
The Silky Pony and Girlfriend? Hmm.

Okay, I read the National Enquirer and like it. I don’t even just sneak a peek at the cash register, I actually purchase the thing. And it’s on my coffee table. Next to the Town and Country. So there.


Vice Presidential candidate Sen. John Edwards was caught visiting his mistress and secret love child at 2:40 this morning in a Los Angeles hotel by the NATIONAL ENQUIRER.

The married ex-senator from North Carolina – whose wife Elizabeth continues to battle cancer — met with his mistress, blonde divorcée Rielle Hunter, at the Beverly Hilton on Monday night, July 21 – and the NATIONAL ENQUIRER was there! He didn’t leave until early the next morning.

Rielle had driven to Los Angeles from Santa Barbara with a male friend for the rendezvous with Edwards. The former senator attended a press event Monday afternoon with L.A. Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa on the topic of how to combat homelessness.

Well, I think we have the Edwards answer to that: stay at the Beverly Hills Hotel!

But a months-long NATIONAL ENQUIRER investigation had yielded information that Rielle and Edwards, 54, had arranged to secretly meet afterward and for the ex-senator to spend some time with both his mistress and the love child who he refuses to publicly acknowledge as his own.

The NATIONAL ENQUIRER broke the story of Edwards’ love child scandal last year, when Rielle was still pregnant and Edwards was still considered a strong candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination.

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12 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. bstndance says:

    Closeted men have the worst taste in women.

  2. marleed says:

    I have this overwhelming urge to go brush my hair. That’s the nicest thing I could think of to say so I’ll shut up now.

  3. Kelly says:

    I read it too, Tammy. When I lived in West Hollywood, I met a guy who worked for the Enquirer. (He was trying to get me to work for them since I can spot even the most D-List hasbeens who haven’t worked since “The Love Boat”). Anyway, I asked him how much of what they report is true and his answer was, “You’d be amazed just how much is.”

  4. Ruth Anne says:

    I sincerely hope this isn’t true, mostly because of little Jack and Emma Claire.

    But if the alleged mistress is the woman behind this Edwards campaign ad, then I say John McCain oughtta’ hire her.

  5. Young American says:

    I would give this story more credibility than any article the NYT prints. Is that Camille Parker Bowles sister ?

  6. Butch Shomph says:

    I know this seems nice and juicy, but as you like to say Tammy, consider the source. How many “Bush Doing Cocaine in the White House” stories has the Equirer splashed across its front page over the last 8 years? Or “Laura Demands A Divorce…..Her Secret Lesbian Lover”? Stories to that effect? I’ve lost count.

  7. Talkin Horse says:

    These people are completely beyond shame. It boggles the mind.

  8. Dave J says:

    The relative normalcy of the Enquirer make me pine for the days of the sadly-departed Weekly World News: “Wild West Town Discovered on Venus!” “Help, Voodoo Curse is Turning Me Into a Tree!” And, of course, all of Ross Perot’s business deals with aliens.

    As Tommy Lee Jones said in Men in Black, it was “the best investigative journalism on the planet.”

  9. Caryn says:

    The thing being missed is that Antonio Villaraigosa was exposed as a cheater very publicly last year with a reporter from Telemundo. He is a notorious skirt chaser and has also gotten a pass from the LA media on his character. You see, years ago, Tony Villar, as he was known then, was also a community organizer (whatever that is – I think it’s a rabble rouser) and he attacked a man with the 9/11 hijackers weapon of choice, a box cutter, but the LA media said, oh well, he was young, whatever!!!!! Democrats ought to do their homework and do better vetting of Villaraigosa before they start getting too cozy.

  10. storytold says:

    Ahhh,where are Ward and June Cleaver when you need good role models :[

  11. aardvark says:

    You’d think for his money, …

  12. Floyd R. Turbo says:

    I know I’m late reading this, been extremely busy of late. My first thought at seeing the post…”and she’s supposed to be attractive…because?” Egad. At least Spitzer’s call girl was good looking. I agree with the above posters. She must be related to Camilla. Sad. What’s really disgusting is he’s screwing around while his wife battles cancer. No, what’s really disgusting is his screwing around at all. Creep. And the ignorant electorate continues to ignore our desperate need for people of integrity, honor and character. God help us.

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