
Lynn Forester de Rothschild, having the courage to do what Ferraro did not

This is excellent news and is another permission slip for Democrats and feminists everywhere to vote for McCain/Palin. It is also an indication of how deep the defections go inside the Democrat party. If someone as prominent as Forester is not only endorsing McCain/Palin but willing to campaign for them, Barry has what is probably a fatal defection flaw throughout the base.

Prominent Clinton backer and DNC member to endorse McCain

Lynn Forester de Rothschild, a prominent Hillary Clinton supporter and member of the Democratic National Committee’s Platform Committee, will endorse John McCain for president on Wednesday, her spokesman tells CNN.

The announcement will take place at a news conference on Capitol Hill, just blocks away from the DNC headquarters. Forester will “campaign and help him through the election,” the spokesman said of her plans to help the Republican presidential nominee…

Forester was a major donor for Clinton earning her the title as a Hillraiser for helping to raise at least $100,000 for the New York Democratic senator’s failed presidential bid.

In an interview with CNN this summer, Forester did not hide her distaste for eventual Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama. “This is a hard decision for me personally because frankly I don’t like him,” she said of Obama in an interview with CNN’s Joe Johns. “I feel like he is an elitist. I feel like he has not given me reason to trust him.”

Forester is the CEO of EL Rothschild, a holding company with businesses around the world. She is married to international banker Sir Evelyn de Rothschild. Forester is a member of the DNC’s Democrats Abroad chapter and splits her time living in London and New York.

While Geraldine Ferraro fumbled when it mattered most, Forester provides an example of the courage, conviction and character that will continue to help change the trajectory of this race. Her endorsement also gives approval and confirmation to all those Hillary Voters, PUMAs, feminists and other independent Democrats that, yes, it is okay to vote McCain/Palin.


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11 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. S.Diehl says:

    FABULOUS!! I hope other prominent, intelligent Hillary supports follow her lead~ She has principles & the courage to stand by them~~~ bravo, brava
    Los Angeles

  2. Talkin Horse says:

    Aside from the ideal of doing the right thing, some people in positions like this will tilt towards the candidate whom they perceive as being the winner. If they call it right and have been helpful or crucial in the campaign, they’ll be owed favors. I don’t necessarily mean this in a sinister way; it’s just the way things work. I think part of the reason Obama has so much money is not because he’s liked but because he was perceived as the victor, so everyone wanted to be part of that team. With his position slipping, we’ll see more people and businesses hedging their bets, if not defecting outright.

  3. NavajoSierra says:

    If you don’t drink the Kool Aid, and see BO for who he really is, he is not only despicable, but empty. This has been like a long look at the old fairy tale, The Emperor’s New Clothes, where everyone is fawning over the king and his new clothes, but in reality he is naked. I would hope to see more dems sobering up, detoxing from the kool-aid, regaining intelligence and voting like adults.

  4. Cutter Bench says:

    Disaffection has manifested itself in different ways and sometimes from the most unlikely of sources.

    In a departure, albeit brief, from her normal task of carrying water for the Obama camp, one of the Lefts’ most rabid pundits (in a “Tell us how you really feel?” moment) let the world know exactly what she thinks about Barrack. Infamous Leftwing flamethrower Maureen Dowd (in the midst of a column filled with adulation for Hillary and sneering Palin deprecations) perhaps in a fit of pique; realizing like-minded Feminist women of America have largely been disenfranchised by the self-described “Progressive Party,” referred to Obama as, “All cage, No bird.”

    One doesn’t need a dictionary to figure out what Dowd was imputing with that observation. I believe Palin, although epitomizing diametrical values to Dowd’s, is more so a searing reminder of what the Democrats don’t have on their national ticket in this election cycle, a powerful woman. Palin’s alleged “lack of qualifications” – by comparison to the anointed one – have exposed the emperor’s nakedness and are an agonizing reminder. Hillary was not only the logical and more qualified candidate for Vice President; she should have been the Democrats’ standard-bearer.

  5. Floyd R. Turbo says:

    Yes, indeed, that took guts to change support, especially with her prominence in the party. She has more integrity in that than most on the left. My head, however, wonders, since she’s so involved in the business world, how come she’s still a Democrat? The Democrats are so antibusiness, and she couldn’t see that? Blind obedience, I guess. There is hope. She may be on the verge of the light really coming on. If that happens, she needs to continue to be encouraged and welcomed. Bet more and more of these instances occur.

  6. ashleymatt says:

    Floyd: ~My head, however, wonders, since she’s so involved in the business world, how come she’s still a Democrat?~

    1) Lots of billionaire businesspeople are Dems: Bill Gates, Steven Spielberg, Lee Iacocca, Oprah, Soros. Even if we are taxed at 90%, these people will still have enough money to make out in their hot tubs.

    2) I guess being a Democrat is how you cope with having a husband named “Evelyn”

  7. HALEY says:

    Absolutely fantastic! Cheers to Lynn Forester de Rothschild!

    Honestly, I don’t know how anyone, even the most avid Democrat, could vote for that anti-American, dishonest, corrupt, communist named Barack Hussein Obama over John McCain, an honest reformer, America-loving, patriotic, decent person who fought for this country!

    It’s a no-brainer!

  8. helpunderdog says:

    The wealthy don’t have to worry about high taxes, they don’t pay them. They hire accountants/tax lawyers to hide their money in off shore accts and tax shelters. Overpaid Hollywood stars want to appear compassionate to their lowly unionized coworkers in the entertainment industry, and so a collective nod to unions in their support of democrats.

  9. aardvark says:

    Actually, this scares me even worse about just how liberal McCain is that these liberals can support him. I can barely make myself vote for him now – predominantly because of Sarah Palin.

  10. DogOnCrack says:

    I just watched this lady on F&F and I must admit that I was quite impressed.

    It’s refreshing to see one of the few sane democrats who is willing to put aside the expectations of her party for the good of the country.

    The far left will most likely accuse her of being racist for not supporting Obama.

  11. Idiot#3 says:

    With Hillary Clinton backing out of her scheduled UN appearance upon learning that Sarah would also be there, what are her former supporters to think of her? That she’s wise and open-minded, brave and principled? That she places ideals above self? I never liked her because she just exudes simmering rage, pomposity, and patient revenge.

    What really impressed me about Lynn Forester de Rothschild was that she wasn’t shy about saying that she doesn’t like Obama personally and why. In calling him an elitist, she was cheering for us commonplace Americans.

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