
Hopey McChange–killing time during war and an economic crisis, and finding a way to vote “Present” while president.

Apparently he’s found the one group from whom he’s willing to take questions. I’m also rather amused by the still-sychophantic coverage. The headline for example:

On a tough day, Obama escapes for a while

[A tough day? The guy has been the president for 14 whole days and he needs a break? What happened to that “flinty Chicago toughness” he was requiring of DC schoolchildren a week ago?]

On the rockiest day of his young administration, President Barack Obama did what surely made him happy for a while.

He left.

With little notice, the president and first lady Michelle Obama bolted the gated compound of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. in their tank of a limousine on Tuesday. They ended up at a Washington public school, greeted by children who could not care less about the collapse of a Cabinet secretary nomination.

“We were just tired of being in the White House,” the president candidly told the gleeful second-graders at Capital City Public Charter School.

Tired of being in the White House after two weeks. Priceless. According to the Barkey-Be-Gone Meter, he still has 1446 whole days to go before we kick him out. I suppose this is the presidential version of voting ‘Present”? So let’s see: Iran has launched a satellite, Russia is having riots, France is having riots, people in Kentucky are still freezing to death, the Sri Lankan war is escalating, he’s threatened with a trade war by the EU because of crap in his Crap Sandwich, the Taliban is still attacking in Afghanistan, Islamic “pirates” are still hijacking ships and kidnapping people, our economy is still tanking mostly because of Barkey talking it down for a year, and he decides to go to a school to read to 2nd graders?

The kids did learn something, however, from his presence: what an arrogant and weak a**hole looks like.

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30 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. Ferdy says:

    As a resident of President Obama’s home state, it pains me to say this, but I’m afraid that “flinty Chicago toughness” went out the window some time ago. The new catchphrase is “Not just stupid, but Illinois stupid”.

  2. appletown says:

    Sir Barks-a-lot to the rescue!! 😛

  3. Lamplighter says:

    It’a been a tough two weeks, BO needed his “love and adoration” injection. No liberal can go long without one. Remember everyone: needs are more important than productivity.

    I’ve learned about this “needs concept” from “Atlas Shrugged”, for which I thank Tammy and all of you enlightened peeps for recommending. I’m a quarter of a way through the book and I think my head is going to explode from Ayn Rand’s insight.

    Why doesn’t the left get it? Who is John Galt?

  4. kaps says:

    “The kids did learn something, however, from his presence: what an arrogant and weak a**hole looks like.”

    Tammy, you nailed it! This narcissistic fraud is an absolute disgrace.

  5. acpilotsmom says:

    Thank you Tammy for posting this picture and newsworthy tidbit. Today was my birthday and this morning I missed your radio show. So naturally, I am here catching up! It came to mind, almost immediately after viewing our beloved “leader” sitting there with the book and the school children, the horrific event on the morning of 9/11/2001 in which Pres. Bush was in the same place with Andrew Card behind him whispering in his ear. The drive-by media sure milked that picture for all it was worth for months! Heaven forbid anything would have happened on this day when BO was at the school! You can be sure the fact he was “away” from Presidential duties after only 14 days simply because he was “tired” of the White House, would be shielded from the necessary scrutiny of The American People. This man seems spoiled to me and I feel he better be a quick study when it comes to National Security and watch our backs. I am not the only one that feels a great deal less safe since Barkey’s been annointed. We all need to pray for the safety of our country while BO’s administration is busy sorting out our problems. I hope and pray they are not lightening up on vigilance.

  6. ffigtree says:

    “We were just tired of being in the White House,”
    Can you imagine if Bush said and did this???

  7. piboulder says:

    Huh, reminds me of the scene from “Dave” where the fake president sneaks out of the White House with the real first lady and drives around town in a compact until they get stopped by police. To get out of the sticky situation they play like they’re doubles for the president and first lady…

    In his interview with Chris Wallace yesterday Obama was asked what surprised him most about his current job. Obama said he was surprised that each and every decision he makes affects the American public so strongly. Karl Rove said it, “The President does not get the easy decisions. Those are handled by lower level people. Every decision the President makes is a hard one, with advocates on each side of the issue that make their case very well.” Gosh, decisions, decisions…

  8. NavajoSierra says:

    I have to thank you again, Tammy! I now wake up to the Barkey B-Gone Meter placed under the Kool-Aid that we didn’t drink, and it is overall a much better start to my day.

  9. artgal says:

    Obama is allergic to REAL work. He’s never, ever had a real job; otherwise, he would not be a Marxist dolt.

    Basically, Obama is exactly like many of his supporters: he whines, complains, gets up late; he has others making excuses for him when he’s unable to do it for himself; he’s lazy, and he’s always received a government hand-out – there’s never been an actual paycheck he earned.

    And like many of his supporters, Obama is a miserable f(rea)k with a Lazy-Boy mentality and it’s all due to a living a very unaccomplished life. Sorry, but becoming president just for the hell of it is not an accomplishment. Lying your way to the top is not an accomplishment, and neither is going to an ivy league university. There is such a thing as a well-educated fool, and Obama is all that!

    Yes, it’s sickening to see Obama getting a pass on his ‘break’ when the world is going nuts, people are dying and he’s proven himself a complete failure at the onset. He really is in over his head to say the least. And he’s putting every single one of us at risk every day he is in office – or on his break.

