
Maybe he’ll send them all some pie after he spreads our wealth around.

Obama buys time on the networks, pushing World Series back

Major League Baseball agreed Wednesday to push back the start time of Game 6 of the World Series by about 15 minutes so that Fox Broadcasting Co. could sell Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama half an hour of prime time on Oct. 29.

The campaign also has bought the same time period — 8 p.m. on Oct. 29 — on CBS and NBC so that he can run a 30-minute program on all of the networks. Each network is selling the time for between $950,000 to $1 million. Buying time on all of the major broadcast networks would allow Obama to reach more than 20 million people on the Wednesday before the election. A spokesman for Fox said the network will make available a similar 30-minute block of time for the Republican candidate, Sen. John McCain, if he chooses. Time for McCain would be either later that night (if there is no Game 6) or the following evening.

The Major League Baseball association did not have an immediate comment.

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13 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. Helen says:

    I find this half hour brainwashing concerning. What could Obama possibly have to say for one half hour. Oh, I get it he can spew lies for a half hour without anyone challenging him. I love baseball and the last thing I want is an Obama pregame show before the baseball pregame show. This man is so full of himself.

  2. Rob says:

    Wait a minute. Is that pumpkin pie? Hmmm….

    I wonder what McCain will hand out? If it’s apple or cherry I’m there. Otherwise Obama’s my guy! Hope and change man, I’m hopin for a change in my tummy!!!

  3. Ripper says:

    All of a sudden he likes Fox!

  4. KWH says:

    I thought liberals wanted the return of the fairness doctrine? Will O offer rebuttal time to John? Any have the odds on that happening?
    “A spokesman for Fox said the network will make available a similar 30-minute block of time for the Republican candidate, Sen. John McCain, if he chooses.” Will the others follow suit?

  5. Tempus Fugit says:

    In that case, I’ll be boycotting the Series. Really, there are far beter things to be doing. Thanks for the reminder MLB.

  6. Sean H. says:

    To begin with Major League Baseball had no choice but to agree. The networks have been dictating the starting times of major games, in all sports,for years.
    Like any corporate decision, this is based on the bottom line.
    Last night’s debate aired at the same time as the Playoff game between the Dodgers and the Phillies. It would be interesting to see how mant sets in those two areas were tuned in to each.
    As far as buying air time. for a guy and a party that seems to think they have this thing sewn up, this smacks of overkill. 13% undecideds is a large number at this point, is it not?

  7. PeteRFNY says:

    Yeah, this is FOX’s call, not Major League Baseball. They’re just doing what FOX tells them to do. They’re not the villian here, Obama is (shocker!).

    Last night I spent the evening trying to watch the debate, the baseball game, do a net radio show and do the Tammy Chat thing all simultaneouly while under the influence of a couple of Spaten Oktoberfest Ales. Damn I’m good.

  8. syd says:

    Damn, Peter! I had a hard time just watching the debate and following the chat. I had no problem, however, draining a bottle of red wine.

  9. Deenie says:

    Give the Republicans 30 minutes of equal time and let Governor Palin take them all. She is baseball, apple pie and every good thing that America stands for. Not only would she ‘hit it out of the park,’ she would most likely dominate the television ratings just prior to November sweeps.

    PS. Don’t you think that the networks should pay Sarah for her time considering the record setting ratings that she brought in for the VP debate??

  10. MontanaCowhand says:

    What propoganda! To show my non-support, I am going out for dinner with pumpkin pie at Perkins. When I get home, it will be at least 30 minutes after the “new” start of the game — just to make sure my viewership doesn’t get swept into Chairman Obama’s ratings. Who on earth does BHO expect to reach at that point? Those who just woke up from a coma state? This guy spends too much money — that’s now been established!

  11. snowcloud says:

    I’m praying that this is overkill and the people will tire of him that they can’t wait to vote AGAINST him.

    I know I’m totally sick of hearing this guy on sound bytes every 30 minutes on the radio disguised as newscasts. UGH!!

  12. Fox says:

    Hey, if you can spend your way into Presidency, surely you can spend America into prosperity?

  13. Dave J says:

    McCain needs to do something funny and devastating like the Moses and Paris Hilton ads attacking Obama for his pretentious self-importance at presuming he can cut into the World Series. I swear to God, if my Sox can make a comeback in the ALCS, and Barry dares to delay our baseball by even one second…well, I dare to dream of the GOP taking Massachusetts. 🙂

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