There are a few surprises here. First, I didn’t think Obama would reveal himself to be inept this early in the game. I also expected the MSM to continue to blindly support him no matter what. I’m pleased to say I was wrong. While it would have been better (to say the least) had certain columnists, critics and reporters imbibed less kool-aid early on, at least they have the courage now to recognize the problem that is Obama.

Death of the Obama dream

On March 20, only two months after the cosmic anointing, Vanity Fair, of all people, unloaded on Barack Obama, in the terms it had reserved for the past four or five years for the likes of George W. Bush.

Well, not the whole magazine, but one of its writers, media writer Michael Wolff, took an axe to the president, in a posting beginning “Sheesh, the guy is Jimmy Carter,” ending “This guy is leaden and this show is in trouble,” and titled “Barack Obama is a Terrible Bore.”

The same day, ex-fan Peggy Noonan called him “insubstantial and weightless…not fully focused…jumping from issue to issue and venue to venue from day to day.” “The administration’s difficulties…have created an unfortunate impression of incompetence,”
said The Economist. Politico noted that his skills as a salesman have begun to desert him.

It all came at the end of what Rick Klein of ABC News called Obama’s ‘lost week,’ which got worse on Sunday, when he was attacked by the New York Times in three columns and one editorial. One warned of an oncoming fall of Katrina dimensions. And these were his friends.

Problem is, we have 1396 more days of the Obama admin.

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25 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. Shawmut says:

    I caught you on Laura this morning, and thus expected that you’d do a “Best of…” now.
    But, though the crisis has been squelched, I appreciate hearing again your comments on the near-proposal on veterans insurance.
    It should never be denied, in fact; amplified, that this Baracracy hates and holds in contempt the US Military.
    Spitting on the Flag and denegrating military people and veterans is part of the “New Statists” litmus test.

  2. Midwest Kay says:

    Tammy, you are so spot on re how long it would take him to start falling apart.. My husband and I were talking about this and we really thought it would be 6-12 months or so…

    We both said it seems like forever since he was sworn in and we still have 3 years and 10 months to go… Heaven help us all…

  3. Arthur Wang says:

    Unfortunately this was all obvious to anyone who was not blinded by Obama’s glitzie style.

    The only reason this guy is president today is the TARP bail out and the fact that John McCain voted for it. People were voting for the lesser of two evils and this time, unfortunately, most of them made a mistake.

  4. DawnofAnewError says:

    The Obamathaumaturgy is fading….

  5. Ripper says:

    Either I am unusually bright or the MSM is full of dumb asses but I saw Obambi as a left-wing light weight charlatan from the very beginning.

  6. Shawmut says:

    Live by the media, die by the media.
    Gov. Patrick (L MA) campaign was considered to be the prototype for Obama’s campaign. (Another shot out of nowhere that missed.) Surely, he was the anointed by the Boston Globe – after all, he was a leftist.
    But now, even the propagandists at the Globe don’t know how to ‘handle him’.
    Well, the guy is clueless, witless and the most inept governor in the Bay State’s history.
    Well, the country has a president out of his depth. Frankly, we have a president void of depth.
    Like any other fad, some are waking up to earlier than others. Of course, we have those chameleons who will defend him to the last second, then jump lanes to the next bandwagon.
    I hate to see young people deceived. (Ever look at that face of disappointment?) I fear, however, there will be many.

  7. daredevilaccordian says:

    I am the church
    And you are the sheeple,
    Uh-oh, you’ve noticed
    That I am a creeple…

    (and creeple is a real word! look it up, it soooo fits)

  8. Midwest Kay says:

    It’s both–being unusually bright and the media being a bunch of dumbasses.. When Obama was first running months and months ago it was patently obvious to anyone with half a brain what was going to happen. Kind of cracks me up about Peggy Noonan calling him “insubstantial and weightless”–wasn’t she the one who referred to Gov. Palin as “vulgar”?

  9. mrfixit says:

    As we really knew all along, you can take a good looking emty suit with a good voice and oratory style, and with the media behind him he can be POTUS. Our president is picked by popularity alone. It’s an American Idol-like contest, only more like American Idolatry. I’d rather have a “Who Wants to be the President” format where each candidate has to answer real questions to demonstrate substanative knowlege, to advance to the next round. Just a thought. I guess “Political Roman Deathmatch” is out all together.

  10. SlimFemme says:

    Now people in the media are complaining?? Go figure. I’m in agreement with Ripper, I knew all along how this individual was. If it wasn’t for the racism of the mainstream media clouding their judgment with this guy, he might not have gotten past the early primaries.

    I was so sick of everybody putting their hopes and dreams of “racial healing” on this man, they never bothered to investigate what Obama was saying or whom he befriended. You reap what you sow! I feel vindicated. Unfortunately, we all have to deal with 3 years of ineptitude.

  11. Midwest Kay says:

    My college age son was saying he felt a lot of people were putting their hopes and dreams on Obama and projecting things, thinking he was the all-knowing, all-seeing, be-everything-to-everyone person. He stopped reasoning with some folks at work because nothing they said made sense.

    One bright spot is he’s actually had two people come up to him to say he was right and they were wrong.. Only two but it’s a start..

