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Jason Chaffetz: I fought the good fight vs. stimulus bill

OctoMom Gets Her MAC On

Budget Clears Legislature in California After Scathing Battle

Hmm, maybe it’s time AG Eric Holder finds out what happens when “cowards” dial a phone.

Office of the Attorney General 202-353-1555 or [email protected]

Video: CNBC money talking heads and Chicago floor traders unload on Barkey and the mortgage bailout.

Student’s Question Obama’s Plan

Some GOP Governors Consider Refusing Stimulus Money

Will someone please tell Michael Steele to put down the crack pipe and read up on Reagan? When it comes to the new RNC Chairman’s assessment of whom the RNC needs to woo, I have the perfect new RNC Theme Song and Messengers:

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20 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. KWH says:

    Source: http://www.sacbee.com/1095/story/1636911.html
    “The votes came after what Senate President Pro Tem Darrell Steinberg said was, at 45 1/2 hours, the single longest Senate floor session in California history.”
    Here I thought liberals opposed ALL torture? Isn’t this similar to sleep deprivation tactics? Oh the hypocrisy! So, if someone disagrees with liberals, they use terrorist tactics and torture.

    Read the next paragraph very carefully:

    “But the Senate ultimately passed that plan. Several members strongly objected to the open primary bill but voted for it anyway because they said it was even more important to avoid a cash crisis and avert the construction shutdown.”

    ……but voted for it anyway…..

    Anyone think collapse would have led to tossing out some or all the government? Forget the pork, taxes and liberal agenda, we averted a cash crisis. Utterly mind boggling! Sounds like something our messiah said: EMERGENCY! Failing nation MUST have it or ELSE!

  2. Arthur Wang says:

    Holder’s comments were some of the most asinine statements I have ever read anywhere. The left has taken any serious discussion with them on a lot of issues off the table, not just race. The technique is to marginalize anyone who dosen’t completely agree with them. Really, does one want to try to engage these people and be called a “racist, sexist homophobe,” to quote our Miss Bruce.

  3. Kimj7157 says:

    “…black history month is a testament to the problem that has afflicted blacks throughout our stay in this country. Black history is given a separate, and clearly not equal, treatment by our society in general and by our educational institutions in particular.” –Eric Holder

    What a load of garbage. Screw you, Eric Holder.

  4. RobK says:

    Yeah, I specifically remember Eric “Scolder” Holder said “I learned a lesson and the Ridge pardon will make me a better Attorney General”. I guess not. I wonder if Eric Holder knows HE is a coward by pushing for the pardon of the FALN terrorists who killed parents of children? Or, was that just a pardon in his neighborhood? He needs to resign, NOW! Go to He** Holder!

  5. Kimj7157 says:

    I love Rick Santelli!! Outstanding stuff, and SO satisfying!

    Let this be the first of many “tea parties”. 🙂

  6. HALEY says:

    Eric Holder is a whack job. Is it 2012 yet? I’ve had it with hate-America-first Barkey and his hate-America-first administration. The Left truly lives in some weird imaginary world.

  7. HALEY says:

    And another thing about Eric Holder, he’s big time anti-guns just like the rest of Barkey’s administration. Eric Holder wrote a brief for a case called D.C. v. Heller in which he actually argued that the Second Amendment does not protect an individuals right to keep and bear arms. Ridiculous!

  8. Shawmut says:

    I’m intrigued by the students views now that Baraq is in office. Somehow, I think we’ll see more of this.
    And nothing is more disappointing than the face of a kid who’s been deceived.

  9. Angry Dumbo says:

    “We want to convey that the modern-day GOP looks like the conservative party that stands on principles. But we want to apply them to urban-surburban hip-hop settings.”

    Maybe we could get Mitt to do another of his infamous “who let the dogs out” raps?

    Seriously, the principles of self reliance, enumerated powers and small government conservatism are alien to young voters. Steele would be wise to teach these principles in real time rather than selling young voters with empty warm puppy ads.

  10. ussjimmycarter says:

    I sent Michael Steele an email to let him know that I was “disappointed” in his decision to offer hip hop to the nation as the Democratic Party implements a massive socialist take-over of our entire economic system.

  11. kaps says:

    don’t bother calling the DOJ # – it is just
    a voice mail.

    email this pathetic jackass at: [email protected]

    DISGRACE! and believe me, they know it!

