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This section is for comments from's community of registered readers. Please don't assume that Tammy agrees with or endorses any particular comment just because she lets it stand.
34 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. djd11 says:

    Every statement made by the finger puppet is thought through and calculated.

  2. marleed says:

    I voted “Slur”
    It was either calculated or horrifically stupid. Either way, the blame lies squarely at the feet of the Chosen One. Let’s fire him!

  3. lazybones344 says:

    Supposedly this, “lipstick on a pig” is a common phrase used in Washington, but I thought the Obamas were supposed to be ordinary folks just like us. Well he forgot that most of us aren’t in on common Washington talk, so whether it was an intentional attack or not, it shows that he is NOT like us!

  4. Shawmut says:

    Clearly O’Man is well scripted. The “pig” issue will be seen as an attack on Palin.
    BUT…Knowing that there would be an initial negative response to it, he can now say that it is being of those “distractions” to hurt him – victim – and avoid issues.
    ISSUES? What ISSUES? I have heard him raise any yet.
    Let’s not get too complacent.
    I wonder if he’s even deeper in the “pig” issue to hold his islamics together. His Muslim Brotherhood advisor, who was fired, evidently is still working the hustings for him.

  5. No Ninja says:

    Even if he made his comment without innuendo, (which I don’t believe), it is just one more example of the questionable or poor judgment that B HO has exhibited continually. And the left selected him as their presidential candidate? WOW!

  6. pat_s says:

    I think you have to be pretty gullible to give Obama a pass on this. Palin’s lipstick quip was big news just a few days earlier. He deliberately choose the phrase to use the word “lipstick” as a reference back to Palin with a zinger attached. The uproarious response from his audience wasn’t over a commonly used expression. It was a slam and they knew it.

    I hate it when people think they’re so clever by coming a sliver close to an obvious act and then feign shock when they’re accused of doing what they had every intent of doing. They’re sneaky and creepy.

  7. OneShotWataw says:

    It was intentional, and more importantly it was a sign of despair in the Obama camp.

    I’m confident she will rise above this (she’s probably thinking “is that all ya got?”), and more certain that it’ll take more than a simple-minded comment like that to hurt her feelings…. or hurt anything else, for that matter.

    Mr. O better watch out – in a game of wit with Mrs. P – he’s a bit undergunned!

  8. Tink says:

    Tammy- you stopped the Matt Damon clip before the dinosaur/finger on the button finale! It’s hilarious. I literally laughed out loud! very loud.

  9. DogOnCrack says:

    If he keeps it up, he’ll not only lose this election, he’ll lose his senate seat as well.

  10. Godzilla says:

    Here’s a scary thought: can you imagine the sort of dirt that the Chicago Politicall Machine has on Obama? Those power brokers could destroy his career in a nanosecond if they let a thing or two slip out. Obama may just be the walking talking apotheosis of a president (if he were to win) that will be controlled through the threat of blackmail.

  11. snowcloud says:

    Since Sarah Palin used the lipstick joke in her speech, it seems like it was intended for her. You can also see the reaction from the audience.

  12. Colocelt says:

    He may have been trying to use a cliché… but his timing was horrible. Lipstick references in the past week and a half have been attributed to Palin, so even though he may have been trying to reference a phrase used time and time again, it was in poor judgment and I believe intentional.

  13. aardvark says:

    Sarah: Dick Cheney w/lipstick–only better looking and a better shot!

  14. Docc says:

    Sen. Obama is too smart to have done this unintentionally from what we are fed from his campaign and the media.

  15. 86Jo says:

    Attack, naturally. I also initially thought it was either calculated sexism or incredible stupidity but ends up it was incredibly sexist calculated stupidity. It’s obvious intent was to intentionally elicit a sexism backlash then be all too ready to accuse the McCain-Palin campaign of crying wolf, in an apparent attempt to somehow render ALL of the other (too many to count now) legitimate sexist attacks as unfounded, or that they’re whining, or …?

    Then they would feign outrage at the very idea, ostensibly bolstered by the fact that McCain himself used the phrase against Hillary. Unfortunately for the genius that thought this up, when McCain used it, I don’t believe that Hillary had just days before become WORLD FAMOUS for a cute ad-lib about hockey moms and “lipstick”. So, since Sarah Palin IS WORLD FAMOUS for using such an ad-lib it should be very difficult for ANYONE to believe that this phrase, while well-worn and commonly used, was “coincidentally” used. No, more likely Obama couldn’t resist NOT using a phrase containing “pig” and “lipstick” that he thought he could get away with. Somebody actually thought this was a great idea?!?! The Obama campaign is in absolute, full-bore MELTDOWN mode. They’re not content with using a BB gun or .22 to shoot themselves in the foot, they’re going all Palin on themselves with a shotgun. As a Hillary voter, one word: Schadenfreude!

