
Even I may have underestimated the degree of panic in the Obama campaign over Gov. Palin. Barry himself has now gone so low as to refer, albeit obliquely, to Gov. Palin as “a pig,” and suggests raising five children is too big a job for someone who wants to be vice-president. The ‘pig’ reference is nothing less than a slur and his audience loved it.

Make no mistake, Barry has created the culture of sexism within the Democrat party, and this is just one more indication that it’s his choice for his campaign to use the personal destruction of women as its standard.

Obama Says McCain Is Offering Fake Change: ‘You Can Put Lipstick on a Pig, But It’s Still a Pig’

LEBANON, Va. — “That’s not change,” Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., said of what Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., is offering.

“You know, you can put lipstick on a pig,” Obama said, “but it’s still a pig.”

The crowd rose and applauded, some of them no doubt thinking he may have been alluding to Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin’s ad lib during her vice presidential nomination acceptance speech last week, “What’s the difference between a hockey mom and a pit bull? Lipstick.” […]

Obama added that “it is not going to be easy … John McCain has a compelling biography, you know Sarah Palin is an interesting story.”

The crowd booed.

“No, she’s new!” Obama said. “She hasn’t been on the scene, you know, she’s got five kids and my hat goes off to anybody who’s looking after five. I’ve got two and they tire Michelle and me out!”

Here’s the video:

Outrageous. Actually, without devolving into too much body language issues here, even Obama is uncomfortable with what he’s about to do. Notice he puts his hand up to ostensibly scratch his face, but is actually covering it. And remember also, we’ve learned he uses teleprompters at these events, so that slur was not off-the-cuff, it was written and planned and he delivered it, consciously.

Here’s a Newsflash for Barry and his mob–anyone who is going to laugh at that wasn’t going to vote for McCain anyway. And anyone who is on the fence and leaning toward the McCain/Palin ticket will be as offended by those remarks as I am. Women are abandoning Obama because they don’t like what they’ve seen and heard for the past 18 months. They especially don’t like the arrogant, sexist mockery Obama provides which doesn’t even remotely pass as a discussion of the “issues.” Perhaps he was hoping Hillary would smear Gov. Palin. Now it’s left for The One himself to continue the slur and burn approach which is losing him this election.


McCain camp demands an apology. In the meantime, NBC reports a 23-point swing towards McCain among all women, 18-49. Gee, I wonder why?

This section is for comments from tammybruce.com's community of registered readers. Please don't assume that Tammy agrees with or endorses any particular comment just because she lets it stand.
47 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. marleed says:

    Former Governor Jan Swift from Massachusetts weighed in on the issue.  She’s the chairman of the newly formed Palin Truth Squad.

    Former Massachusetts Gov. Jane Swift denounced in no uncertain terms, Barack Obama’s “lipstick on a pig” metaphor as he tried to tell voters why they shouldn’t believe John McCain and Sarah Palin when they say they represent change.

    “I guess the formation of the Palin Truth Squad couldn’t have happened too soon,” said Swift, who chairs the new rapid response group and demanded an apology from Obama on Palin’s behalf.

    “You would think having gone through a hard fought primary with Senator Clinton, the Obama team would have figured out how to respectfully engage in a debate,” said Swift, who described Obama’s comments as “the low road,” and said Obama’s aides and advisers have been similarly disrespectful.

    She seemed to find no humor in the words, which she said were obviously aimed at Palin since she was the only one of four candidates in the race who wears lipstick.

     I think Governor Swift is going to be a busy woman.  It appears the Obama campaign hasn’t found a line it won’t cross!

  2. DogOnCrack says:

    I don’t see how any woman with even a shread of self-respect could vote for him after saying something so disgusting.

  3. SMLisa says:

    “Lipstick on a pig” That reminds me of a phone call I got from a far left acquaintance (who I wish would not discuss politics with me). She called me one morning to smear Sarah Palin and when I asked her what she knew about her, she said, “Well, I know she’s a “Ho/Whore” (her way of describing a woman that does agree with her views) but that’s about it.” I was so offended and went on to explain that she’s been married to her husband for 20 years. I gave up trying to explain any further to a woman who has been married at least three times and has had at least one abortion. What right does she have to judge another person like that?

