
Yes we can!

USA Today decided it would be Super-Cool to live-blog today’s “We Are One” inaugural concert at the Lincoln Memorial.

The good news is, last time I checked resistance wasn’t futile 🙂

Oh, and check out their new logo for “The Oval” which is their portal for “Obama Administration News and Coverage.” So unbiased they are, they decided to incorporate the Hopey McChange Cult logo into their “news” coverage. Supercalifragilistic!!

This section is for comments from's community of registered readers. Please don't assume that Tammy agrees with or endorses any particular comment just because she lets it stand.
8 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. KWH says:

    This whole “O worship service” is getting sickening by the hour. What we need here is the cold slap of reality. Reality, this is what we will get in 30-90 days. When our gas bills, our mortgages and food bills aren’t being magically paid by THE Messiah. What then? How long can they keep blaming Bush? What will happen in 2 years when the remaining business are taxed into nonexistence or can’t exist because of ultra strict pollution rules? Who will they blame when every man, woman and child will have to buy carbon credits?
    Who will they blame when the country’s coffers are finally bled dry?
    Who will be blamed when our Constitution is so thoroughly raped, it is all but some dried ink on some worthless skin?
    Who will they blame when thought police roam the streets en mass?
    Oooooooh…CHANGE….it’s a comin!

  2. artgal says:

    You said it, KWH. That change is comin’ all right, but I wonder just how much we can stave off – better yet, destroy – if we adopt some of the tactics of the Left.

    The Left were proud to be anti-establishment & very vocal from the 1960’s on. We’ve had varying intervals of liberalism over many years, but now that the Left ARE the establishment, it’s time we become the anti. We HAVE to! The alternative is not at all acceptable.

    We’re up against a mighty foe from both Dems & Reps, but we still carry that rugged individualism of our ancestors in our veins. They didn’t lay down with the words ‘Welcome’ on their backs – and we’re damn well not going to do it either!

    I suggest we start behaving like the town-crier of old using our own resources to start pamphlets/newletters to hand out to people or place in various public locations. Be prepared for unpleasant confrontations, but don’t back down! Meet others and organize to visit your representatives en masse. When we see the second amendment, amnesty, Rangel’s draft reinstatement, etc. up for debate, why not organize for a protest in DC? I’m confident we can make it something memorable to those congressional sewer rats both for its size and impact.

    We’re not going to have the same arm of government for now to have the leverage we want, and bear in mind: neither did the other side when it began. But we are aware of some presently serving who are committed to doing what is right for the country. We have to make sure we get rid of those who are not. We do so by being VERY vocal, unafraid and aware that some may be used as an example. Listen, I hope to God I am so very wrong about this guy and his intentions, but what we are witnessing is not a good sign AT ALL! The only reason things have gotten this far is because we have not done enough beyond contacting our representatives or getting mad – then going back to life as usual. Our lives are not going to be ‘as usual’ if we don’t respond differently and forcefully.

  3. Robert Graham says:

    Let me tell you about about ‘change’. As a disgruntled Pittsburgh steelworker in the 80’s, I made the anti-establishment hall of fame, and was still true to my Republican party. We were lied to by our union and by US Steel. That is another story.

    We have to look inward. We have to keep our heads about us. Until we are all dead, they will never infiltrate the greatness of this country’s freedom and the sacrifice of those before us. Consider how generations endured and learn from absolute stupidiity of the left.

    We on the right are not flawless. We on the right are very much the real change. The best is yet to come. Our liberties will never be taken away from us. So I say to you as their leader’s create pathetic imbeciles amongst their masses, we can easily infiltrate all their defenses. I am banking on it.

    Here is an example of what should become our song:

    I am telling you, although this is what was opposite, not one leftist would know the difference.

    Because I truely do cherish being an American, and also because of truth, it is a never ending advocation of mine to look past the BS.

    It is so interesting how the alleged inventor of the internet, Al Gore, tries desperately to conceal that Jefferson Davis, President of the Confederacy was a Democrat. Do you have any idea how few leftist know that Abraham Lincoln was the first Republican President? All of them, obviously.

    Did you know the first party to cast a vote for a black man was, you guessed it, the Grand Opposition Party. It was cast for Frederick Douglass, one of my historical men I admire.

    And for that matter, not much a stretch when you consider that a women’s suffragist, and a capitalistic, Wall Street investor, most assuredly was the nemesis of the Democratic party, Victoria Woodhull.
    Also the first female in Congress was Republican Jeanette Rankin.

    We have a lot of work to do. Isay get’r done.

    Mrs. Peel, we’re needed.

  4. Fox says:

    “We are one,” concert? So Pantheists get a play in all this too?

  5. DogOnCrack says:

    As I recall, the Borg were destroyed in the series finale of Voyager.
    Tammy, I guess that makes you our Captain Janeway.

  6. Lamplighter says:

    We are the Obamaborg.
    You WILL be assimilated into the collective and your characteristic distinctiveness will be added to our own.
    The individual is irrelevent. Self-determination is irrelevent.
    WE will decide what is best for you.
    You WILL become one with THE ONE.

  7. jerocat says:

    Enough with the costume party. Just come out and say it plain!

    Barry Soetoro, aka Baraq Hussein Obama II, is an illegal alien.


  8. jerocat says:


    His birth certificate is in a vault in Indonesia where he became a citizen as the step-son of Lolo Soetoro.

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