  16. enkithoth says:

    If you listen to the clip, hear the audience’s reaction and The Messiah’s effort at comedic timing, there is no doubt that this was an attack on Sarahcuda.
    He also goes on to call McCain a stinky old fish.

    So there’s the new nickname:
    The pig and the old fish

  17. Idiot#3 says:

    Ah heard “Lipstick on a pig” when ah lived in the beautiful and gentle state of Georgia. But do you know, Ah don’t think that nasty Barack Obama has been there for longer than a Chicago minute at a sitting. So with that in mind Ah jest had to vote, “intentional slur” on the pig poll. Ah suspect Senator Obama’s skinny shins are fortunate that Piper Palin will have been insulated from his insults to her mom.

  18. jeweytunes says:

    I would give a LOT of money for a Palin Piglet stuffed animal. Somebody needs to quickly put one out with copious lipstick… otherwise I’m gonna paint up my Miss Piggy doll (she was cooler than Kermit) and take it with me to the rallies. J

  19. lnbee says:

    There’s no doubt it was intentional. This man is so calculating, it creeps me out. If anyone has seen the biographies airing on Fox News and also on CNN, you can see the cold, calculating, step-by-step process he’s used to go from a drugged up drifter after he graduated Columbia to the darling of the Democratic party. His mediocre accomplishments are laughable. Matt Damon should be scared, but he’s oblivious to who’s the really dangerous candidate.

  20. Talkin Horse says:

    Not only was it intentional, but it was done with a calculated element of future plausible deniability. It’s the same as when he said that his political opponents were racists, but you see, it’s all just a joke, ha ha, so what are you getting steamed about? Tammy was spot-on when she observed his style to be passive-aggressive, and that he’d likely developed this sparring tactic over the years in dealing with his angry wife. And maybe he can beat up a woman with an attitude like that, but his big mouth won’t get him far when he goes up against the genocidal maniacs of the world.

  21. DogOnCrack says:

    One little piggy is going to Washington.
    BOARack is going to go home!

  22. Maxine Weiss says:

    Even if you wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt…which I don’t—

    This incident calls into question his judgment, and if you question a Candidate’s judgment…..clearly that Candidate is not ready assume the Presidency.

  23. nacilkdr says:

    Regardless wether of not it was intentional, a subliminal slip or entirely innocent, Sarah Palin has a terrific opportunity to swipe a few more Hillary voters if she would say something to the effect that Barack at least has now got an understanding of how she, Hillary and Ferraro felt all during the primaries.

  24. nacilkdr says:

    Regardless wether of not it was intentional, a subliminal slip or entirely innocent, Sarah Palin has a terrific opportunity to swipe a few more Hillary voters if she would say something to the effect that Barack at least has now got an understanding of how she, Hillary and Ferraro felt all during the primaries.

  25. ChuckNorton says:

    The last 48 Hours say a lot and so do comments from the primary posted at townhall.

    Democratic Congressman Russ Carnahan – “There’s no way you can dress up that record, even with a lot of lipstick”

    Obama – “You can put lipstick on a pig and it’s still a pig”

    Michelle Obama Chief of Staff – “she’s the queen of pork in Alaska”

    Former New York Mayor Ed Koch, as part of his endorsement of Obama, said Palin “scares the hell out of me.”

    Obama – “moose shooter”

  26. whitney says:

    After you watch MSNBC, Keith Olbermann, and Rachel Maddow’s shows, and their fawning coverage of BO, and their unhibited trouncing of all the rules of Journalistic “fair Play” and an unihibited go for trashing of the Right, and the Bush admnistration, and the new substitute in their mind’s eye, Mr. McCain…and all the polls leading up to the Governor of Alaska’s nomination and the early primaries where this junior Senator of Illinois beat the living hell out of every one of his Democrat Senior Senators, until they cried uncle…look at his opponent in the illionois Senate Race!!!!…Anyone Remember that perenial loser, Alan Keyes? He ran against Barak Obama as an afterthought since the Republicans were grasping for someone to run against him….remember how the seat became open? Does anyone remember Senator Carol Braun? and the Illionois governor who was indicted and who wanted to run for Carol Braun’s seat she lost for being so incompetent? So, Obama must have surely felt it was God’s will that he was given the seat of Senator in Illionois…..dick Durbin, the Senior Senator in Illinois practically begged him to run for president as a freshman Senator….This has got to be shocking to him….he’s probably Not going to be the Messiah, ever since this young female freshman governor of Alaska has come into the picture….he must be shell-shocked at about this time………

