Yes, polls before had him leading Obama, but now Rasmussen has him with a majority. Go McCuda!

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Sunday shows John McCain reaching the 50% level of support for the first time since Barack Obama wrapped up the Democratic Presidential Nomination. McCain retains a three-point advantage for the third straight day, 50% to 47%…

Voters are evenly divided as to who they think will win, but McCain voters are now more excited about the election than Obama’s. Rasmussen Markets data gives McCain a 52.3 % chance of victory while expectations for Obama are at 47.0 %. These figures are updated on a 24/7 basis by market participants.

McCain is viewed favorably by 57% of the nation’s voters while Obama earns positive reviews from 53% (see trends). McCain is supported by 90% of Republicans and has a six-point edge among unaffiliated voters. Eighty-two percent (82%) of Democrats say they’ll vote for Obama.

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4 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. Mike says:

    While the poll numbers are really encouraging I still think we can’t get too excited until 2-3 days before election day.
    I am somewhat worried about reports that I have been hearing about the investigation into the trooper stuff… I heard that at the end of October the report will come out and some have hinted that because democrats are in charge of most of that investigation that the report will be extremely negative and even call for her impeachment. If this happens days before the election it could change things dramatically.

    I am hoping that is all just rumor but it just seems like so many on the left are just out to do whatever they can to destroy this woman.

  2. marleed says:

    The American Thinker has an interesting take on the new Rasmussen Poll.

    Could it be that the McCain-Palin ticket is seeing a “Charlie Gibson bounce” in their poll numbers? Perhaps.

    In today’s Rasmussen Reports daily tracking poll, McCain broke out of a week or more or less being tied with Obama to show a 3% point lead at 50-47%. It also marked the first plus 50 day for the McCain Palin ticket. Now, the significance of this poll vis a vis Gibson is today’s Rasmussen tracking poll includes surveys taken Thursday, Friday and Saturday. In other words, this was the first poll including only surveys conducted after the first excerpts of the Palin-Gibson interview hit the news and it replaced the last day of surveys conducted before that happened.

    Saturday’s figures replaced those from last Wednesday in the Rasmussen formula of using a 3 day rolling sample. Wednesday was the last day of emphasis in the news cycle of Palin not doing any tough interviews. One can perhaps extrapolate that as the nation has learned a bit more about Palin — and a bit more about media bias — it is liking McCain-Palin better. Obviously polls are not perfect and will fluctuate many times between now and election day, but today was a significant one in Rasmussen for the reasons above, and it was good news for the GOP.

    Could it be the Gibson bounce?

    Thank you, Charlie! Sean Hannity says he’s not going to quiz Sarah, but plans on allowing her to talk and express her views. As long as it’s not a bunch of “favorite color” questions, I think it will be excellent.

  3. MopUpOnTwo says:

    The following is what panic and weak leadership sounds like:

    Senator McCaskill on This Week with George:

    “But women of America are going to kick the tires the next 55 days, George, and they’re going to going to find out that this is a ticket that wants to put women in prison for having an abortion after they have been raped.”

    Who do you want as Commander in Chief?
    Barack Obama who trusts, was endorsed by, and sends out a woman to speak like this?

    Or John McCain, a man who picks Sarah Palin as his running mate, and sends his wife to Bangladesh and Georgia to deal with a human crisis —

  4. marleed says:

    I wanted to post this just in case anyone needs something to do while we wait for The Tammy Bruce Show.  You can watch Sarah Palin Live at a Golden Colorado Rally. It was supposed to start at 11:00AM EDT but has been delayed due to President Bush’s remarks on the economy, happening right now.

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