Participated in the ‘Cultural Warrior’ segment regarding the increasing absurdity of Meghan McCain’s attacks on women she admittedly doesn’t know or ‘understand’–Ann Coulter and Laura Ingraham.

Bottom line–if you don’t understand the popularity of either of those women, or claim to not even know who Laura Ingraham is, you have no business pontificating about politics. But revealing yourself as ignorant apparently gives one extraordinary credibility on the left.

My last point on O’Reilly was a point to Meghan: She has to decide if becoming a Useful Idiot for the left is worth the price to be invited to more parties. After a few conversations with Meghan my assessment of her is this: she is desperate to get back into the good graces of the social left, with which she still strongly identifies and this attacking of conservative women (who also just happened to be critical of her father) just may get it for her. Secondly, she very much liked the attention she received on the campaign trail, and wants it to continue. Apparently, however, any attention will do.

I am always frustrated with how brief these segments are, but I think I made some decent points, certainly more decent than the last appearance. I hope.


Here are some follow up links. First Laura Ingraham’s response to Useful Idiot Meghan McCain. Secondly, a post at Hot Air with Laura audio from this morning addressing Meghan’s comments on The View. It opens with Meghan saying she had never heard of Laura until this happened. Meghan says this with such ease even though it is patently untrue. During the presidential campaign I interviewed Meghan and her mother while filling in for…The Laura Ingraham Show. I know for a fact Meghan knows full well who Laura is, and yet she felt compelled to lie about the simplest fact.

This entire situation is a shame, and even though I may have more in common regarding certain social issues with Meghan, I have a great deal more respect for Laura.

This section is for comments from's community of registered readers. Please don't assume that Tammy agrees with or endorses any particular comment just because she lets it stand.
24 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. palin2012 says:

    You were great on O’Reilly and looked beautiful. I think you are exactly right about Megan M. I believe she is trying to position herself as a “centrist” which really means a leftist, liberal pretending to be a Republican conservative. You may be next on her radar Tammy – she will be biting off more than she can chew :).

  2. KWH says:

    I was watching tonight and saw your segment. Yes, they are really too short to get much info in but I thought you did well and got your point across to those that actually listen. Bill almost wet his pants with your pro choice stance.
    Anyway, Meghan shows her true “values” or lack of the more she opens her gaping pie hole. She’s another RINO and I don’t know whom she’s trying to suck up to so she can get another 15 minutes of fame. Maybe she’s trying to find herself? Personally, I label her more left than center “moderate”. And to go a step further, irrelevant. IMO, the Republican party will never hold power again as long as the true conservative values aren’t embraced. What’s the point of a Liberal Lite Party?
    Nothing to see here people, please move along.

  3. Tink says:

    Your points got through Tammy, and your presence was a very refreshing break from Bill’s usual giggling and flirting with Crowley and Hoover.

    I think you’re dead on about Meghan. It’s really sad to see her do this in public. It’s like she’s on some kind of “McCain Apology Tour 2009.” It actually makes me pretty angry. She needs to get a real job and work a while. Obviously, idle hands…

    My only question is if this is on behalf of the whole family.

  4. AntonK says:

    There’s a lesson in here, and it’s that if you want to get rich, forget the lotto. Tammy, if you do a sudden Left turn now, you’d be wallowing in money and fame within six months. No doubt about it.

    Do a Andrew Sullivan (or more recently, what appears to be Charles Johnson of LGF teetering on the edge), and you’ll immediately be a darling to the Meghan McCain-loving crowd.

  5. KWH says:

    “Charles Johnson of LGF….”
    I saw where LGF was headed years ago and took my leave. It got really bad there. If you questioned nearly any of their BS, you were eviscerated. They became like a pack of wolves tasting blood. They became exactly like the left; the very ones they railed against. I pointed this out only to become a target myself. I took my leave soon after.

  6. Steven W says:

    Tammy you did an excellent job. I do think it must be difficult to be in Megaan’s shoes and you are correct, she does have to make a choice if she is going to be a useful idiot.

    I gotta a $50 that says she has never read a Coulter book in her life.

  7. ashleymatt says:

    I don’t mean to sound bitter, but could someone explain to me why, er, substantively-challenged people like Margaret Hoover and Dennis Miller get a weekly segment on O’Reilly, but Tammy has to sit opposite twits when she’s invited on? O’Reilly does like to talk, but at least Tammy could get a word in if it were just she and Bill one on one.

    This is the second segment in a row where we’ve had to tolerate the Charlie Brown teacher speech of the other guest, and then Tammy has to rapid fire her points in a matter of seconds (thankfully she’s good at that, but geez). This topic was a great one for Tammy to speak on, but instead we get to listen to a pundit-by-bloodline giggle and flirt through half of it. Fox acts like they don’t know what they’re doing sometimes.

  8. ashleymatt says:

    But yes, Tammy, you did look beautimous.

  9. laughingatpinheads says:

    Meg-ham looks like she’s smuggling illegal aliens in her ass. Come to think of it, that would make her daddy proud!