    She never hears me say anything negative about Obama, even though I would have plenty of legitimate content. But I’m not someone who discusses politics with others. It just goes to show how nasty the far left has to get because there is no substance behind their empty scripted words.

  4. geminiheart says:

    Huckabee, I know, one of your favorite folks, just stated on behalf of Obama – with how this is an “old saying” and even though one could tie the two phrases together and make them seem related…..he doesn’t think that Obama would be “that dumb”.
    Not that I’m trying to bait you or anything…

  5. marleed says:

    This will come as a shock to you, but the Obama campaign says he wasn’t talking about Sarah! He was talking about John McCain before he made the comment, his campaign points out!

    McCain’s campaign immediately organized a telephone conference call in response and called on Obama to apologize for calling Palin a pig. Obama’s campaign said he wasn’t referring to Palin; he had been talking about McCain immediately before the lipstick comment.

    Sure, and Senator George Allen didn’t mean anything when he called that Webb plant “macaca” either.

  6. SMLisa says:

    I meant to say “(her way of describing a woman that does NOT agree with her views)” up there.

    I realize that Obama claims that he wasn’t talking about Palin but COME ON! What’s worse is the applause he got (from a crowd that clearly thought he was talking about her).

    I just don’t understand why it has to get so nasty.

  7. this is just one more indication that it’s his choice for his campaign to use the personal destruction of women as its standard.

    Obama’s slur follows Joe Biden’s statement today that Palin is “obviously a backward step for women.” Apparently comments like these are now part of Obama’s ill-advised campaign strategy.

    Now we can all settle in to watch the self-destruction.

  8. LiveFreeOrDie says:

    I suspect this was intentional.

    But I’m not sure most people would agree. And that matters in politics.

    You guys sure most women will see the insult?

  9. pat_s says:

    The Obama supporters are already running to his defense pointing out McCain used the same phrase about candidate Hillary’s health care plan being eerily similar to her failed plan as First Lady. May I remind them of what their hero said just the other day, “The American people aren’t stupid.” Do the Democrats think they’re going to counter the power of Palin by playing “the dozens”?

  10. Mike says:

    Unbelievable!! they know exactly what they are doing.
    I think things are only going to get worse from here on out.

  11. TLindaman says:

    Well, if you put lipstick on a pig, that might explain Obama’s purple lips…

    Seriously, this latest Obama gaffe is showcasing just how anti-woman the Leftists in this country are. Whether you agree with Sarah Palin’s positions is immaterial. She has a legitimate chance to be the first female Vice President in the history of this country (well, unless you count Al Gore). To have someone representing a party that claims to be about women’s rights make such an awful statement like this should wake up a LOT of women on the Left and make them think very hard about whether Obama really represents their best interests.

  12. Jamc says:

    I am so glad you caught the body language. That is exactly why I think it was intentional.

  13. marleed says:

    Hmmmmm It seems that the entire Obama campaign is a bit fixated on “lipstick”.  Joe Biden was in St. Louis today.  He didn’t talk about Sarah Palin much and left the attacks to his wing man Congressman Russ Carnahan.

    Biden did not bring up the name of his Republican counterpart Sarah Palin much in his nearly hour-long address, mentioning her name only in connection with attacks on John McCain’s economic and foreign policies.

    He left harsher criticism to surrogates like Congressman Russ Carnahan, whose district includes the high school. Carnahan attached McCain for pandering to the political right by selecting the “inexperienced” Palin.

    “And there’s no way you can dress up that record, even with a lot of a lipstick,” Carnahan said to laughter and applause.

    Now, I ask you, what exactly does *that* mean!?

  14. Kelly says:

    So, the lipstick comment was about McCain, huh? Are you saying ‘ol Juan loves feather boas and Donna Summer, Barry?

