
I’m on the Left Coast so at a bit of a disadvantage here regarding the show. Your reviews??

NOTE at 10:05pm PT: Here’s video of the appearance (HT Marlee). Knowing how uppity NBC gets re copyright, who knows how long this will last, but here it is. I’ll watch now and opine shortly…

Okay, watched it. I laughed. She handled herself perfectly. She was confident, poised and, despite the potential for disaster, pulled it off very nicely. They still mocked her of course, but by being present she came off looking like the only one with class. Whew…


Here’s the AP review which is slightly snotty which means it may have worked in Palin’s favor.

COLUMBUS, Ohio – Sarah Palin can give as good as she gets. The Republican vice presidential nominee appeared on NBC-TV’s “Saturday Night Live” and played along as Tina Fey reprised her impersonation of the Alaska governor.

Palin stood with Executive Producer Lorne Michaels late Saturday as the two watched Palin stage a mock news conference. Palin lamented Michaels wouldn’t let her impersonate Fey on her show, “30 Rock,” but Michaels said no one watched the program anyway.

Palin then stood and smiled as actor Alec Baldwin — who co-stars on “30 Rock” with Fey — confused Palin for Fey and told Michaels he shouldn’t let Fey demean herself by portraying the governor.

Palin went on to deliver the show’s signature starting line, “Live from New York, it’s `Saturday Night.'”

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29 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. syd says:

    She was great in the opening, but she KILLED during the news segment. She looked so comfortable, I had to move (my old eyes) closer to the TV, to make sure it was Palin, not Fey. Two thumbs up from me.

  2. Tink says:

    I agree with Syd. I knew she would be fine though. Surprised to see Alec Baldwin. And our Sarah got a great welcome from the audience.
    -wouldn’t be surprised to hear over the next few days that she softened a few hearts at SNL.

  3. happ says:

    It was hilarious! Sarah Palin is a genius. I love Alec Baldwin and Tina Fey, even if they are liberals, they’re damn funny. Favorite line: “How could you let that woman play YOU?”

  4. Sarah was brave and funny and wonderful. She showed herself to be a good sport, and she got in a few zingers. She’s really a natural (just like Piper!) Oh, and she’s got much better moves than Obama, even when she’s “dancing” while seated.

    I just hope Alec Baldwin’s off-camera treatment of her was better than the way he treats his daughter. Sarah’s already been called a pig by one far left loon this year.

  5. artgal says:

    Great job on Sarah’s part! I knew she would be fine. She was very well received by the audience, had a strong presence & delivery – she was having fun with it and it showed. I even liked that Alec Baldwin was included for this particular segment – it worked out great.

  6. marleed says:

    Sarah, what a classy lady! May she never break our hearts!

  7. Boomer says:

    I just watched the video posts. She was great! I love Alec and Tina when they are entertaining me — just not when they open their mouths out of character!

  8. LongviewCyclist says:

    I was too chickensh*t to watch. Thank goodness for these reviews. Whew!

  9. Talkin Horse says:

    It’s a good thing. A chance for the enemy camp, who have never seen a “conservative” up close (or at least they’ve never seen anyone that would dare admit to it in that den of lions) to see that she doesn’t have horns or eat children.

  10. z4hos says:

    Have you noticed that both McCain and Palin have the guts to go into hostile political environments, and show real class. Those environments that criticize and demean them the most, “The View”, “Letterman”, “SNL”, and they do not whine about it.
    When Obama went on “Fox”, which was not hostile to him in the least, you would have thought that he was the bravest of the brave, if you believed the media. “Fox” had to beg him to come on.
    It just seems to me, that if you want to be the President for all the people, that you have the courage to go to all the people, where the fire is hottest and try and sale yourself.

  11. brutepcm says:

    I was a bit disappointed that Sarah didn’t do the Rap herself, but I don’t imagine that she had a lot of time to rehearse.
    Have you noticed that impersonators sound more like the celebrities than the celebrities do?
    I always thought that ole Marion Micheal did a lousy “John Wayne”.

  12. Pathman says:

    I thought it came off very well.

    If your opponent is quick to anger, seek to irritate him.


    October 19, 2008
    Democrats not impressed w/ Sarah Palin SNL cameo
    One of the comments listed from the moonbat blogs.


    **** SNL!

    Don’t these people realize that they’ve just given this b**** a boost? It makes her look as if she has a great sense of humor about herself.

    It’s bad enough that the polls are tightening because of the charity dinner and Letterman appearances that McCain did. If the head writer of SNL is an Obama supporter, WTF was this about? I don’t care how critical it’s SUPPOSED to be…all people will see is how “cute” it is that Sarah Moosebreath can take a joke.

    I don’t see why the rest of you can’t see this.

  13. Pathman says:


  14. Deenie says:

    Part of my fantasy scenario for Sarah’s SNL appearance came true — she was behind the ‘Weekend Update’ desk, but I had hoped it would be there that she would portray Tina in Fey’s old news anchor role. At any rate, It was SOLID. Governor Palin isn’t afraid of anything…. nerves of steel and funkiness to boot. 😉 You Betcha!

    PS — Alec Baldwin could barely look at her during their scene together. He seemed absolutely intimidated by her.

  15. helpunderdog says:

    Clinton may play the sax, but you know Palin plays the flute better. Palin cool is the real deal. She can take a joke while dancing and has great comedic timing. A natural in front of the camera too – comfortable with who she is. A straight talkin, no nonsense, non-weazlin American working for us.

  16. helpunderdog says:

    Here McCain sings Streisand on SNL a few years ago. Very funny!

