
At about 10:30am PT. We’ll discuss Ed’s assessment of the London Times investigation revealing a lobbyist associate with the Bush admin selling access to the White House for donations to the future GWB library.

The London Times runs a disturbing investigative story today that shows a former Bush bundler and lobbyist selling access to the highest levels of government in return for donations to the future Bush presidential library. Stephen Payne, who bundled for both of George W Bush’s presidential campaigns and now works at Worldwide Strategic Partners, tells an undercover reporter representing himself as an agent of the former president of Kyrgyzstan that it will take $200 thousand minimum as a contribution to get an audience with Dick Cheney or Condoleezza Rice.

We’ll follow up on that, and other things that may be on Ed’s mind 🙂

In the meantime…all of this brought up one my all-time favorite subjects 🙂 Ed used the Tammy Radio with Snuffy pic on the Hot Air site bringing up all sorts of comments from the Trigger Nazis, also known as Controlling Incontinent Sissies.


An actor, yes, but the perfect illustration of what’s underneath those pleated Trigger Nazi slacks.

I’ll say this one more time for all of you pansies who are desperate for Image Political Correctness: First, I’m gonna send you all a news package of Depends because it’s obvious your diapers need to be changed. Then, when you send letter to every Hollywood film studio, and demand that pictures with Jodie Foster and her finger on the trigger, John Wayne with his finger on a trigger, all Westerns, all Charles Bronson movies, all Die Hard movies, etc., etc., etc., all be photo-shopped into something more meeting with your Politically Correct Diaper Requiring approval, then you can complain about me. But until then, shut your Pie Holes and be grateful there’s a woman out there promoting firearms, and realize there’s a difference between an instructional image and an dramatic image.

Oh, and just so all you Trigger Nazis will have to change that diaper once again, a special image just for you:


More Scary, Incorrect, Irresponsible pictures that completely ruin respect for Responsible Gun Owners everywhere, after the jump…


John Wayne, Irresponsible!


Clint Eastwood, Irresponsible!


Jodie Foster. Oh. My. God. Noooooooo!!!!!!!!!!


Sutherland as Jack Bauer. Bad, bad image!!

This section is for comments from's community of registered readers. Please don't assume that Tammy agrees with or endorses any particular comment just because she lets it stand.
26 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. MARINO says:

    Just enough knowledge of firearms to load and fire a weapon is not enough. If you want to shoot yourself go ahead but bad firearm handling habits transfer to the range and put everyone on the range in danger. I don’t care if you are a woman or not. There have been plenty of people shot with “unloaded” firearms.It is painfully obvious you have had no training with firearms. You give responsible gun owners a bad reputation.

  2. Tink says:

    When I read those comments at HA this morning I thought “oooh they’re going to get it!” And Tammy, you did not disappoint.

    Thanks for sticking to your guns, and ours!

  3. Tammy says:

    Marino, I beg your pardon. How dare you. The people who give responsible gun owners a ‘bad name’ are those who use guns to murder innocent people. You turn your control issues to those who truly give anti-gun nuts fodder, and it’s not women who pose with their firearm.

    Perhaps you feel helpless when it comes to film and video game imagery. I would suggest you go see “Wanted” that new Angelina Jolie film, and spend all of your free time complaining to them about the obscene and gratuitous violence, mostly involving guns. Oh yeah, all the people in that movie have their fingers on the trigger (!) pull the triggers (a lot) and kill people in the movie!!!!!

    But you sit there and complain about my pic with Snuffy and say *I* give responsible gun owners a bad name? Pathetic.

  4. jeweytunes says:

    My arsenal of triggers and I say, “You GO girl!!”

    When I’m shooting, I’m as strict as it gets — but if I want to see a chick kick ass to make a POINT, it’s a whole different load of powder. I cannot believe we’re still having this discussion! J

  5. Tammy says:

    Oh and one other thing about this term “Responsible Gun Owners.” It infers that crazy murderers who use guns are “Irresponsble Gun Owners.” Hardly; they’re freaks who use guns.

    Perhaps a better placement of energy, if one is truly concerned about the image of “Responsible Gun Owners,” is to concentrate on countering the rhetoric of those who want to disarm us, like the ACLU and anti-gun nuts. Just a thought.

  6. All this talk of fingering triggers makes me want to touch my monkey.

    And btw…no b-day phone call this year???

    That really hurt.


  7. Paul From Hamburg says:

    I see nothing wrong with the picture of you holding Snuffy. Marino is way wrong. It is absurd to look at that picture and infer anything about your habits or training. As far as you being a bad example; what is the logic there?: “Well, I just bought a gun and don’t know anything about it. I could take an NRA safety course, but instead I’ll just look at this picture of Tammy Bruce and Snuffy”.

    My only disappointment is that you are not holding Snuffy in the picture where you’re wearing the white blouse with collar up.

  8. Young American says:

    Only dipsticks would look at that pic of Tammy and think ” Oh my goodness , how horrid ! Her finger is on the trigger ! I’m scandalized !! ” Most of us will look at the pic of Tammy and think ” Wow , now that’s hot !! ”
    It’s a sweet pic of Tammy for goodness sake , not a poster or guideline for gun safety.

