I totally forgot to post this after the Laura Show yesterday, so now by popular demand, here it is. Reuters calls this “uber-cool.” It looks to me more like “Aging Rap Star.” As Israel defends itself against terrorists, Islamist “pirates” roam the seas, Iran finishes up its bomb, India and Pakistan massing against each other, Russia colludes with China, Venezuela and Cuba, and as bin Laden plans his next move, we all can agree it certainly isn’t a look that inspires confidence from a supposed Commander-in-Chief.


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15 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. Jawja Phideaux says:

    Anyone remember Karl Rove’s hip-hop rap?

  2. HALEY says:

    What a disgrace he is! An absolute insult to this country.

  3. Iceman 1955 says:

    C’mon already!! He had his hat turned around backwards after playing some basketball. If you watched the rest of the video, he immediately turned the hat around and was wearing it correctly when he went to shake hands with some people.

    I have gotten over the loss, too bad so many others haven’t. Maybe in 2012 we will actually run a decent candidate.

  4. RobK says:

    He looks 70 years old! I always knew Barky was only someone you meet at the bar, or on the court. Is he standing outside Dog Chapman’s bail bond office?

  5. RobK says:

    Haley, yeah, I guess that when he turned the bill around to face forward, that made everything okay. Yeah, right. How long does it take for the poison Kool-Aid to wear off? New study maybe? Just like Axelrod corrected the truth that Barky spoke to the Illinois governor by telling a lie later. Hmm, yes, the inmates HAVE taken over the asylum.

  6. artgal says:

    Normally, I would not care how someone dresses. After all, I sported variations of hair color such as a blue mohawk, wore a black leather jacket with chains on it, & a t-shirt & jeans bearing naughty words and pictures I painted on them. I was also in my teens when in engaging in this behavior/fabric explosion. It’s not something I care to replicate in my adult life as a means of connecting with the young people I teach. There’s a different sort of behavior needing to be modeled – and that’s where I find this Barfy photo disturbing on so many levels.

    Barfy’s appearance in this photo is much like the dress & behavior of so many very lost kids in this country. With Barfy trying to appear as a gangsta-wannabe, he looks ridiculous, pretentious and lame. In fact, he looks like an older white guy trying too hard to be a hip, black rapper. Maybe this is how Barfy really views the black innercity communities and chooses to ‘relate’.

    What’s also troubling is it does make him look weak and stupid on the world stage. Yeah, this sure looks like a guy who can handle Hamas or an economic crisis. At least his appearance is totally in line with the sexist nature of hiphop culture. We sure know how Barfy views women.

    For someone who is considered a role model to young black males, this photo dictates something my students get in trouble for. Many kids in gangs wear baseball hats of some sort and they are forbidden in our school because the way the hat is turned supports certain gang affiliations or to signal a course of action. Same with the hand signals. Not to mention that the ‘G’ culture is exactly what we’re trying to get these kids out of – but their big role model is trying to look the part – or hey, maybe he’s just letting us know what the Chicago machine really is (like we didn’t already know).

    Listen, while criticizing him in this photo, we might as well have some fun with this crap. So let’s see – some thoughts for the incoming Daddy O administration: Will a certain hand signal draw sweat on the brow of Ahminedinejihad? Are the Dems & Reps now going to use blue & red as party colors and scrap on CSPAN over legislation (hey, I might actually watch then!)? Will Barfy rap the State of the Union address? Will the turn of his baseball hat signal a new military maneuver to our troops?

    ‘Word’ to all the parties in the house.

  7. Shawmut says:

    So artificial!
    That picture, another staged pose to show he’s ‘hep’, is about as inspiring as Mike Dukakis, a would-be Commander in Chief, sitting in the tank. It was interpreted as pure contempt for the military.
    Young people, frankly, develop contempt for adults emulating them out of sheer vanity.
    Obama, an amalgam of scripts and stage sets, has never been a natural part of anything. He’ll be the Role-Player in Chief.

  8. Kimj7157 says:

    He da man.

  9. Young American says:

    The future leader of the free world and greatest nation on earth at 45 years of age trying to emulate a 15 year old and making a total fool out of himself. Ridiculous and unacceptable.

    Terrorists around the world are rejoicing.

  10. Mike says:

    Aw, don’t be so insensitive folks. After all, the Koran specifically states that when confronted by uber-coolness, jihadists must immediately do what the uber-cool personage wants. Doesn’t it?
    It doesn’t?! You mean Iran and all of the other lunatics who want to wipe Israel and America from the planet won’t be impressed?

    Well, at least Obama’s not out golfing like President Bush..oops. My mistake. Obama is out golfing. President Bush didn’t golf because he was afraid it would look frivolous to the troops. I guess when you’re uber-cool, such things don’t matter. Hey, what do jihadists think about golf anyway?

  11. LongviewCyclist says:

    Looks like senior citizen prison cafeteria worker in the movie ‘Let’s Go to Prison’.

  12. Nick&Nora says:

    He looks like one of those old guys in a prostate treatment commercial. He just missed the group photo because he spent a half hour trying to pee. He comes out of the bathroom and his clothes say ‘Hey, I’m still young, I just can’t go like I used to’. He’ll get on his meds and he’ll be right as rain.

  13. Nick&Nora says:

    He looks like one of those old guys in a prostate treatment commercial. He just missed the group photo because he spent a half hour trying to pee. He comes out of the bathroom and his clothes say ‘Hey, I’m still young, I just can’t go like I used to’. He’ll get on his meds and he’ll be right as rain.

  14. Nick&Nora says:

    He looks like one of those old guys in a prostate treatment commercial. He just missed the group photo because he spent a half hour trying to pee. He comes out of the bathroom and his clothes say ‘Hey, I’m still young, I just can’t go like I used to’. He’ll get on his meds and he’ll be right as rain.

  15. Nick&Nora says:

    He looks like one of those old guys in a prostate treatment commercial. He just missed the group photo because he spent a half hour trying to pee. He comes out of the bathroom and his clothes say ‘Hey, I’m still young, I just can’t go like I used to’. He’ll get on his meds and he’ll be right as rain.

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