who usually give Republican candidates a reliable base of support. Among voters who describe themselves as conservative, only 58% say they will vote for McCain; 15% say they will vote for Obama, 14% say they will vote for someone else, and 13% say they are undecided.

By contrast, 79% of voters who describe themselves as liberal say they plan to vote for Obama.

Even among voters who say they do plan to vote for McCain, more than half say they are “not enthusiastic” about their chosen candidate; only 45% say they are enthusiastic. By contrast, 81% of Obama voters say they are enthusiastic, and almost half call themselves “very enthusiastic,” a level of zeal that only 13% of McCain’s supporters display.

“McCain is not capturing the full extent of the conservative base the way President Bush did in 2000 and 2004,” said Susan Pinkus, director of the Times Poll. “Among conservatives, evangelicals and voters who identify themselves as part of the religious right, he is polling less than 60%.

Congratulations GOP! You’re now realizing what I term the “Steak Theory” of politics. If people want a steak, they want the real thing, they don’t want the thing that’s a bad copy of the real thing. In this scenario, since both candidates are liberals, Obama is the really, truly, serious liberal to the point of being a Marxist. John McCain is a pandering, sorta, maybe liberal on a lot of things,but not on some others, but not really conservative, either. In other words, Obama is Ruth’s Chris Steakhouse of Liberals and McCain is The Sizzler of Liberals. So if you’re gonna have to have steak (even if you don’t want one), and you have two liberals to choose from, would you go for the real thing or the confused, not really sure what it is thing? Exactly.

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11 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. jdb says:

    You give McCain too much credit. He ain’t no Sizzler of anyone’s party. He’s the veggie burger.

  2. mrfixit says:

    You said a —- mouthful!

  3. Over on Michelle Malkin’s website there’s a battle going on between those who support McCain and those of us who don’t. (note that “support” and “will be eventually forced to vote for” are two different things entirely) His supporters over there seem to not want our vote or support because they’re finding every excuse to tell us how we’re “not conservatives” because we don’t support him, and the invectives get worse from there. They don’t seem to grasp that you don’t get someone’s support (or vote) by attacking them. They tell us that McCain needs everyone’s support and vote…sigh…Do they want McCain to win or not? Does McCain want to become President?

  4. WK says:

    I don’t expect this margin to continue to November, but I have stated in Tammy’s blog before my belief Obama’s victory margin will be in the 7-10 point range, with 300-350 EVs, and I will stay with my projection. This will narrow some as the MSM does not want a blowout in November, it doesn’t make for a good race in order to help sell papers.

    What I did say before as well is McCain, while he may be a heroic and inspiring American war hero, does not inspire anyone outside of the most loyal demographic support. He is a political chameleon, and frankly he is an old timer as well, and you better believe being telegenic or looking (and being) old has every bearing on how some people will vote (those that do not take time to understand the issues involved).

    Unless Obama screws up seriously somewhere along the line, the 2008 election is essentially decided. The GOP can not possibly hope to hold onto power on the heels of one of the most unpopular presidents in American history, one who is now seen by many, right or wrong, as criminal. He may still well be impeached before he leaves office, especially if he is suspected of having a major hand in bringing us into a proxy war with Israel and Iran. I voted for Bush twice, but I will not vote to return the GOP administration back to power. While the Dems are far from perfect, bringing in fresh blood may bring new perspectives on the issues. The GOP management has exhausted itself in Bush’s 2nd term, there are no fresh initiatives or programs, Bush is spent politically and is riding things out until his term finishes. This is not what I had voted for in 2004, Bush has been an utter failure in his 2nd term.

  5. Kelly says:

    That’s an insult to veggie burgers, JDB.

    I know veggie burgers. Veggie burgers are friends of mine. Senator McCain is no veggie burger.

  6. PeteRFNY says:

    Unfortunately, what the Dems are offering is neither “fresh” nor “new” – it’s the same tired old crap we ran screaming from in 1980. They just put a new Brooks Brothers suit on it.

    I wish I could go to sleep and just wake up on November 5th, instead of suffering through the four months’ worth of ulcers I am going to be dealing with.

  7. storytold says:

    I am not suprised that Obama is trouncing McCain in the polls. I’ve always said that politicians should be either hot or cold,not lukewarm,which is another word for moderate. Same with Justice Kennedy. One day he’s on this side of the fence,next day it’s over on the opposite side. Oh and remember how McCain changed his position on domestic drilling? I think the main reason he did this was because public opinion was starting to shift towards off-shore drilling and McCain wanted to use that to his advantage.Also,his views on oil were sounding alot like Obamas,so he knew he had to somehow differentiate himself from his rival. I am definitely not enthused about this election.

  8. Ripper says:

    “I voted for Bush twice, but I will not vote to return the GOP administration back to power. While the Dems are far from perfect, bringing in fresh blood may bring new perspectives on the issues.”

    WK – enjoy the coming OBama Administration and I do not want to hear any complaints from you about your taxes and the appeasement foreign policy. Do not expect a 1994 to follow Obama – the demographics have changed. I do not believe that Obama is trouncing McCain at all. Do not forget “the Bradley effect” from 19982. I believe it is a dead heat right now and as Obama gets exposed more and more his lead will fade.

  9. WK says:

    Hotair, aka Michelle Malkin, will post anything favorable to the GOP, much like the Dems do with their politics and supporters. Ripper, you may be better off than 8 years ago under Bush, but I am not. Bush and his ilk have f**ked up things pretty good.

    I wish we had additional major party choices, but since we do not, it is an election between an aging war hero, and a young insurgent who no one gave a chance to 6 months ago. McCain’s mental acuity is about to be put to a severe test once the debates begin, we’ll see if is he mentally capable to serve as POTUS in his 71 years, the oldest president who would ever be elected. Some may draw comfort from continuing GOP management of the country and of course that is why we have elections. Obama is far from perfect, but I feel in 2008 he is more qualified to lead this country through what is going to be one of the most 4-8 years it has ever experienced, mostly of our own doing. Our self indulgent financially leveraged society is finally catching up to our countrymans bad habits of greed, and the bills are starting to come due. 14 % satisfaction level with how the country is going speaks volumes, how long can it be before a revolution takes place, if this level of anger and dissatisfaction continue. I’m not promoting it, only observing we have some very serious issues at stake here, as we all know.

  10. Ripper says:

    “Obama is far from perfect, but I feel in 2008 he is more qualified to lead this country through what is going to be one of the most 4-8 years it has ever experienced, mostly of our own doing.”

    Yes Barry Obama who has spent 4 years in the Illinois State Senate and one whole year as a Senator (he has been running for POTUS sicne2006) is qualified to run this country. Full disclosure – I dislike John McCain because he is a de facto liberal so the choice is who will hurt the ocutnry least. I was a Giuliani supporter and then a Romney supporter so I am in no way not unaware of McCain’s shortcomings – however Obama will be an economic, social, and foreign policy disaster!
    THe choice has always been amongst a classic liberal (McCain), a socialist (Hillary), and a Marxist (Obama). I will drink of the poisoned cup of the strong on defense liberal rather then the other two.

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