    He liked the song “Dancin’ Queen”, Barry. He wasn’t saying that he was one. Jeez. 😉

  15. gull says:

    In addition to the pig and fish metaphors (launched at Sarah Palin, imo), Oblahma also plagiarized the context. Check out this political cartoon: http://z.about.com/d/politicalhumor/1/0/Q/H/2/shake-up-tt080905.gif

    Looks as if The One is following the lead of his mentor Joe Biden!

  16. Idiot#3 says:

    “Lipstick on a pig” is just a good old Southernism meaning you can’t easily change the essence of a thing, and of course smart Tammyfans know that already. But, what an absolutely stew-pid thing for a transparently phoney-baloney, incapable of anything-but-posturing blowhard to say about someone so obviously superior to himself.
    As for the ripe-peach lovely Sarah Palin, I’m sure husband Todd will gladly kiss her little piggy parts and remind her why everyone adores her.

  17. Maxine Weiss says:

    The whole thing was absolutely intentional.

    And, we haven’t reached critical-mass yet. They’re really digging and trying to set her up. And, they might succeed if they can come up with a good enough Mafia-style frame-up.

    And so, the question is do you roll around in the mud with ’em, or just roll over ?????

  18. bdiller says:

    Intentional – no doubt in my mind.
    Far too many alternative analogies could have been used, especially in a prepared speech where risks like this are quickly weeded out, or not.. Add to that the coincidence of Carnahan also referencing “lipstick”… it appears this group has lipstick on the mind, and have talked about it amongst themselves. Obama’s comment was no mistake. He’s coming unraveled. Its a shame too. Just saw him on O’Reily and actually liked him. Not his views, but his attempt (finally) to be genuine.
    By the way TAMMY BRUCE, just saw you on O’Reilly too, and you had a fantastic closing line on Bill Ayers and judging people not by how long its been since their last bombing… my wife laughed out loud. I’ve never seen you before, so your witty appearance encouraged me to look you up tonight.

  19. AmericanMe says:

    I don’t understand why he put this comment out there. If it was premeditated, then it looks like he’s deliberately diving in the gutter. If it was off-the-cuff, it makes him look reckless. Also, it makes him look bad because of the complaints he had with Palin’s convention speech. It’s going to polarize voters. It’ll piss off the PUMAs because they remember how dirty he got with Hillary (even slyly flipping her off at one rally – it’s on YouTube if you don’t believe me), and this will remind them of that.

    Anyway you cut it, there isn’t enough profit in this remark to make it worth saying.

  20. artgal says:

    Like everyone here, I admire Palin and wanted to see her named as McCain’s running mate. I have to say that I admire her even more now and am that much more determined to make sure McCain/Palin get into office.

    The level of hatred aimed at Palin and her family is unprecedented. We’ve all been rather stunned at the mass campaign to cause this woman any sort of harm possible. And what did she do to deserve this horrible treatment? She has not shied away from her faith, beliefs or her record. And she refuses to politely go away.

    This latest garbage from the Obama camp is indeed the revelation of just what they are; notice I said ‘what’ they are and not ‘who’ they are for their behavior is anything but that of decent, civil human beings. Not only are the Obama camp sexist pigs, but they also behave (and would govern) in the same manner as the pigs in Orwell’s ‘Animal Farm’.

    What I think truly bothers the Obama camp and the left in general is that Palin is unapologetic in her faith. In fact, she is hated for her faith. Notice the contrast between Palin’s Christianity in which her church prays for this nation and our troops while Obama’s church cries out to God to damn this nation while also preaching racism.

    So pray for the Palin’s at this critical hour. She’s met her opponents forcefully before and I pray that it has prepared her for this fight. We need her in DC!

    Sarah Palin must have been in mind when this passage of Bible scripture was inspired:

    “Among leaders who lack insight,
    abuse abounds, but for one who hates
    corruption, the future is bright”

    Proverbs 28:16

  21. Miss Kathy says:

    To quote Forrest Gump’s mother, among others, “Stupid is as stupid does.”