  9. MARINO says:


    Rule III is violated most anytime the uneducated person handles a firearm. Whether on TV, in the theaters, or at the range, people seem fascinated with having their finger on the trigger. Never stand or walk around with your finger on the trigger. It is unprofessional, dangerous, and, perhaps most damaging to the psyche, it is klutzy looking. Never fire a shot unless the sights are superimposed on the target and you have made a conscious decision to fire. Firing an unaligned pistol in a fight gains nothing. If you believe that the defensive pistol is only an intimidation tool – not something to be used – carry blanks, or better yet, reevaluate having one around. If you are going to launch a projectile, it had best be directed purposely. Danger abounds if you allow your finger to dawdle inside the trigger guard. As soon as the sights leave the target, the trigger-finger leaves the trigger and straightens alongside the frame. Since the hand normally prefers to work as a unit – as in grasping – separating the function of the trigger-finger from the rest of the hand takes effort. The five-finger grasp is a deeply programmed reflex. Under sufficient stress, and with the finger already placed on the trigger, an unexpected movement, misstep or surprise could result in a negligent discharge. Speed cannot be gained from such a premature placement of the trigger-finger. Bringing the sights to bear on the target, whether from the holster or the Guard Position, takes more time than that required for moving the trigger finger an inch or so to the trigger.

    Pearls of wisdom for Col Jeff Cooper

    [How nice and appropriate for an instructional manual–which is not what my photograph represents. Forget the Depends for you–I think it’s for some Metamucil–T.]

  10. maldain says:

    Good grief, if somebody out there has a firearm and is going to stroke the trigger because of a picture well hopefully the first shot is fatal at least then we get the benefit of natural selection. Sorry but I can’t work up too much sympathy for somebody who grabs a tool and then doesn’t know how to use it. Blaming their ineptitude on a picture is like blaming a cow for fishing. It doesn’t match up at all.

  11. Tammy says:

    Just so Marino, and everyone else knows, that person has been banned. Not because he disagrees with me or is paranoid and obsessive on the trigger issue, it’s because, after all his holier-than-thou lectures about appropriateness, safety, and being a good role model, Marino ended his last (deleted) comment with the suggestion I kill myself.

    Hypocrisy won’t get you banned from this site either, but suggesting that, will. But what do you expect from people with such freakish control issues they obsess about a promotional photo? Good riddance Sissy.

  12. Looks like Tammy won’t be buying a Ford anytime soon ; )

  13. dsgawrsh says:

    Have you heard about the gun rights fight down here in Florida, Tammy? We have a new law that allows employees with concealed carry permits to bring their guns to work and leave them in their locked cars. Disney and Universal are saying, “No!” and claim to be exempt. A Disney security guard called Disney on the carpet and was fired and now it is in court.

  14. mrfixit says:

    My reaction to your trigger finger closeup: Wow!,- you have really nice hands! Marino confuses artistic licence for a photo shot that makes a salient point, with a firearm safety issue. I suppose he would re-edit all the war flicks to reflect his A-R obsession with proper trigger holding protocal.

    He would substitute his own “correctness” for that of others. People like that are why I am more and more a libertarian in my thinking. His ilk: “Dont let the lefties run your life, let me do it.. you’ll like my control better.” Makes me sick.

  15. marleed says:

    Good grief! Google “finger on trigger” or “James Bond”. I rest my case. I have to admit though this scared the heck out of me.

  16. jeweytunes says:

    MARLEED: That pic is WAAAY scary! For the first time in my life, for one brief moment, I reconsidered my commitment to the 2nd Amendment. But then I remembered that criminals would still have guns, so that wouldn’t help us with this one anyway. J

  17. RobCon says:

    I noticed all those cry babies on the comments page as well. Good response Tammy.

  18. Brooke says:

    Tammy, I LOVE the pic of you with Snuffy. It’s HAWT!

    You ought to take one pointing Snuffy at the camera… Right after buying stock in Depends!

  19. Skeptic says:

    Good for you Tammy. I am one that can distinguish between a portrait and an “instructional” picture. Your finger on the trigger in your portrait is a non-issue. However, the whole picture is nice to look at! Kind of in an Emma Peel sort of way.

    If I am working with someone to teach them gun safety we will discuss fingers on triggers. If a portrait is being taken as long as I have checked the action and know the weapon is unloaded, I will take the pictures.

    Only self-righteous busy-bodies go around critiquing pictures of firearms in people’s hands. Implying somehow that if all the pictures of guns in the world had people’s fingers not on the trigger that there would be no gun accidents or that guns wouldn’t be used in crime. Neither of which make sense.

    You go girl!

  20. Rob says:

    Other than the first one (never been big on adults in diapers) I think they’re all absolutely TRUCKING perfect. I SAID JUMP!!!!!! {:D

  21. ashleymatt says:

    It’s late at night, and the dust has settled.

    And I shall take the parting shot, so to speak:

    ~It is foolish,
    For all you cynics,
    To tell Tammy,
    What she can’t do,
    With her fingers~

    Goodnight, everybody!

  22. jdb says:

    If you think Tammy is so smart, why don’t you give her the credit for knowing proper firearm protocol? My guess is that she has had extensive training. However, it encourages me when I see that guns and 2nd amendment issues always create numerous and passionate postings. If you really want to send a message to the elites and New World Order, you and all of your friends should go buy a box of ammo. If everyone purchased a box of ammo, the data miners and bean counters would get the message. If you really want to vote, buy cheap a handgun with the ammo. If you’re serious about saving America, buy a good handgun, a shotgun and take some classes. It’s too late to try to make crooked politicians into honest ones.

  23. Shawmut says:

    It all reminds me of an occasion when my suitcoat opened just enough for a waitress to notice my sidearm. She looked aghast and said, “That’s not loaded is it?”
    My only comment was, “Not much use otherwise, is it?”
    Usually a 2-3 times a week customer, she never waited on me again.

  24. PeteRFNY says:

    Any idiot that can’t tell the difference between a photo shoot and a crowded mall is (not surprisingly) a sideshow idiot. I’d have the authorities check under that guy’s floor boards (just in case).

  25. Sally says:

    All I have to add to the comments…nice ring!!!

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