  27. whitney says:

    Geez, watch a special commentary by Keith Olbermann, and you can tell BO has been watching and reading his own press….the MSM, Keith and his friends, at Newsweek magazine, give a fawning, “yes keith” everytime he says one of his snarky McCain you suck type of commentary….so the naive and impressed with himself mr. BO, doesn’t have a very clear image of reality, and the Sara Palin reality must be just dawning on him as he sees the daily, weedly polls start to go away from him, on a daily basis….when he starts to look like he’s not slept in a week, we shall know the guy (BO) probably shouldn’t be left alone….

  28. J says:


    I care about the country and I do not plan to WASTE another dime into the wars , defense spending in the name of security….

    These comments are all for people who have plenty of time to waste – let us make sure the women’s rights are pursued equally and fight for it…

    Tammy – you are doing a disservice by supporting a woman who quotes god in the name of war – what have we achieved in Iraq – have we killed Osama???? OR the perpetators of the crime???

  29. ussjimmycarter says:

    Whatever it was, job well done! If this was created by one of his speech writers, I hope he writes more…a lot more!!!!

  30. PeteRFNY says:

    I’m going to buck the wave here and say that enough is enough with this lipstick comment. The Obama camp has been very creative at avoiding the issues in this campaign and by making a big deal about a schoolyard taunt (intentional or otherwise), we’re giving them the ammunition to both continue playing semantics over substance and at the same time, make THEMSELVES look like the victim.

    It would suit McCain and Palin better to not make huge deals about things like this…they should just brush them off and say, “well, that’s how they want to campaign – not us” and take the high road. No one wants to see an election turn into a pissing match…that is something that turns EVERYONE off.

    Time to let it go and move on.

  31. KatieSilverSpring says:

    Has anyone else noticed the slight pick up in the numbers for the “Innocent Political Comment” vote? I thought it was right-on when it was down at 3%, then it jumped. I’ve always been suspicious with the increase from what sound like new liberal callers to conservative talk shows of late, that the Obama people have been instructed to do the “street work” of calling, like the 17,000 calls they did last month to the SF radio show that tried to get a guest banned?

    I know it sounds conspiratorial but it also sounds like the liberal left part of the Democrat party I once knew and for which I once worked, way back when there was a party with varying opinions and sides.

  32. PeteRFNY says:

    Katie – that could be, but in all honesty my opinion changed a LITTLE overnight. I’m starting to wonder if Obama says these things just because he’s an idiot. Besides that, these kinds of things shift focus away from the issues which is exactly what the Obama camp wants. McCain and Palin should let it go now and just move on.

    If Barry wants to put a foot in his mouth, they should let him and use it to show his inexperience as a politician. By getting all flustered and demanding apologies, the GOP is playing right into his lair – the schoolyard.

  33. Idiot#3 says:

    After the crowd’s cheering reaction to his lipstick ‘joke’, Obama said, “Don’t be too hard on her, she has five kids”, followed by more laughter.

    What is Barack doing, running for President of the United States or prince of snotty 12 year-olds?

  34. Cutter Bench says:

    What has been lost in Obama’s impolitic PIG-lipstick, FISH-stink speech, followed by his biting CAT-nip rebuttal, were his perceptive compare and contrast and insightful, point-by-point analysis; linking Bush’s policies to McCain.

    Oh wait, that didn’t happen. The “BEEF” (it would appear) is conspicuously and not coincidently missing from not only his metaphors, but his message as well.

    Obama would have us believe that he is desirous of elevating the level of discourse, but all we ever hear from him and his minions is “Bush, McCain, same.” That, and of course, “They must think you’re stupid.” Notably, I’ve yet to hear him use the inclusive “we’re” connected to “stupid.” I’m thinking he will say that about the same time we hear him say, “I was wrong about the surge.” (((((((Crickets chirping)))))))

    Also notably missing in this election cycle is the clarion call from his DNC operatives for the ever-elusive quality, known as, “Gravitas.”

    I’m thinking, inasmuch as the veneer of Barrack’s message appears to be as thin as his skin, and given his lack of Presidential comportment; were about as likely to hear his handlers issue a call for “Gravitas,” as we are the importance of having a “leader with military experience, during a time of war.”

    If Obama thinks he can convince the American people of his qualifications to lead; using barnyard metaphors, monotonous mantras, and castigating us like a shrill school-marm (“Enough”) after being called out for his imprudent behavior, “He must think we’re stupid.”

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