  22. Pathman says:

    If it was not intentional, it was stupid. Take your pick, it was a mistake.

  23. jeweytunes says:

    Barry himself epitomizes the point of the saying, as no amount of lipstick — i.e. education, money, recreation of the messiah — can disguise who he truly is.

    When I first heard him make the pig comment last night, it was montaged (is that a word??) with Sarah’s original pit bull zinger and didn’t include anything he’d said before or after. It made me furious and even rip out an email to Tammy. However, later Fox played a wider cut, and that made a slight difference.

    His comment of course was referring to the McCain/Palin platform. As has been already noted here, however, the crowd seized on it as a parallel to the pit bull — no doubt a calculated move to let them do his dirty work for him. It was stupid, b/c if he’d stuck to the subsequent fish reference, he would have made a point and the crowd would have responded to it as well. But instead his fundamental lack of character just had to reach out.

    I agree that at this point McCain and Palin need to just stay out of it and let Obama continue to commit political suicide. Let the press and the people duke it out. This is all going in their favor. As I mentioned at the beginning, the way these soundbites are cut and/or combined is significant to the amount of incitement created at ground level. The narrower the better to reveal him for what he is at the core — a misogynist, yes, but more than that a classless pig.

  24. KC says:

    I find it interesting that a man who (1) claims that words matter (“just words!”), and belongs to a party where EVERYTHING is a code word for sexism and racism, constantly steps in it when it comes to sexism.

    First, let me say that I am not a woman who sees sexism or veiled insults everywhere, and I gave Barry a pass on a number of comments for months: calling Hillary “Annie Oakley,” saying she was “likeable enough,” and giving her the finger during a speech. Even calling the reporter “sweetie.” I started to think that there WAS an underlying sexism at work in his campaign when he accused Hillary of throwing the china at him, thereby painting a picture of a shrill, out-of-control shrew. Hot Air has a nice little summary of a few more memorable Barry moments using sexist imagery, here:
    At what point are we ALLOWED to view Obama as sexist? As I recall, one quickly corrected gaffe by McCain regarding Sunnis and Shias was painted as incontrovertible proof of his senility.

  25. PeteRFNY says:

    I think it’s becoming clearer and clearer who the ACTUAL “pigs” are.

  26. fiona says:

    The thing that’s most striking to me is the thunderous ovation it brought from BO’s audience. They really liked the thought that he was publicly calling Palin a pig.

    I shouldn’t be surprised, though. I’m on the mailing list for a certain non-political blog. After raving about both Obamas throughout the DNC & referring to BO’s acceptance speech as having ‘truly united the country’, this was the ‘joke’ she told in her first newsletter after Palin was announced as VP:

    “Did You Know John McCain Is a Magician? Yes! Presidential hopeful John McCain is a magician! He pulled a woman out of his ass!”

    Cute, huh? I imagine she’ll be replaying the pig comment & cheering it all day.

    Then, to top it off, in one of her next blog posts, she complained about how so much music today is ‘disrespectful to women’.

    These fans of his are like bratty children…

  27. marleed says:

    Obama just responded to the Lipstip on a Pig line. He said he was talking about John McCain’s economic policies and called the reaction to it “phony outrage”. He also called it a “swift boat” attempt.

    I guess words only matter when they’re referring to BO… If not intended, the phrase he chose was stupid. He’d be great in a situation that required careful diplomacy, wouldn’t he?

  28. artgal says:

    I heard BO’s comments on the radio on the way to work. His comments made me wonder if the stupid pig comment yesterday was planned so he could gather the media attention today to more or less blame the McCain camp for responding to his comment, and because he immediately launched the economic issue into play – I feel like this was a calculated move or am I giving this arrogant f**kpig entirely too much credit on being that clever?

  29. LongviewCyclist says:

    Commentators keep saying that the ‘lipstick on a pig’ thing is an old saying, but I’ve never heard it. Haven’t read it either, and I’ve heard and read a helluvalot in the last 36 years.