  12. CinderellaMan says:

    And that is just what Barkey is doing… subsidizing the “losers” mortgages. Don’t expect that to bother him, it’s what he intended all along.

    I have sucked it up and retrenched all of my financial positions. Pulled out of the stock market altogether. I have a second home in Florida I’m still paying on, and it has lost about 40% of it’s value. I’m not crying about it, and I have committed even more resources to paying it down.

    But… is this fair? Is it fair that I, who have already been hurt, have to pay for those who bought more than they could afford? What about all those who are on the margins, but not quite paying a mortgage at 31% of their gross salary, and thus also unable to get a handout from Barkey?

    How many national disasters is this idiot going to force on this country? Where will this insanity end? Lehman, AIG, GM, Chrysler, TARP, Merrill-Lynch, Bank of America, Wachovia, the “Stimulus”, and now another mortgage bailout.


  13. John says:

    “…black history month is a testament to the problem that has afflicted blacks throughout our stay in this country. Black history is given a separate, and clearly not equal, treatment by our society in general and by our educational institutions in particular.” –Eric Holder

    According to what I heard on Laura Ingraham’s show today, Black History Month was started by a black man to emphasize achievements of blacks (and it was originally just a week long instead of a month). It’s not as if white people decided to throw black people a bone to make them happy, like Holder seems to imply.

    As for Michael Steele, if that interview is correct and isn’t being taken out of context, then it really shows how much of an out-of-touch nerd the guy is. And this is the problem I have with a lot of Republicans – they think that by acting and sounding hip they can win over young people. No – if you want to win over young people you have to be honest with yourself and with your principles, because young people can sense your phoniness from a mile away. Also, as someone who’s been referred to as an “Oreo”, he should also be aware that midgets find the word “midget” offensive (not that I care about him using the term myself, but he should be aware of the negative connotation).

  14. marleed says:

    Follow this link to a CNBC poll that wonders if you’d like to attend Rick Santelli’s Chicago Tea Party.

  15. John says:

    Re: Michael Steele – I forgot to mention that there does need to be some keeping up with the times (as the Obama campaign showed by using YouTube, MySpace, etc.), but if Michael Steele thinks he can accomplish this with Rappin’ Republicans then he’s dead wrong.

  16. CNYTammyFan says:

    The man of Steele better take heed. We have a possible RINO infiltration on the horizen. This
    no good skunk bastard>> http://www.syracuse.com/news/index.ssf/2009/02/gop_courts_pataki_for_senate_i.html is looking for a new job. BEWARE!! you don’t want this clown, trust me. Mr Steele, if you want “sell” the Conservative movement in the “hood” good luck.
    Don’t you ever make a deal with King George or you’ll have to be shown the door yourself. OUT with the Rats!!! now.

  17. daredevilaccordian says:

    I found this today on ABC News. Teflon Bill tells Barky how to spin it so the masses will continue to drink the koolade…

    and this absurd quote which just makes me sick to my stomach:
    “I think you will see some good economic news from the stimulus fairly soon,” Clinton said. “I think you’ll start to see people express gratitude for the unemployment benefits, the tax cuts and the food stamps…”

    These people are insane. Plain and simple.


  18. Rich says:

    The AG commits Hate speech

    What a Wonderful World we live in.

    We have a Marxist POTUS, a racist AG, a tax cheat heading up the Treasury, an Affirmative Action first lady, and

    a moron for VP, not to mention a CIA head with no intelligence experience, and a Congress which is evidently illiterate, since they
    can not read that for which they vote.

    Change, baby, change!

    (and the real cowards are those who vote and act out of white guilt.)

  19. jeweytunes says:

    The point where the Tea Party MUST kick off is the proposal for a tax on the miles we drive. If EVER there was a blatant attempt to control and repress the People, it is this. It’s sort of a physical form of the fairness doctrine, in that it constrains and separates us, leaving us isolated and dependent on the government for *permission* to move and speak.

    If ever there were threats to the fundamentals of America, it is now. The more we accept, the more will be taken. If we don’t literally fight back, it’s all over. (If only tarring and feathering were still an option…)

  20. OneShotWataw says:

    The sad reality seems to be that we can’t seem to work within the system we have, but its a bit early to hang them. After all, they didn’t get where they are by hook or crook – they were “duly elected”.

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