  10. Rich says:

    Good job, Tammy!

    Unfortunately, the bloviator has a bad habit of interrupting people before they finish making their point.

    Personally, i dont give a hoot what Mccain’s daughter thinks, nor am I impressed with people’s needs to be invited to the “in” parties in DC. It goes to the heart of superficiality of politics in Washington, Dee-zaster.

  11. ussjimmycarter says:

    Tammy, you need a show on TV! You speak for us bitter clingers out here! Ms (can we still use that here in the US or is Barry following the EU’s lead) McCain is a product of her father’s maverickyness. It is worn very thin with the Senator and there is no tolerance remaining for his daughter!

  12. Ripper says:

    Meghan voted for Kerry. That tells you all you need to know about her. O’Reilly never lets his guest finish a sentence. The fact that he did not even know that you are pro choice (I am too) show how ill prepared he is.

  13. Ripper says:

    By the way Margaret Hoover needs to switch to decaf.

  14. Ripper says:

    Actually I like the Dennis MIller segments as well as Bernie Goldberg’s. I just wish that O’Reilly would STFU at times.

  15. DogOnCrack says:

    Tammy, you did a fine job as always, looked great and Bill actually gave you a little bit of time to speak for once.
    Now we just need to get you a show on FNC.
    Some friends and I are working on that.

  16. Idiot#3 says:

    When Tammy comes on TV, I’m glued to it. She makes whoever is opposite look like fluff. As for O’Reilly, he apparently learned his listening skills during a wharf-side bar-room argument.

    BTW, Tam, you do have a naughty librarian look going that draws the eye even when another person is speaking…don’t mean anything, just sayin’…

  17. gritster says:

    Meghan is a RINO in more ways then one.

  18. zbvhs says:

    I heard the rant the other night about taxing medical insurance benefits. I fully agree but unfortunately, the precedent has been set: Social Security benefits are treated by the IRS as taxable income and have been for years. The right hand giveth and the left hand taketh away. Makes no sense whatever.

  19. naga5 says:

    a quick note while i work.
    tammy, great job as usual. it is terribly unfortunate that the powers that be don’t give you enough time to really flesh out your argument. that said, you were awesome with the precious little time allotted.
    i was watching hannity’s great american panel show when meghan was on. when asked about which republicans were up and coming leaders, she didn’t mention sarah palin.
    you looked gorgeous as usual, and yes, i am now following you on twitter.
    here’s hoping for tammy podcasting!

  20. CinderellaMan says:

    Tammy, your assessment of Meghan McCain is point-on. I can only add that she seems a little too sensitive regarding the comment by Laura Ingraham on her weight. Hey, Meghan, if you want to go on national TV and engage the opinion news journalists to gain retribution for your father and regain support from the leftwing blogosphere ( eg. Huffington Post ), then understand that everything is open and fair… including your weight. Good looking girl, would be quite stunning if she lost about 30, and that’s the truth.
    Aside from that, Bill O’Reilly appeared stunned that you are pro-choice Tammy. That was a bit awkward to be sure. I happen to be a practicing Roman Catholic, and pro-life, but I respect your opinion enough to accept your views Tammy.

    It’s not easy to reconcile things like rape pregnancies, severe birth defects, and other issues like birth control, with the present stance of the Catholic Church. I do believe that life begins at conception, and that my faith mandates following the divine guidance of the Pope, and the Blessed Sacraments. There are no easy answers there, but, unlike Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden, I make no false pretenses. Theycannot have their religion ala carte. It is indeed a struggle to follow one’s faith at times, but it is what I have settled on. I admit, however, to being uncomfortable with specific rare instances when it may make sense to enable a woman to have a voice in that which is growing inside her.

    For me, it comes down to faith and belief in the miracle of life rather than the the reality of choice.

  21. Shawmut says:

    Good observations on O’Reilly last night.
    The McCain girl is clearly being manipulated and, worse, she thinks she has ‘juice’. That’s the hard part. Clearly she’s enduring PDSS ‘post-dramatic-stress-syndrome’.
    Her, so sophisticatedly stated, fat ass should probably be hauled more so than kissed.
    If she comes around to reality, Tammy, maybe you could loan her some dignity. I believe you have more in reserve than we’ll ever live to see.
    Clearly, Tammy; ‘I luvs’ya’.

  22. imgoodthnks says:

    intelligent answers tammy.. as always, loooovvee tammy!!

  23. piboulder says:

    It looks like we’re seeing a repeat of Reagan’s children here. While Reagan was president Ron, Jr. and Pattie were quite liberal. I don’t know about Pattie, but Ron, Jr. still is. Michael and Maureen turned out closer to their parents’ politics. Children don’t always turn out like their parents.

  24. brutepcm says:

    I’m against domestic violence- I prefer the imported. (sorry)
    Srsly-Isn’t the wife beaters mantra: “See what you made me do,b%&#h?” Sort of like what Barney and Chris are doing to the banks.

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