
My new Fox Forum column, “How Can the Dead Old Party Become the Grand Old Party Again?” has posted. Please take a look and comment liberally 🙂


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11 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. palin2012 says:

    Thank you Tammy Bruce for putting this so succinctly. We want Sarah Palin out front and center with true conservative ideals. It’s obvious it won’t happen with the “good old boy” network in Washington.

  2. CNYTammyFan says:

    Hey Repubs!! How is it my favorite former Leftist
    has it figured out and the “leadership” still is lost? Rush explains it well when he says the Blue Blood country club Rino’s are not comfortable with “NASCAR” Americans being a good portion of the Elephants base. You know,those hard working every day, have a brew or two ,God fearing, family loving folks that actually make this country go. The Gipper knew these people well and
    had their best interest at heart. Maybe the best minds on our side are on the radio/internet and will have to be the ones to step up and take the lead. Palin/Bruce 2012? Works for me!!

  3. Robert Graham says:

    Suffice to say, I have confidence in a Republican Congress and a Republican White House in 3 years and 10 months.
    We have been down before. We have been far worse. Frankly , there is an encouraging generation of young people who have seen most our mistakes remarkably cataloged with footage to boot. As Republicans, we must encourage our youth. I’d put more emphasis on American History. Our children do not need to be misguided like so many of us were in the past. I’d make them aware of infamous Democrats like George Wallace and Jefferson Davis. Bill Clinton, or Bill bly as is his correct name even fooled me once.
    We have nothing to worry about. We live in the greatest country on earth. We will overcome this diversity. Our Republican party is not so much teh Grand Old Party, we are the Grand Opposition Party. We oppse anything that prevents us from being free and we are for everything that makes us strong.

  4. calamity says:

    As always, you are exactly on point. Your analysis is spot on. The DOP will molder and fade away as it so richly deserves to. Those of us who did not like Bush or any of his policies ( particularly in the last term) are watching this country go to hell in a hand basket. The rest of the dolts got what they voted for “hopenchange”. I fear for our nation. Wake up sleepy heads. Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country. (Typists everywhere should remember that one)

  5. Ripper says:

    That Michael Steele sure was a good pick for head of the D.O.P./not

  6. CinderellaMan says:

    1. The RIGHT ticket: Newt Gingrich/ Kay Bailey Hutchinson ( and don’t tell me she’s pro-abortion… her voting record certainly doesn’t show that ). I like Palin, Jindal, Pawlenty, Huckabee; just don’t think they can win. We need some rock-solid conservatives who will stay true to their roots, but understanding the need for bi-partisanship, so long as it does not compromise their core principles. These two are NOT moderates in my opinion, but still capable of appealing to the entire party.

    2. STOP supporting earmarks! 40% of those in the “Recovery” Act were republican. At least only support those that are necessary.

    3. FOCUS on the mid-terms. We need to take back the government in 2010! Put our money into those primaries where we know we can and need a difference.

    4. Find a way to counteract the impact of ACORN and illicit campaign financing. Obama was the recipient of absolutely unfair and almost certainly illegal campaign finance contributions. He upped the anti to 150 million a month, and we need to compete with that number or forget it!

    5. Fight like hell to keep the Census in the Department of Commerce. If kept under Rahm Emmanuel, you can count on democratically favorable redistricting.

    6. Find a role for Sarah Palin in the U.S. Senate. We need her there, and she can selectively take out a critical opponent of our choosing. Figure it out Michael Steele, where she can win and do the most damage to the democratic party. If Hutchinson doesn’t want the top spot or the VEEP, then put her into the role of VEEP candidate for the second time.

    7. Find a role for Bobby Jindal and Tim Pawlenty. They aren’t dynamic, but they are both very capable of bringing a conservative agenda into play.

    8. Find a role for Rudy… he is brilliant. Head of Homeland Security sounds great, obviously.

    9. Develop and start selling OUR plan for the economy, healthcare reform, and immigration reform. Start giving the public our version and some answers right now. Make them understand the salient features of supply-side economics, now.

    10. Find a way to win over the Jewish voters in this country. They could be heavy contributors, comprise a large segment of the voting public, and should be republican anyway. Go figure. Similarly, we must win over the hispanic population. This will be a hard sell, but we must stick to our convictions on meaningful immigration reform.