    Obama says he was talking about the McCain economic policies or some such when he made the comment, and that it was not a dig at Palin. But the crowd he addressed when he made the lipstick comment clearly perceived it as a dig at Palin.

    What I saw was a dig at Palin, something he threw at her in exchange for her community organizer comment. It was disgusting, it’s disgusting that he’s denying it, but sounds to me like a nasty insult. Not sexist, just nasty.

    Love the ‘Snob’ graphic. Wish it was on a tee-shirt. Would probably get me a broken nose, but I’d wear it anyways.

  30. Joanna S. says:

    It seems to me that the only woman he feels is worth anything is his wife, and considering the fact that she’s said she was never proud of this country until her husband started running for president, speaks volumes about the both of them.

    As a veteran who has served overseas, I am sickened at the possibility of this man being in charge of our armed forces. He doesn’t have a clue about military affairs and having someone like him in office during a war would be suicide. He will only visit our wounded troops if the media shows him doing it–he wants to negotiate with terrorists and he’s shown disrespect to our flag and our national anthem. But I guess, all those years of listening to Jeremiah Wright’s Anti-American tirades would do that to a person.

    If this phony is elected president, I’m moving to New Zealand.

  31. NavajoSierra says:

    I just read the BO campaign’s attack on McCain re: swiftboating over the lipstick smear. Definitely this smear was calculated to do a lot of evil: 1) in effect smear Palin, and 2) work as an excuse to attack McCain. This guy is not even man enough to own up to own his own words and actions! What happened to the guy with all of the principles? Ah, yes, the dark root of Chicago politics, after all. What an icky creep he is! A narscissistic icky creep.

  32. fiona says:

    I feel like this was a calculated move or am I giving this arrogant f**kpig entirely too much credit on being that clever?

    I don’t think you’re giving him too much credit. He is clever & so are his legions of advisors. He seems to be basing much of his campaign on Bill Clinton’s strategies (esp his ’92 campaign). But BO has mastered one important thing Bill didn’t. BO is so slick that, unlike Bill, he doesn’t seem slick.

  33. Young American says:

    He’s not that clever Artgal. Hussein is as dumb as a brick. Anyone with 1/16 of a brain would have thought this thru and would know there would be an outcry from the public because it’s as plain as the nose on the snobs face that is was planned and we all know it was aimed at Sarah. The stupid idiot said it anyway.
    Let him keep talking. His tongue is digging his campaigns grave.

  34. PeteRFNY says:

    I like how the Obama campiagn – and the Left in general – refer to “swift boating” like it was some kind of nasty attack, not genuine concerns of those who served with John Kerry. Get over yourselves.

  35. Nonnie says:

    Agreed. I noticed that hand gesture as well. That’s too bad. He’s basically a nice guy (or so it seems to me) and that’s why he was uncomfortable with that reference but he did it anyway.

    Actually, it was “cleverly” interjected because one could easily deny (being that it is a commonly used phrase to denote something old being reprocessed as something new) that it was not used to tie in with Palin’s remarks about pitbull/lipstick).

    Doesn’t wash, though, does it? Like somebody (I forget) pointed out, the audience knew EXACTLY what he was paralleling.

  36. OneShotWataw says:

    Just more proof that this unknown, small-town/big state Governor has “them” squirming like a worm in hot ashes. The Obama campaign (and most Libs for that matter) are morally, ethically and intellectually bankrupt. It a bit like people that overuse coarse language …. when you don’t have anything important to say, you resort to verbage that’s simple-minded.

  37. maldain says:

    Not being a BHO fan, I have to admit the Lipstick on a Pig expression is an old one. However, that more describes what BHO is doing now to cover his rather transparent gender based attacks on Palin. I find it interesting that people are starting to notice that the Democratic Party hasn’t changed much in it’s ideals since it’s founding in the early 1800’s. They still believe that people should be owned either by individuals or the state (as long as they are in control of the state), and evidently women in particular must either mindlessly spout what they are told to spout or get knocked up, barefoot and stay in that kitchen. So can somebody tell me why anybody would think the Democratic party stands for anything even remotely resembling liberty?

