We have 13 days to go. Major polls show Cindy McCain’s husband surging. For further inspiration here’s one of McCain’s earlier ads, “The Man in the Arena.” Take at least one dose daily and never, never, give up!

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7 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. sundodger78 says:

    I’ve always thought the MSM’s collusion with Obama was a win-win situation for them no matter the outcome. If he wins; they’re geniuses. If he loses; then they rack up Nielsen ratings, thus profits, covering all the rioting they’ve helped incite.

  2. HALEY says:

    I love this ad of the man who deserves to be the next president of the United States!

    Thank you for the inspiration.

  3. Tamster says:


  4. Dave J says:

    On the lighter side, the invocation of TR immediately makes me think of this rather awesome clip from The Wind and The Lion.

  5. NavajoSierra says:

    I never saw this ad before now; it is beautiful! I would love to see them use it as we get closer to election day, as it is quite inspiring!

  6. Floyd R. Turbo says:

    It’s a great ad! They need to keep pounding it daily until the election. Thanks, Tammy, for the pick-me-up…needed it!

  7. exDemocrat says:

    Yeah baby….the right stuff.

    Let’s roll.

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