  7. Shawmut says:

    Here we go again. A lot of GOP’ers will sit on their squishy thighs musing in theories about how best to portray the Republican Party; Ripons, Moderates, Libertarians – all the cliche’s that they think make them appealing.
    Time to do and act Republican, not talk it.

  8. RobK says:

    Tammy, I have only been on this planet long enough to realize one true Republican in the White House, and I voted for him twice, Ronald Reagan. I was too young to even know who other Republican Presidents really were politically, or really didn’t care who they were due to my young age in i.e. Ford & Nixon. LBJ, and of course, JFK, I don’t even remember. Carter I hear was bad, even though at my young age then, his history to me is a blip on the radar. I served in the military under Reagan and then Papa Bush. Then a strange thing happened, a left wing whack job hillbilly suddenly sat in the Oval Office by the name of Bill Clinton. I began seeing all these coke bottle bottom, unkept people, who when they spoke, made no sense to me because of their mentally ill truncated thoughts. They were laughed about and at where I went to College at the Univ. of Nebraska. Then this Hillary gal, yes, the former Republican. when I learned about her and her embrace of Saul Alinsky’s methodologies, I knew leftists were in the White House and a true Republican in Reagan was far gone. The Clinton Administration only further tempered the steel of my Republican Conservative beliefs. The Obama Administration has only tempered it further. I am a true Patriot and a true Republican. My Father was a Roosevelt Democrat, but was a wonderful man, yet thought it was the Government’s duty to give hand outs from cradle to grave. Reagan “saved me” and made me a Republican. We are the true Activist party. We freed the slaves and slaves came to our party and many were literally killed by racist Southern Democrats who founded the KKK. We petitioned for Women to be granted the right to vote, and won. WE Republicans once again petitioned the Government to give Blacks the right to vote, AND WON. Republicans Martin Luther King Sr. and Jr. were Conservative Activists and fought for humanitarian rights for Blacks and all men, and WON. Unfortunately MLK Jr. laid down his life for his friend and now resides in heaven.

    What is a Republican? A TRUE Republican is a protector of the Constitution of the United States who harbors a textual belief in the Constitution, that it isn’t a “living document”. A true Republican believes in limited Government and always strives for more freedoms of citizens. We believe in a common language that defines our nation. We believe in national security and a strong border. We believe our culture is a diverse culture, than immigrants with skills can benefit our nation but immigrants must assimilate into our culture. A Republican is “supposed” to be this nation’s best friend and asset. Most of us are Church goers and Bible readers. Most of us fight to live moral lives. All of us would gladly give our lives for the United States of America in defense against any enemy, foreign or domestic. My favorite book is “Lion in the White House” which is a story of Republican President Teddy Roosevelt. We Republicans are the Lions in this Nation. We ARE Americana. We ARE Patriots. We ARE mostly tolerant. We DON’T strive to change America for the worst. These are the principles of the Republican party. If someone doesn’t have the fortitude to believe our Nation is our identity and to be cherished, well, they aren’t a Republican.

  9. RobK says:

    Kay Bailey Hutchison IS NOT a great choice for ANYTHING. I live in the State of Texas and Kay Bailey Hutchison promotes back door Socialist Health care every chance she gets. She is the biggest supporter of CHIP ever to walk the face of our great State. She is also not a Fiscal Conservative. We fight here year after year against Liberal Fiscal Conservatives here in Texas who are stuck in the show DALLAS. I’m very sorry, but mentioning Kay Hutchison as part of a Presidential ticket is comical.

  10. Shawmut says:

    With RobK’s observation, one point stands out. “If someone doesn’t have the fortitude to believe our Nation is our identity and to be cherished, well, they aren’t a Republican.”
    Sums it up for me. Thanks, Rob.

  11. ussjimmycarter says:


    Best assessment of the DOP that I have read yet! I fear that left unchanged, they will produce another John McCain in 4 years and Sarah Palin will be pushed aside as a rube and back bencher “not ready for prime-time” by the current liberal DOP establishment! I, for one am ready for a conservative head of the party willing to trust the people of the United States to manage our own affairs once again as did the great Reagan! I miss the great one so!

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