  12. radargeek says:

    NO! These leftist do not get the luxury of throwing THEIR empty suit under the bus! NO! They must take responsibility for their actions of promoting this amateur leftist onto the American voter. Their judgment and opinions must be damaged and their livelihood ended as media commentators and “journalists.” President Obama is a made up illusion promoted by the likes of these beguiled commentators and “journalists” and they have ruined our nation and think they can instantly be forgiven? NO!

  13. wilde1 says:

    It will be interesting to see how the press reviews Obama’s first 100 days. Will they be slobbering all over again? Will they state the obvious? His non leadership style proves the error in voting for a senator as president. There were two rotten choices in 2008.

  14. CinderellaMan says:

    I absolutely revered Peggy Noonan until her about-face, from traditional conservative to slightly left-of-center pseudo-republican ( ok, maybe that’s an overstatement, but not by much).

    Obama lied some more last night. Where does deficit reduction square with trillions of dollars in wasted spending? Where does he come off calling for increased regulatory control when he can’t even account for the TARP monies, and when he sends 5 billion to ACORN?!!!

    All those people on the Obama bandwagon will officially turn coat when they realize that entities like the Congressional Budget Office and the Wall Street Journal are point on.

    I know I have written my Congressman ( Arcuri-D) twice, and both times I was provided an answer that clearly equates to socialism, really. It is all about a party determined to push through their social entitlements and tax revenue plans, along with their projected spending extravaganza at the complete expense of the country. They are being coy about it… eg. plans to tax the coal industry ( they are 60% of the energy in this country)… just one example of where they are going with this. They aren’t stupid, just devious and determined.

    I thought Major Garrett had the best question of the night, and forced Obama to state that he did not see the potential for a new reserve currency abroad… as if this country can control what the Asians and Europeans think about the value of the dollar. They monetized the debt last week, printing trillions, and the idea that this will devalue the dollar significantly within a couple years is about as certain as any physical imperative known to man.

  15. Boria says:

    Today whilst hosting for Laura Ingraham you said that Freedom should be the goal of minorities in this Country, not the government dole. Thought it was really insightful.
    Unfortunately so-called liberals-socialists is a more appropriate word- cannot stomach the idea that people are willing to climb to any height if left alone and given the opportunity.
    The government has created more poor, more dependency, and more sloth than any discriminatory behavior on the part of the “oppressive” majority could ever.

  16. Boria says:

    I turned against Peggy Noonan when she thought Sarah Palin was not good enough to run for the VP job. I thought it showed her snobbism. Just because she was a speechwriter for RWR, does not give her the right to decide for Joe Sixpack and Jane Twocoolers who can best represent Americans.

  17. Boria says:

    I have not met an Obama voter yet who has been able to tell me why he voted for him except for “hope and change.” Voting for him because he is Black does not count. That’s racist and incoherent!

  18. April says:

    The scenario eerily reminds me of “American Idol” when during the tryouts this “singer” happen to magically sailed though to Hollywood, and barely squeaked by during the Hollywood round, actually making it to the top 24. The top 24 is when the actual singing competition begins.

    Now in the top 24, Barack Obama is singing rather flat and off key at best. He’s messing up…bad!

    I swear I’m watching season 6 all over again when that Sonjya kid kept squeaking by due to his crazy hair styles, yet singing dreadfully flat. The audience starting to realize something does not fit right and eventually voted him out.

  19. AntonK says:

    Charles Johnson at Little Green Footballs seems to think that no one in their right mind would want Obama to fail. Charles refers to the “vast middle” as not possibly wanting Obama to fail. Odd, I think. Does Charles really think that the vast middle want Obama to succeed at entirely changing the character of the United States, as he is clearly, by policy, bent on doing? Does Charles think that the vast middle wants ACORN and Soros running the show?

  20. AntonK says:

    URL for Little Green Footballs post referenced above:

  21. KWH says:

    LGF’s has gotten as bad as the Moveon crowd. You’re better off flossing your teeth with a horseshoe. It once was in my daily reading but that was long ago. Pass.

  22. Mwalimu Daudi says:

    The only way the government-backed media will throw the Won under the bus is if He becomes such a liability that not even ACORN and the Holder Justice Department can save the Democrat Party. Don’t hold your breath on that happening.

    With the government increasingly beyond the fell clutches of the unwashed heathen rabble called voters, the new power struggle in the Imperial City will be between the Won, the House of Lords (Congress), and the government-backed press that installed both of them. The growing disenchantment of the media overlords is merely a reflection of disappointment in their creation, not a genuine change of heart. The scales remain firmly glued to their eyes.

  23. LongviewCyclist says:


    Someone sells their soul to the devil. Then they are surprised to find out that he’s a slick, low-down, lying, cheating thief.


  24. Ripper says:

    1. LGF has become almost unreadable with its excessive threads about creationism. We owe Charles Johnson a debt of gratitude for exposing the Dan Rather fraud but he is starting to return to his liberal roots.

    2. Thank you SlimFemme and Midwest Kay

    3. Boria – I used to ask all the Obama supporters what was his qualification to be POTUS and would they go to a Dentist or Doctor who had the equivalent experience? All I got back were platitudes in response.

  25. felix says:

    Rush had an interesting observation on his show today, about the constant barrage of Obama via either news conferences, tv shows,appearances on comedy shows, get the message?

    There is not a day goes by without him staging some kind of news crap.

    Keep on, O wise one, familiarity breeds contempt.

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