  17. jeweytunes says:


    “Ditto.” “Ditto.” And major “‘Whew’ Ditto.”


  18. Young American says:

    Our Sarah was fantastic ! I was not crazy about the idea of her going on that leftie show but now I’m glad she did. I read quite a few reactions from the left and they are not pleased at all that they put Sarah on. So it was a very good thing.
    LOL at the newscast dance skit, Sarah was sooo cool 😉

  19. SlimFemme says:

    I refused to watch on principle. I take issue with Presidential and Vice Presidential candidates going on to these programs. I don’t like it when they go on late night talk shows or sketch comedy shows. I just don’t think it’s appropriate. This is serious business to run for the presidency, to mock it, I find it quite offensive.

  20. jerocat says:

    Sarah’s appearance was a hoot. Pluses all the way, especially the rap/moose skit. Cool under fire, with skin as thick as an elephant, she entered the camp of her competition. (With inner conflict I hesitate to call it enemy camp. SNL took the high road and , so do I.)

    I saw it live and was itching to post. Glad so many here have.

  21. ashleymatt says:

    I loved the rap! The lyrics were hilarious. Sarah was so cool there dancing and singing “AYERS!” I love how she drummed the desk at the end with her hands, mimicing what the hosts do all the time.

    It was even cute when ol Alec took her by the arm (I had a thrill of terror when he walked on camera. The shock of it was funny).

    Bottom line:
    1) The AP has been more hateful with their headlines of our Sarah than NYT and MSNBC combined. They are sick.

    2)Sarah did not look scripted or stiff at all, just cool and classy.

    3)Some conservatives need to stop being ninnies and learn to laugh once in a while.

  22. ashleymatt says:

    Oh and if you watched at the end when they are all on stage saying goodbye, the Gov. was still there (unusual for a political figure to stay that long) looking great, and one of the cast members all but ran up to her and gave her a huge bear hug. She also looked over at Tina Fey and clapped. Tina was too chicken to approach her.

  23. pat_s says:

    I thought “Eskimo” wasn’t PC.

  24. Mark says:

    It cuts both ways,ashleymatt. In your bottom line observation you state that “Some conservatives need to stop being ninnies and learn to laugh once in a while.” True enough, and guess what, Sarah Palin did just that by playing along. A lot of conservatives tuned in to watch and laughed.

    But then you make another observation in your next post, stating that “Tina was too chicken to approach her (Sarah Palin)” at the end of the show. Don’t you think it’s liberals like Tina Fey who might need to lighten up a bit? Don’t you think it is they who should learn how to do a better job of laughing it up while mocking others without having to be so vicious about it in the end?

    Sarah Palin went on their show on their time in their format while America watched….and Tina Fey for whatever reason could not even approach her while the cameras were still on them.

    I happen to be a huge fan of Tina Fey (or was). I think she is a very funny and talented woman (most of the time). But I’m beginning to wonder if she would have been able to “learn to laugh” as Sarah Palin and a lot of us supporters of hers did if she was put in the same position. Think about it: how many times are any of these “mockers” on SNL themselves ever mocked?

    In my opinion, all this “learning to laugh” requires a certain amount of responsibility on both sides. Sarah Palin just taught Tina Fey a valuable lesson. I hope Tina Fey learns it well, or she will wind up one day looking about as unfunny as Al Franken and as unwitty as Keith Olbermann.

  25. Captainkate says:

    She was awesome! I am so impressed that SNL behaved themselves. I knew she would be great. Even Alec Baldwin appeared to genuinely like her. I don’t think there is anyone more liberal and unfair than him. (maybe olbermann)
    I did notice that there was no side by side with Tina fey. That was smart. The Governor so out-classes Tina that it would have destroyed any future skits.

  26. Mwalimu Daudi says:

    Some conservatives need to stop being ninnies and learn to laugh once in a while.

    I’ll save up my laughs for when I am shipped off to one of the Messiah’s Most Holy Re-Education Camps somewhere in the Canadian outback courtesy of the Peoples Democratic Republic of Hopenchange. Something tells me that yucks will be in short supply there.

    In the meantime I will waste my time pondering why John Boy is trying to lose this election in a 57-state landslide.

  27. Ripper says:

    She did a good job going into the enemy camp however I am disturbed by the recent trends that make stops on Letterman, Leno, The View, and SNL a prerequisite for candidates.

  28. Mwalimu Daudi says:

    Palin on SNL Earns Show Its Highest Ratings in 14 Years. This follows similar trends for Gibson and Couric. The ratings of these dinosaurs are up, while McCain’s continue to fall. Gee – what is wrong with this picture?

    No word on the reports that the McCain campaign has agreed to send Palin to do a fundraiser for Senator Obama. At least not yet.

    I predict that after the Democrats blow John Boy out of the water in November some publisher will wave a lot of dough under his nose to write a Scott McClellan-type kiss-and-tell book about how the Religious Right and the global-warming deniers and the anti-illegal immigrant xenophobes and the gun nuts and Trig Palin cost him the election. I also predict that he will take it. Purely in the spirit of “bipartisanship”, of course.

    I admit it – I actually believed this bozo and even sent him some money. But at least I can do what I should have done in the first place – leave the ballot for President blank when I vote. It’s no use saying that is as good as a vote for the Messiah. McCain bungled what small chance he had when he started this “bipartisan” crapola in kowtowing to Gibson and Couric and SNL in the first place. Now ACORN and the MSM will merely reap the rewards of McCain’s folly.

  29. PeteRFNY says:

    How does one person handle so much joy and optimism?

    I have a somewhat higher opinion of John McCain. His heart is in the right place, but he underestimates the cut-throat business of politics.

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