  38. Pathman says:

    Tammy, good job with the previous Obama sexist comments. How about the sexism of hip-hop and his passive acceptance, subtle allusions to that culture?

  39. ladykrystyna says:

    I’m going to agree with Jeweytunes here.

    It was not really a DIRECT reference to Sarah, as I had previously thought (I did not hear the whole thing until this morning). But there was a way that he paused for effect and the way the crowd responded to “lipstick” that made me think that perhaps the GOP was right to be “offended”.

    However, as one of my heroes, Doug McIntyre, said this morning – if all references to “lipstick” are going to be verboten, along with references to “community organizer” (which Gov. Patterson of NY now says is a racist code), then we’re slipping into totalitarianism real quick.

    So in that I also agree with Jeweytunes – Camp McCain-Palin should let it drop. First of all, I don’t see Sarah as one to play victim at all. Secondly, if the GOP does not focus on the issues, Americans will start to smell the bovine feces and they will lose ground.

    The matter should be dropped and the proper response would be to show how the McCain-Palin platform really is change and not just “dressing up a pig” (which is the way I always heard that phrase, BTW).

    Same for Obama – show us exactly what you did when you were a “community organizer” instead of letting your surrogates claim “racism”.

    Honestly, don’t these guys realize that Americans “bovine feces detectors” are still working?

  40. Pathman says:

    Maybe this fascination with pigs is subconscious and has more to do with “pork” than lipstick. ;-D

  41. snowcloud says:

    Let’s not complain too much. I say, let’s keep letting him have the rope to hang himself. Let’s get the popcorn and watch the meltdown.

  42. fiona says:

    Let’s not complain too much. I say, let’s keep letting him have the rope to hang himself. Let’s get the popcorn and watch the meltdown.

    Definitely. There’s another reason to drop it. At some point, complaining about even the most genuinely offensive slur starts to sound like whining.

  43. dasche44 says:

    What I find amazing is the scramble by the MSM
    to cover for Barry and Joe
    I expect tonight to put CNN on and find Campbell
    Brown in a Firemans Suit equipped with a Fire
    Extinguisher, putting out all of those grass Fires
    that his Majesty has unintentionally ignited

  44. jeweytunes says:

    ladykrystyna: “bovine feces” — that’s hysterical!! Gotta remember that one.

    Today a commentator (can’t remember who) asserted that calling Barry a “community organizer” is intended to portray him negatively as an inner city black man. HELLO, Barry calls himself that all the time and makes it his central (singular) accomplishment! The thought police are going into overdrive now and collapsing onto themselves. J

  45. sjohnnie5 says:

    Has anyone seen B.O.’s $100,000 gazebo in Englewood, IL? He “earmarked” $100,000 in a grant to create a park in Englewood. All his campaign contributor (who he gave the money to) could come up with was a gazebo. Looks pretty ratty in a garbage-strewn empty lot, no flowers, no bushes, no trees. Guess this is the change B.O. is referring to? He can pork-barrel all he wants, but no one else can. Wonder how much of the “change” from the $100K went into B.O.’s pocket as a kickback? Oh, that’s right, he probably built the gazebo for his poor, half-brother to live in, instead of that mud hut in Africa.

  46. Judy41139 says:

    what scares me more than the pig stuff, is the fact that even Obama is letting things slip about his-self.
    Barack Hussein Obama caused another stir over his ties to Islam on Sunday when he noted that “John McCain has not talked about my Muslim faith” in an interview with George Stephanopoulos. Stephanopoulos immediately corrected him, and Obama backtracked to say, “my Christian faith…What I’m saying is that he hasn’t suggested that I’m a Muslim. To revive the “Obama is a Secret Muslim” rumors, there’s more to it than a verbal stumble. There is enough to question about training, experience, and ideology,…

    This Muslim say’s “when you put lipstick on a pig, it’s still a pig”, shows he still has a Muslim opinion of women!!!

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