She’s been the only one who’s been directly critical of the incompetent, big spending liberal in the White House. She did so during the debate, and she does here.

Palin On Good Guys Vs. Bad Guys

At an outdoor rally in this rural town in coal country, Sarah Palin told a cheering crowd that one of the reasons they should support her and John McCain is that the Republicans know that terrorists are “the bad guys.”

“We understand how important it is that this team be elected,” Palin said. “For one thing, we know who the bad guys are, OK? We know—we know that in the war, it’s terrorists, terrorists who hate America and her allies and would seek to destroy us, and the bad guys are those who would support and sympathize with the terrorists. They do not like America because of what we stand for: liberty, freedom, equal rights.” […]

“Now in the economic crisis that we’re in, we know there, too, who the bad guys are,” she said. “In this time of economic crisis, we know it’s been those who have been greedy and corrupt and arrogant and have taken advantage of hardworking honest Americans…The Republican vice presidential nominee also took a rare, direct jab at President Bush, whose approval rating continues to hover in the low 20s.

“America just can’t afford another big spender in the White House,” Palin said.

Bush has done such remarkable damage to the Republican brand, it’s key McPalin make it clear their team has nothing to do with whatever it is Bush represents, because it certainly isn’t conservatism.

Update by Maynard

John McCain has long been on the record in strong opposition to the spending binge, and has not hesitated to take his own party to the woodshed. Check out this CNN report from 2003 (when the Republicans had a majority):

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Leading Republican Sen. John McCain Sunday berated fellow lawmakers for “spending money like a drunken sailor” and said President Bush was also to blame for pushing the nation toward higher interest rates and inflation….

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5 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. Floyd R. Turbo says:

    Tammy, been wondering along with MANY, just what happened to GW this last couple of years. Don’t know, maybe the stress finally nailed him. He’s certainly made some strange decisions. There’s a lot of “weight” in that job. It has to take its toll after a time, with 9/11 hitting early on and the war and losses. And the outward vile and hate directed toward him daily. Not making excuses. Just searching for reasons. Still praying for him.

  2. Jude says:

    It’s my humble opinion that McCain should have said something that would have honestly distanced himself from Bush. Not lie, just remind the people that he is not another Bush.

    It seems that Bush is the one that hurting McCain more than anything. The “4 more years of the same” is hurting him badly. I just hope not enough to keep him from winning.

    McCain/Palin ticket has *got* to win this time! I can’t imagine an American w/Obama and his far leftist crosseyed view of the world.

  3. Nonnie says:

    My understanding of economics has always been weak. Beyond supply & demand I’m pretty much baffled. I’ve learned more in the past several months than my whole life prior, and I understand now how tax and/or spend at this time is the absolute wrong way in which to stimulate cash flow.

    I also realize how I was lied to and hoodwinked by the left into believing that my best interest in many ways was behind their actions.

    I don’t believe Obama is going to make changes for the BETTER but I DO believe that McCain/Palin will do what they promise. I know they haven’t been absolute ace reformers but they have put efforts out in that direction. I can’t tell you why I believe them, I just do, and I hope to God they are not like everybody else giving us promises that will ultimately be broken.

  4. LtDan says:

    President Bush has not only had the Mideast wars to sort out, he’s also had the Dems to deal with. They are literally at war with him. These people have disgracefully forsaken their own president – tried to utterly destoy him in fact – hoping to ensure that Americans see any Repub as a bad choice for president this election. People, especially younger people, literally hate GW and they don’t even know why; it’s just trendy.

    Anyway, I hope McCain/Palin pointing out their differences with the administration has not started too late. Baracko has been wrongly yet succesfully branding them “Bush ’08” for many months.

  5. storytold says:

    Floyd R. Turbo–Don’t feel awckward defending President Bush. I sure don’t. I agree that he spends way too much and his positions on immigration and his weakness in dealing with our military have oftentimes infuriated me,to the point I would no longer vote for him,if he could run again….but let’s not forget John Roberts and Samuel Alito,the midnight signing of Terri Shaivo’s Law and,later,the Ban on Partial Birth,standing at Ground Zero rallying the nation and countless,nameless terrorists now gone from the Earth,wondering where the 72 virgins are hiding. If we’re going to blame George Bush for the miseries of this economy then lets be fair and balanced and credit him when and where that credit is due.

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