  10. Ripper says:

    Can you imagine how the MSM would handle Bush running to a 2nd grade class? Do not underestimate the difficulties a GOP candidate (even a principled conservative one instead of the usual Bush, Dole, McCain usual suspects) will have in defeating The One. They will have to defeat:

    1. Obama and the Democrtic machine
    2. the Main Stream Media
    3. The popular culture (Hollywood, Academia, Jon Stewart, etc.)

  11. Sean H. says:

    Well yes, I can imagine how MSM would handle Bush running a 2nd grade class.
    Was he not reading to such a group when the planes struck the towers,on 9-11-01?
    Mr. Obama has a lot of days like yesterday ahead of him. He can run but he cannot hide.It is only a question of time until much of the MSM, changes their tune.

  12. PeteRFNY says:

    That makes two of us – after only 14 days, I’M tired of seeing him in the White House, too.

  13. HALEY says:

    Just when I think I’ve seen it all, I haven’t. Just when I think I could not be more disgusted with O Force One, I am. I hope America survives all of his assaults!

  14. pat_s says:

    Well said Artgal. Obama’s only accomplishments were moving up the ladder based on charm and platitudes. Now he’s in a position where he can’t avoid criticism and that will eat away at his thin skin and cool demeanor. We’ll see plenty of temper tantrums and whining. He has an imperial temperament and a vulnerable ego. That’s a very dangerous combination for a conceited self-righteous man-child with so much power.

  15. Young American says:

    That’s what happens when you have a little boy trying to do a grown man or womans job. They wuss out. I’ll bet B.Hussein does not make it through the entire four years of his administration.
    LOL Pete !

  16. infidel says:

    C’mon Tammy, give him a break. I’ll bet the thermostat broke.

  17. Idiot#3 says:

    “We were just tired of being in the White House,” the president candidly told the gleeful second-graders at Capital City Public Charter School.

    Save that quote, media types. He’ll repeat it when muslim “students” blow up a middle America shopping center.

  18. Paul From Hamburg says:

    This, and many other actions, suggest that Obama really just wants to be the head of state, not the head of government. I think he should be accommodated. Let’s create an office of “Figurehead in Chief” for him. He could visit schools, attend funerals & sporting events and pose for life-size posters. We could build a new mansion for him to live in. We could then have another Presidential election and elect someone who wants to work. I realize that this new job with a new mansion and the corresponding staff would cost a lot of money, but it would be cheaper than the bill we are about to get.

  19. Midwest Kay says:

    All that keeps running through my head right now is what would have been mentioned in the alphabet soup media, news magazines, major newspapers, liberal blogs ad nauseum if Bush had said the same things.

    And after only 2 weeks… Give me a break.

  20. echo says:

    OMG! This guy is fast becoming the Avoider-in-Chief. He has a cabinet to appoint, a major natural disaster in Kentucky, and a tanking economy, and he’s running out to a photo op? Maybe Hillary was right, and he wasn’t “ready on Day One”.

  21. SlimFemme says:

    I am truly speechless!! I don’t know what to say. This is going to a long 4 years. After 2 weeks he’s already tired??? All I can say is he needs to MAN UP.

  22. Shawmut says:

    I’m tired of his being in the White House, too.

    I’m more enthused over an update by ‘Vince’ doing the “ShamWow” commercial.

  23. mrfixit says:

    This is what you get when a machine spits out a candidate, paves his way with money, media bias and support, and lots of attack dogs to moe down the competition. Barkey is utterly empty. He’s being a little independent right now, but after he sticks his foot in it a few more times, he will begin letting his benefactors call the shots and he won’t move off the script. George Soros and company will be running the “Here’s President Obama Show” soon enough.

  24. Nick&Nora says:

    Tammy, there is one great thing about this article, the number of days till this man’s gone is 1446.(if he gets one term) The “GONE” clock now reads 1445.
    NOW THAT’S PROGRESS! To every thing, turn, turn, turn.

  25. Nick&Nora says:

    Tammy, there is one great thing about this article, the number of days till this man’s gone is 1446.(if he gets one term) The “GONE” clock now reads 1445.
    NOW THAT’S PROGRESS! To every thing, turn, turn, turn.

  26. Nick&Nora says:

    Tammy, there is one great thing about this article, the number of days till this man’s gone is 1446.(if he gets one term) The “GONE” clock now reads 1445.
    NOW THAT’S PROGRESS! To every thing, turn, turn, turn.

  27. Nick&Nora says:

    Tammy, there is one great thing about this article, the number of days till this man’s gone is 1446.(if he gets one term) The “GONE” clock now reads 1445.
    NOW THAT’S PROGRESS! To every thing, turn, turn, turn.

  28. John says:

    I can’t wait to find out how much vacation Obama takes compared to Bush.

  29. ladykrystyna says:

    I shouldn’t be shocked, but I am. Was he just “joking” with the kids? Or was he really being “candid”? After only 2 weeks in, he’s visiting a school?


    Yes, I would love to see what the MSM would have said if Bush had ever said that!

    This is scary. Really scary. I had more confidence in Bush, even though he couldn’t string a sentence together on his own.

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